
háo miǎo
  • millisecond
  1. 毫秒(ms)脉冲星计时观

    Viewpoints in China on Millisecond ( MS ) Pulsar Timing

  2. 如果您选择Controltherateofiterations,您可以设置迭代的速率为每毫秒、每秒、每分钟或每小时。

    If you select Control the rate of iterations , you can set the rate of iterations per millisecond , second , minute , or hour .

  3. SLEEPTIME指定两次连续查询可用内存之间的毫秒间隔。

    SLEEP_TIME specifies the time period in milliseconds between two consecutive queries for available memory .

  4. 每个Web服务客户机之间的时延是自动添加的;缺省值是零毫秒。

    The delay between each Web service call is automatically added ; the default value is zero milliseconds .

  5. Time类型也是一个长整数,表示自午夜起的毫秒数,以设置属性时所在的时区为当地时区。

    The Time type is also a long integer , representing the number of milliseconds since midnight , local to the timezone in which the property was set .

  6. 高浓度CO2诱导的小麦叶片毫秒延迟发光的振荡

    Oscillations in Millisecond Delayed Light Emission Brought About by High CO_2 Concentration in Wheat Leaves

  7. 当C≥0.497时的目标搜索是平行搜索,即目标搜索斜率小于或等于10毫秒/项目;

    Searching for a target is serial when C < 0.497 . That is , slope is bigger than lOmsec / item .

  8. 第四个参数(period)让你定义一个回调函数被调用的时间间隔(毫秒)。

    The fourth parameter ( period ) allows you to specify the interval ( in milliseconds ) at which the callback function should be called .

  9. 有一些相应的属性(所有的属性值单位都是毫秒,或者ms)

    These are the corresponding properties ( all property values are in milliseconds , or ms )

  10. tcplowrto的取值范围从0到3000毫秒。

    The range of values for tcp_low_rto is zero to3000 ms.

  11. 而MPLS快速重路由技术能够提供毫秒级的故障恢复工作,是目前最优秀的故障恢复技术。

    And MPLS fast reroute technology can provide milliseconds fault recovery .

  12. 当主CPU出现故障时,热备CPU可进行毫秒级快速切换。

    When the main CPU is failure , the hot-standby CPU will switch-over fast in micro-second class .

  13. 太阳射电毫秒Spike辐射窄带宽的理论探讨

    A theoretical study on the narrow bandwidth of the solar radio millisecond spike radiation

  14. 对训练中每次按键反应时间(RT)均以毫秒(ms)计测并予以记录。

    Each button pressing reaction time ( RT ) has been measured and recorded in unit of ms.

  15. Instant表示时间上的某个精确的时刻,使用从epoch开始计算的毫秒表示。

    The Instant represents an exact moment in time , expressed in milliseconds from the epoch .

  16. 对于这个负载水平,conservative调控器的平均请求延迟时间比其他两个调控器慢了约5毫秒。

    The conservative governor 's average request latency was about5ms slower than the other two governors for this load .

  17. END块中的normalize()函数把结果除以一百万,得到以毫秒为单位的时间数据。

    The normalize () function in the END block divides the result by a million to get the timing in milliseconds .

  18. TIMEOUT=nDomino服务器控制台报告信号量超时消息的速率(毫秒数)。

    TIMEOUT = n Rate at which the Domino server console reports semaphore timeout messages in milliseconds .

  19. 当Java平台第一次开始使用时,一毫秒仍然是相当短的时间间隔(特别是对于解释语言)。

    Back when the Java platform first came into use , a millisecond was still a fairly short time interval ( especially for an interpreted language ) .

  20. 算法在普通PC单线程运行,平均处理一帧图像的时间是160毫秒,基本满足实时性要求。

    Running single thread on ordinary PC , the time of processing one image frame is 160 ms averagely , which meets the basic real-time requirement .

  21. 10毫秒量程的延时NIM插件的研制

    A NIM Time Delay module of 10ms full range

  22. Y轴显示总事务数、失败的事务数(也就是遇到Web服务故障的事务)和平均响应时间(以毫秒为单位)。

    The Y axis shows the total number of transactions , the number of failed transactions , that is , transactions that encountered Web service failures , and the average response time in milliseconds .

  23. 接着,在几百毫秒内,机械压力逐渐减弱,纤芯温度逐渐增加,这两个因素导致x偏振和y偏振的光栅波长都红移。

    Both grating wavelengths of x - and y-polarization subsequently experience a red-shift due to the relaxation of mechanical stress and the increasing core temperature in many microseconds .

  24. 根据这个理论模型,本文着重研究了太阳射电毫秒Spike辐射的频带宽度问题。

    On the basis of the above model , we have emphatically studied the bandwidth of the solar radio millisecond spike radiation .

  25. 要度量网络的性能,添加SocketTimeout=x,其中x是允许的成功套接字打开操作的毫秒数。

    To measure performance of the network , add Socket_Timeout = x , where x is the number of milliseconds to allow for a successful socket open operation .

  26. 外层的X射线和炽热的等离子气体将继续向上向外扩张,将挡球网、双方队伍、看台以及周围的居民区一一吞没——而这些都将发生在球被掷出后的第一个毫秒内。

    The shell of x-rays and superheated plasma would expand outward and upward , swallowing the backstop , both teams , the stands , and the surrounding neighborhood-all in the first microsecond .

  27. 论文在高密度测量(测量间隔为10毫秒)的基础上发现小时间尺度下Internet往返延迟表现出规律的锯齿状突发态和平稳态两种截然不同的特性。

    The major contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) The dissertation studies the Internet packet round-trip time dynamics in small time scale , based on high density network measurements with interval of 10ms .

  28. 该temperature对象的totaltime方法以毫秒为单位返回发起和完成请求所需的时间。

    The totaltime method of the temperature object returns the time in milliseconds it took to make and complete the request .

  29. 在通用操作系统中,运行在通用JVM上的标准Java应用程序只能期望满足几百毫秒级别的软RT需求。

    Standard Java applications running on a general-purpose JVM on a general-purpose operating system can only hope to meet soft RT requirements at the level of hundreds of milliseconds .

  30. 测试还表明具有非常低的延迟,在InfiniBand上每秒提交一万条120字节的消息所需延迟为30毫秒,在Ethernet上为61毫秒。

    Testing has also measured very low latency of30 microseconds for120-byte messages delivered at10,000 messages per second on InfiniBand or61 microseconds on Ethernet .