
mín shì sù sònɡ fǎ xué
  • science of civil procedure law
  1. 中国近代民事诉讼法学的诞生与成长

    The Emergence and Development of Chinese Modern Civil Procedural Law

  2. 浅议《民事诉讼法学》的教学改革

    Discussing on the Reform of Teaching of Law Science of Civil Action Simply

  3. 论民事诉讼法学基本范畴

    Discuss on the Basic Categories of Civil Procedure Law

  4. 民事诉讼法学研究对象新探

    New Explorations on the Object of Study of the Science of Civil Procedural Law

  5. 新中国民事诉讼法学60年的回顾与展望

    Review and Forecast of the 60 Years of New China Civil Procedural Law Science

  6. 民事诉讼法学教学若干问题探讨

    Research on the Teaching of Civil Procedural Law

  7. 民事诉讼法学教学方法初探

    Try Of Teaching Methods Of Civil Procedural Law

  8. 高职法学教育民事诉讼法学案例库建设的应用性研究

    The Applied Characteristic of the Case Storage of Civil Procedure Law of Higher Legal Vocational Education

  9. 预决事实是否具有预决效力的问题,是民事诉讼法学中一个较为突出的理论难点。

    The theory of pro-decided issues has been a sensitive area of the doctrine of civil procedure .

  10. 必要共同诉讼制度是民事诉讼法学研究的热门话题,也是难题。

    Necessary joint action is a hot topic of Civil Action research , also a difficult problem .

  11. 关于中国民事诉讼法学研究对象和方法的研究回顾与展望

    A Review and Expectation of the Object and Method of the Study on the Science of Chinese Civil Procedure Law

  12. 目前,我国的民事诉讼法学缺乏对民事审限制度专门性和系统性的研究。

    For the present , there are no special and systematical opinions on the system about trial time of civil case .

  13. 民事诉讼法学研究对象确定的理论基础是矛盾的特殊性。

    The pinpointing of the object of study of the science of civil procedural law is theoretically based on the particularity of contradiction .

  14. 由于法制发展本身的局限,我国民事诉讼法学对民事诉权理论中的许多基本问题仍没有进行理论上的论证和分析。

    The theoretical research and analysis have not been established in our procedural jurisprudence , due to the restriction by our legal development .

  15. 民事诉讼法学基本范畴分为主体范畴、核心范畴、立法范畴、司法范畴、哲理范畴。

    The basic categories of civil procedure law are : Subject category , Core category , Legislation category , Jurisdiction category Philosophy category .

  16. 既判力是大陆法系民事诉讼法学的基本理论范畴,它以其客观范围为核心。

    Res Judicata is the basic theory of the civil procedural law in the continental law system , whose core is its objective scope .

  17. 在论述民事诉讼法学基本范畴定义和特征的同时,笔者探讨了与之相关的某些理论问题,以对民事诉讼法学范畴理论的建立作一些必要的理论准备。

    Discuss the definitions and characters of the basic categories , the author approach some theory problems related to the basic categories of civil procedure law .

  18. 本文主要目的是初步构建民事诉讼法学中诉的利益的理论体系及其具体制度,全文共五章。

    The main goal of this article is initially constructs the theory system and concrete system of the benefit of litigation in the Civil Procedure Law .

  19. 近年来,民事诉讼法学界和司法实务界有观点力主取消或弱化民事抗诉制度,并以诸多的理由作为支持其观点的根据。

    In recent years , there are some arguments for canceling and weakening the civil protest system in theory and in judicial practice supported by several reasons .

  20. 这些研究无论在深度和广度上都不能满足我国民事诉讼法学发展的需要。

    In conclusion , their study has failed to meet the requirements of the developing research of the Chinese Code of Civil Procedure both in depth and width .

  21. 然而长期以来管辖权异议似乎只是民事诉讼法学领域的问题,在行政诉讼法领域鲜有人提及。

    However , in long period of time , long-standing jurisdiction objection is only mentioned by Scholars of civil Procedure Law , Few people of administrative litigation has Discussed it .

  22. 证据契约1是大陆法系民事诉讼法学理论中的一个概念,在德国,其经历了从肯定到否定再到肯定的发展过程。

    " Evidence contract " is mainland civil procedural law in the theory of a concept , in Germany , its experienced from sure to deny to certain development process .

  23. 当庭宣判的理论研究,对于民事诉讼法学的理论建构、民事诉讼的立法和司法实践都具有重要的意义。

    The theoretical study of the RJC is of great significance to both the theoretical foundation of civil procedure law science and the legislation , as well as enforcement of civil procedure rules .

  24. 诉权概念作为整个大陆法系民事诉讼法学的基石,一直都被大陆法系民事诉讼法学家所潜心研究,并形成了诸多的诉权理论。

    The concept of Action Right , as the footstone of civil litigation laws in the entire mainland laws , has been studied with great concentrations by the scholars of civil litigation laws .

  25. 证明责任制度一直是民事诉讼法学界研讨的核心课题之一,渊源可以追溯到成文法的诞生。

    The system of proof duty is always one of the core subjects that deliberate by the academic circle of civil lawsuit . Its origin can be traced to the emergence of the formal law .

  26. 既判力理论是民事诉讼法学体系中的重要理论之一,就其理论内部而言,既判力客观范围理论是最具实践意义的课题,具有举足轻重的重要地位。

    Res judicata theory is an important theory to Civil law system and the objective scope of res judicata theory is the most practical aspect of the system , playing an important role in the theory .

  27. 我国民事诉讼法学界对此研究已有十余个年头,却仍处于不系统、不成熟的状态。

    And it is a concept of the civil procedure theory of the civil law system . Though we already had studied on this issue more then ten years , it still was not systematically and not mature .

  28. 诉的利益是经典的民事诉讼法学术语,它起源于大陆法系民事诉讼理论,但我国一直没有将其正式运用于民事诉讼法理论和实践。

    Interest of litigation is a classic terminology of civil procedure law , it originated from the theory of civil action in continental law system . But it has not applied formally in the theory and practice of civil procedure law in China .

  29. 也就是说,民事诉讼法学的研究对象应该是法官与当事人之间的矛盾,以及法官与当事人既对立,又统一,促使诉讼矛盾必然解决的规律。

    In other words , the object of study of the science of civil procedural law ought to the law of the unity of opposites between the judge and litigant which leads to the resolution of the contradiction in the civil procedural activities .

  30. 本文是在民事诉讼法学者前期研究成果的基础上,进一步系统研究民事保全程序理论的博士学位论文,并在此基础上力图建构能够适应和匹配我国民事诉讼机制的民事保全体系。

    This dissertation systematically examines the theory of civil preservation procedure based on the earlier analysis from scholars in the field of civil litigation , whilst intends to establish a setup of civil preservation which is appropriate and matched to the civil litigation in China .