
  • 网络private investment;social investment;BOT;Non-stateOwnedinvestment
  1. VAR结果表明,我国通货紧缩的初始冲击主要是民间投资的下降,而导致紧缩局面进一步恶化的最主要因素则在于居民消费需求萎缩;

    The VAR results show that the deflation was precipitated primarily by shocks to private investment and deepened mainly by the sharp decline of consumption .

  2. 命题9:如果没有激励民间投资的有效措施出台,积极财政政策淡出将使H省经济增长速度下滑。

    Theorem 9 : If the proper measures are not taken to stimulate private investment , the economic growth rate in H Province will diminish due to the gradual retreat of positive fiscal policy .

  3. 政府投资、外商投资、民间投资与GDP的数量关系及政策选择

    Quantitative Links and Policy Choice between GDP and Governmental Investment , Foreign Investment and Non - Governmental Investment

  4. 对民间投资方而言,交通流量的不确定性是最大的风险因素,可以运用蒙特卡罗模拟计算风险值VaR;

    Uncertainty of service quantity is the main risk factor to the private sector and Monte Carlo Simulation can generate the probability distributions of possible outcomes and calculate the value at risk .

  5. 本文就城市交通基础设施融资的问题进行了分析,并提出了城市交通基础设施融资的四种途径:PPPs、BOT项目融资、民间投资、金融市场。

    This article mainly analyzes the financing problems of traffic infrastructures , and offers four channels ( PPPs 、 BOT 、 Private Investment 、 Financial Market ) to finance these huge funds .

  6. 激活民间投资促进西部大发展

    Stimulate Nongovernmental Investment and Promote Greater Development in the Western Region

  7. 因此,启动民间投资是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    So , starting folk investment is a complex system engineering .

  8. 影响民间投资增长的因素分析

    The Analysis of the Factors Affecting Private Investment Growth of China

  9. 产业结构调整:启动民间投资;

    To adjust the industrial structure ; to employ domestic investment ;

  10. 我国民间投资行为现状研究

    Research On the Current Status of Non-governmental Investment in Our Country

  11. 中国东西部投资环境的比较分析我国东西部民间投资的比较及战略思考

    Analysis Investment Environment of Chinese Eastern and Western Region by Comparison

  12. 我国民间投资财产权法律保护研究

    Study of Legal Protection with Property Right in Private Investment in China

  13. 以民间投资促甘肃经济结构调整

    Promoting the Regulation of Economic Structure in Gansu by Using Civilian Investment

  14. 民间投资发展产业集群研究

    A Research of Private Investment Utilization in Developing Industrial Clusters

  15. 民间投资发展问题探析

    A Probe for the Development Questions of the Private Investments

  16. 降息启动民间投资的思考

    Consideration on the improvement of civilian investment through the reduction of interest

  17. 简化民间投资的项目审批手续,提高办事效率。

    Simplify approval procedure for private investment project and increase working efficiency .

  18. 国债筹资对民间投资和消费的经济效应实证分析

    Analysis of Economic Effects of National Debt-issuing on Private Investment and Consumption

  19. 河北省民间投资现状和发展研究

    A Research on Status and Development of Nongovernmental Investment in Hebei Province

  20. 这些问题都制约了农村小型农田水利设施的民间投资。

    These problems are restricting the rural small water conservancy facilities investment .

  21. 我国政府投资对民间投资的影响

    The Influence of Governmental Investment on Nongovernmental Investment in China

  22. 启动民间投资的依据、制约因素及其对策

    The Basis , Restricting Factors and Countermeasures of Starting the Nongovernmental Investment

  23. 进一步放宽民间投资准入领域。

    Further soften the entry fields for the non-governmental investment .

  24. 关于民间投资的体制性障碍分析

    An Analysis on the Obstacle of System of Folk Investment

  25. 扩大内需:关键是启动民间投资

    Stimulant to Non-governmental Investment & Key to Increasing Internal Demand

  26. 预期利润率与民间投资行为分析

    Expected Pr of it Margin and Analysis of Private Investment

  27. 美国鼓励民间投资的政策与启示

    The Policy of US Encouraging Nongovernment Investment and Its Revelation

  28. 对延边民间投资状况的几点思考

    Reflections on the Non-governmental Investment in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture

  29. 论如何促进民间投资进一步发展

    How to Promote the Further Development of Nongovernmental Investment

  30. 天津市发展民间投资的可行性分析

    Analyse on the Feasibility of Nongovernmental Investment in Tianjin