
  • 网络climate index;UTCI;Climate Counts
  1. 人体舒适度气候指数Web评价系统的建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of Human Comfort Climate Index Estimated Model

  2. 用这3个因子建立的葡萄品质气候指数作指标,把新疆葡萄产区划分为4个品质不同的气候区。

    Xinjiang grape production area is divided into 4 climate regions with different quality , using grape quality climate index established by these 3 factors as targets .

  3. 中国气候变化指数分析

    An Analysis on Indices of Climate Change in China

  4. 宁夏中北部地区沙尘暴频率气候影响指数模型的建立

    Simulating the Effect of Climate on the Dust Storm Frequency in North and Middle Region in Ningxia

  5. 历年气候干旱指数平均为0.002,极值出现在下游的民勤地区,达0.581。

    The average arid index was 0.002 , with a maximum of 0.581 in the lower Minqin region .

  6. 建立的气候影响指数模型,能够用来解释当前浑善达克沙地沙尘暴频率的分布格局。

    It was proved that the established index model could be used to well-explain the distribution pattern of sandstorm frequency in the study region .

  7. 就光温/气候潜力指数加和算法,采用以能值为基础确定标准产量折算系数β,引入光温潜力协调系数γ;

    ⑴ To addition of Photo-Thermal Productivity Index , converting standard yield coefficient β was determined based on energy value , and harmonizing Photo-Thermal Productivity coefficient γ was introduced .

  8. 本文以综合气候舒适指数为变量,构建旅游气候模型,从气候舒适度视角定量分析了气候变化对旅游业的影响。

    In this paper we take comprehensive climate comfort index as a variable , construct tourism climate models , analyze the influence of climate change on tourism from the climate comfort degree angle .

  9. 热量利用率高达0.987,降水利用效率15.15kg/(mm·hm2),气候生产力利用指数0.49。

    Heat use efficiency is 0.99 , precipitation is 15.15kg / ( mm · hm2 ) the climate produce potential exponent is 0.49.The increase produce have the obvious effect changing one into two cultivation a year .

  10. 采用Holdridge潜在蒸发方法计算出了泾河流域的气候干燥度指数,构建了遥感植被指数与气候干燥度指数之间的回归模型。

    Potential evaporation equation of Holdridge was employed to calculate climatic aridity index ( AI ), and construct the regression model between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ( NDVI ) and AI .

  11. 通过定量估算气候适生性指数(CFI),对神农架周边区域不同海拔条件下气候状况、气候适生性进行了综合评价并把不同海拔高度下的气候条件与国外烟区进行了相似性分析。

    The climate feasibility indexes ( CFI ) were quantitative estimated , climate status and climate feasibility indexes at different altitudes were evaluated , and similarity analysis of climate conditions between Shennongjia surrounding areas and high-quality tobacco-growing areas overseas was analyzed .

  12. 热带陆地气候对叶面积指数的敏感性:地面传导与反照率的作用。

    Sensitivity of tropical land climate to leaf area index : role of surface conductance versus albedo .

  13. 这份地图都是根据气候变化适应指数编制的,这项指数自1992年起一直监测着192个国家的受气候变化影响的45个内外部指标。

    The map is based on data compiled by the ND-Gain index , which has been monitoring 45 internal and external indicators of climate change exposure of 192 countries since 1992 .

  14. 交叉运用分等的土壤肥力图、气候生产潜力指数曲线图来选择作物适宜生长区和改良土地用养结构;

    Classified soil fertility plat and connotative climate production index curve are used together to select the area in which crops can grow well and the structure of land using and maintaining can improved .

  15. 采用目前比较流行的旅游气候生理指标舒适指数、风效指数和气候特征来评价该区域的气候条件;

    The traveling climate physiology indexes , which are more popular at present , comfort index , wind effect index , and climate characteristics were adopted to evaluate the climatic conditions of this region .

  16. 气候是影响人们旅游活动的重要因子。本文选取了人生气候舒适指数来衡量城市旅游气候的舒适性,该指数包括温湿指数、风效指数、着衣指数。

    Climate is the main factor in tourism development This article used the human climate suitability index to evaluate the climate suitability of cities , including the THI ( temperature humidity index )、 K ( index of wind effect ) and ICL ( index of clothing ) .

  17. 应用农业生态气候适宜度理论结合山东的实际,计算出全省119个县(市)的农业生态气候指数,定量与定性相结合,分析了山东省农业生态气候资源的主要特点。

    In this paper , by the theory of agro ecoclimate suitability degree we calculated the agro ecoclimate indices from 119 counties and cities of Shandong . Combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis , we concluded the main character of agro ecoclimate resources in Shandong .

  18. 为了定量分析和分类评价农业生态气候资源,根据甘肃省86个气象台站多年平均的气候资料,采用农业生态气候适宜度的动态模型,计算了甘肃农业生态气候的资源指数、效能指数和利用系数;

    Based on the over years data from 86 meteorological stations in Gansu Province , the agro ecoclimatic resources in this province was systematically analyzed . Resource indices Cr , efficiency indices Ce and utilization coefficient K were calculated by using the dynamic models of agro ecoclimatic suitability degree .