
zhèn xuě
  • snow shower
阵雪 [zhèn xuě]
  • [snow shower] 短时间或在一定地区内强度有显著变化的降雪

阵雪[zhèn xuě]
  1. 今晚山上可能有零星的小阵雪。

    There may be the odd flurry of snow over the hills tonight .

  2. 这些报道前后不一。天气预报报道今天后半夜将有阵雪。

    These accounts show no consistency . The forecast calls for snow flurries later tonight .

  3. 受冷流影响,东北北部管区局地有小阵雪。

    Affected by the cold , the northern part ofthe Northeast District Council to have a small snow .

  4. 这是“阵雪行动”的一部分,而整个行动要求轰炸机飞到英格兰模拟发射导弹以测试其精确度。

    It was part of Operation Snow Flurry , in which bombers flew to England to perform mock drops to test their accuracy .

  5. 十月份下阵雪时我们仔细查看了一些洼地。布朗的目光被一群乌鸦引到一具残骸上。乌鸦是最准确的向导之一。

    As we scan some bottomlands amid October snow flurries , Brown 's gaze is drawn by ravens , among his surest guides , to a carcass .

  6. 美国国家气象局气象专家吉姆·泰格说,今天的天气预报只说有阵雪,但是双子城的温度要比一般的寒风天气冷得多。

    National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Tiger says only flurries are in today 's forecast , but the twin cities will have colder than normal wind chills .

  7. 威尔士和苏格兰的部分地区周一可能见到雨夹雪,伴有越过部分苏格兰高地、坎布里亚和皮克区的阵雪预报。

    Parts of Wales and Scotland could see sleet on Monday , with snow flurries forecast over parts of the Scottish Highlands , Cumbria and the Peak District .

  8. 屋外,风雪肆意地刮着,仿佛要给这厨房吹起一阵雪雾。门外,却依旧漆黑一片,什么也看不清。

    Without , the storm drove so fast as to create a snow-mist in the kitchen ; but as yet it was too dark out-of-doors to see anything .