
  1. 湿浊瘀阻、气阴亏虚为病变结果。

    The stagnation of damp turgidity and insufficiency of qi and ying were the results of the disease .

  2. 气阴亏虚、痰瘀阻络是后遗症之基本病机,是再中之根本;

    Deficiency of qi and yin , phlegm and stagnant blood blocking collaterals are the basic pathogenesis of sequelae , and the root of repeated stroke .

  3. 本虚以气阴亏虚为主,病变主要责之脾肾。

    And the main deficient pathogeny in origin is the deficiency of both Qi and Yin , which is because of the dysfunctions of the spleen and kidney .