
  • 网络gallbladder heat
  1. 返流性食管炎胆热犯胃型与内镜下胆汁返流密切相关,HP感染多为实证。

    There was great relationship between bile reflux and Dan-Heat invading Stomach type .

  2. 结果:返流性食管炎分级与中医主要辨证分型有相关性,A级以肝胃郁热型(716%)为主,B级以胆热犯胃型(44%)为主;

    Results : The results showed that the grade of reflux esophagitis was related to the syndrome differentiation , grade A mainly to Liver-Stomach Heat type ( 71 6 % ), grade B mainly to Dan-Heat invading Stomach type ( 44 % ) .

  3. 经皮穿刺胆囊插管至胆总管灌注热盐水犬模型的建立

    A canine model establishment for hot saline perfusion after the gallbladder percutaneous puncture and the common bile duct catheter placement