
  • 网络BILE
  1. 方法:在Child术式基础上附加胰胆液分隔外引流。

    Methods : The pancreatoduodenectomy ( Child procedure ) with the individual external drainage of pancreatic juice and bile .

  2. 2胆液外漏、胆石掉出。

    Second factor was leakage of bile and drop of gallstone .

  3. 不同饲料条件下黑熊胆液分泌的观察

    Observation of bile secreted of the black bear in different feed condition

  4. 胰十二指肠切除术胰胆液引流方式的改进猪活体胆汁引流技术的改进

    Improvement of draining the pancreatic juice and bile in pancreatoduodenectomy The Improvements on Biliary Drainage Method in Living Pig

  5. 金蛇胆口服液急性毒性及镇咳抗炎药效研究

    A Study on The Acute Toxicity Experiment of King Snake Bile Oral Liquid and Its Antitussive and Antiinflammatory Effects

  6. 前言:目的:证实温胆降脂口服液对成年大鼠血脂的调节作用。

    Objective : To prove the regulating action of Wendan Jiangzhi Oral Fluid for serum fat of adult rat .

  7. 目的:观察金钱胆通口服液与金胆片治疗胆石症的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect and security of Jinqian Dantong oral liquid ( JDOL ) and Jindan tablet ( JT ) in the treatment of cholelithiasis .