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  • deuteron
  1. 非定域力和氘核磁矩(续)

    Nonlocal forces and the deuteron magnetic moment ( continued )

  2. 氘核可以和另一个质子聚合以生成一个氦3核。

    The deuteron can fuse with another proton to make a helium 3 nucleus .

  3. 在本文中用速度有关的核子核子作用势在Born近似下,计算了158Mev及340Mev的中子对氘核弹性散射截面。

    The elastic scattering cross-sections of 158 Mev and 340 Mev neutrons by deuteron with velocity-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions have been calculated in the Born approximation .

  4. 采用Ziegler的拟合公式精确计算质子、α粒子、氘核、反冲核等带电离子的能量沉积。

    Ziegler empirical formula is adopted to calculate the energy deposition of the charged particles .

  5. 采用核物质近似和Skyrme有效相互作用得到的核子微观光学势,用折叠公式计算了氘核的微观光学势。

    The nucleon microscopic optical potential is calculated by applying nuclear matter approximation and effective Skyrme interaction .

  6. 弹性e-d散射中氘核的张量极化t(20)与ρπγ耦合过程

    Tensor Polarization t_ ( 20 ) of Deuteron and ρπγ Process

  7. 给出了在核子与氘核弹性散射下的南氏变换。

    The Minami transformation for the nucleon-deuteron scattering has been given .

  8. 伴有靶核核心激发的氘核削裂反应

    The ( dp ) stripping reactions with the target core excitation

  9. 用加速的氘核来打击靶将不起作用。

    Accelerated beams of deuterons bombarding a target will not work .

  10. 在几种约束模式下氘核对氘核的势垒贯穿

    Penetration of deuteron into coulomb potential barrier of neighboring deuteron under several restriction conditions

  11. 夸克模型下氘核结构初探

    On the Structure of Deuteron under Quark Model

  12. 与温度有关的氘核光学势

    Temperature Dependent Deuteron Optical Potential

  13. 结果表明了氘核D-波分量的重要性;

    The results indicate that the effect of the D-wave component in the deutron wave function is quite important .

  14. 本文用双位阱壳模型投影交分方法对~6Li基态进行计算.计算说明,~6Li基态中氘的方均根半径比自由氘核的方均根半径小;

    The ground state of ~ 6Li is investigated by means of the projected variational method for double well-cluster shell model .

  15. 当前用于推导中子数据的主要氘核反应所用光子束流未得到标记,并且往往仅测量中子和质子的截面比率,而截面比率并不能有效区分单π介子生成和双π介子生成。

    Often , only ratios of proton-neutron cross sections have been measured with at times insufficient separation of single and double pion production channels .

  16. “氘核:氘原子的原子核,由一个质子和一个中子组成,被视为带单位正电荷的亚原子.”

    " deuteron : The nucleus of a deuterium atom , consisting of a proton and a neutron , regarded as a subatomic particle with unit positive charge . "