
shùn shí xìnɡ
  • instantaneity
  1. 动量守恒问题中运动的瞬时性

    Motion Instantaneity of Momentum Conservation Problems

  2. 动量的瞬时性分析

    Analysis of instantaneity of momentum

  3. 利用MATLAB软件进行了大量仿真实验,验证了其在带并联电抗器的超高压长输电线路的瞬时性故障与永久性故障的识别中具有良好的可行性。

    The results of simulation by MATLAB show that this method is valid to distinguish the transient faults and permanent faults on transmission line with shunt reactors .

  4. 该基因在胚胎性癌细胞P19向神经分化过程中存在瞬时性表达。

    And shown a transient expression during neuronal differentiation Of P19 EC cells .

  5. 小鼠巢蛋白(nestin)基因编码了一个中等纤维骨架蛋白,该基因在小鼠中枢神经系统发育过程中瞬时性表达。

    Abstract Mouse nestin , an intermediate filament gene , is transiently expressed during the development of the central nervous system .

  6. 提出了用于求解满足瞬时性态约束条件的结构时域最优化设计问题的改进SLP算法。

    An improved Sequential Linear Programming ( SLP ) algorithm is presented for time domain optimization of structures subjected to transient dynamic per - formance constraints .

  7. 对故障相恢复电压进行步长为20ms的差分,瞬时性故障时差分后的电压幅值较大,而永久性故障差分后电压幅值基本为零。

    Its frequency is power frequency . 20 ms-step differential of fault phase recovery voltage is used to distinguish transient fault from permanent fault .

  8. 该方法根据处理点的不同将流数据测量分成不同的种类,指出了基于SNMP采集的流量数据包具有瞬时性的特点,NetFlow流量数据包具有累加性的特点。

    It divides traffic data measurement into different types according to various data processing points . This method also indicates that the SNMP based traffic package has instantaneous property and NetFlow traffic package has accumulative property .

  9. 本文首先分析了单相瞬时性故障情况下的一次电弧和二次电弧模型,利用ATP-EMTP仿真软件仿真得到了不同故障性质情况下的故障相端电压波形;

    In this paper , firstly , based on the analysis of the models of the primary arc and the secondary arc under the temporary single-pole fault , the waveform of the voltage of faulty phase under the different type of fault is simulated by ATP-EMTP .

  10. 自动重合闸瞬时性故障的最佳重合时刻的智能捕获方法

    Intelligent Capturing Method of Optimal Time of Automatic Reclosing Transient Faults

  11. 随机环境中马氏链的瞬时性与闭集

    Transience and closed collection of Markov chains in random environment

  12. 相互作用瞬时性与时间测量精度

    The momentary of interaction and the precision of surveying time

  13. 她进来时,我正在吃饭。(瞬时性动词)

    When she came in , I was having dinner .

  14. 历史是永久性和瞬时性的结合体,现实是历史的延续,历史是现实的由来。

    History is a combination between permanence and transience .

  15. 库仑规范下势的瞬时性

    Probe into Potential Instantaneity in the Coulomb Standard

  16. 提出了一种新的智能实时捕捉方法,对瞬时性故障的最佳重合闸时间进行了捕捉。

    A new intelligent on-line capturing of the optimal reclosing time of transient fault is presented .

  17. 它是一种感觉公害,具有局部性,多发性及分散性与瞬时性的特点。

    And Noise pollution is localized , and the decentralized nature of multiple and instantaneous nature .

  18. 当然了,你们可以说“空间性与瞬时性”,可是为什么不说

    Sure , you can say " spatial and temporal , " but why not just say

  19. 由于强烈地震的罕遇性、突发性、瞬时性、破坏性和复杂性,观测、试验和分析等方法在实际应用中受到了一些限制。

    Because of features of strong earthquake , observation , experiment and analysis are restricted in some cases .

  20. 非常规突发事件的性质包括:爆发瞬时性、危害严重性、情景罕见性和事态复杂性。

    The nature of unconventional emergency includes instantaneous outbreak , serious destruction , rare scenarios and complex situations .

  21. 单相接地故障中瞬时性故障的判别研究一种配电网故障类型及相别的判别方法

    Identification of Temporary Faults for Single-phase on Transmission Lines ; A Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Grid Distribution

  22. 这种波动的特点是空间性和瞬时性的。

    In animation , the instantaneous removal of a pictorial information . Fluctuations are spatial and temporal in character .

  23. 因此,在重合前正确判别故障类型,只在瞬时性故障时予以重合,即实现自适应重合闸,是十分必要的。

    Therefore , before reclosing , discrimination of the fault type correctly to achieve adaptive reclosure is very necessary .

  24. 超高压输电线路的单相接地故障主要分为永久性故障和瞬时性故障,并且瞬时性故障是单相接地故障的主要表现形式。

    Single-phase grounding fault of EHV transmission line is mainly divided into two states : permanent fault and transient fault .

  25. 激光、电子束等高能束焊接加热具有升温速度快、热集中性与瞬时性强等特点,对被焊材料造成热冲击。

    Laser and electron beam welding produce thermal shocks on the materials with rapid transient and concentrated high energy beam .

  26. 激光驱动飞片冲击起爆技术在提高火工品的起爆安全性和瞬时性方面具有明显的优势。

    The initiation of explosives by laser-driven flyer has obvious advantages on improving the safety and initiation speed of initiators .

  27. 以火箭推进等问题,论述动量守恒问题中运动的瞬时性。

    Taking rocket launch as an example , the motion instantaneity of momentum conservation problems was discussed in the paper .

  28. 但自适应重合闸在某些情况下,会分不清线路到底发生了瞬时性故障还是永久性故障,仍有一定的缺陷。

    But in some cases , adaptive reclosing can confound instantaneous fault with permanent fault , so it has fault too .

  29. 它们共同的缺点就是在重合闸之前,完全是盲目的动作,无法区分线路发生的是瞬时性故障还是永久性故障。

    Their common shortcoming is that they act blindly entirely before reclosing and can not distinguish instantaneous fault from permanent fault .

  30. 输电线路的故障,多为单相接地故障并以瞬时性故障为主。

    Most of the EHV / UHV transmission line faults are single phase ground faults and mainly to the transient faults .