
  • 网络dental fluorosis;mottled enamel
  1. 结果在1692例受检者中,氟牙症患者共有51例,总检出率为3.01%,氟牙症指数为0.08,患者主要来自四川、重庆、河南、陕西、云南、贵州等省市。

    Results 51 workers were diagnosed as dental fluorosis among 1 692 workers , the prevalence was 3.01 % . The dental fluorosis index was 0.08 . Most victims came mainly from Sichuan , Chongqing , Henan , Shanxi , Yunnan and Guizhou provinces .

  2. 家长及老师对患氟牙症学生社会心理状况的评价

    Evaluation of the psychosocial status of students with dental fluorosis by parents and teachers

  3. Dean氟牙症指标与氟牙症牙面指数的比较

    Comparison of Dean 's index and tooth surface index of fluorosis

  4. 氟牙症对广州公众社会心理影响的分析

    Evaluation of the psychosocial influence of fluorosis on the public in Guangzhou

  5. 氟牙症和龋齿的病情呈反比关系。

    Dental caries and mottled enamel are inverse ratio .

  6. 31种元素在着色氟牙症釉质中的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of thirty one elements in the stained dental fluorosis of enamel

  7. 牙齿增白涂膜漂白氟牙症效果的离体牙实验研究

    The effect of a tooth-bleaching varnish in vitro

  8. 对于重度着色氟牙症,涂膜前进行酸蚀,可明显加强涂膜的漂白作用。

    Preoperative etching improved the effect of the varnish in severe discolored fluorine teeth .

  9. 两镇氟牙症患病率及指数均低于全国平均水平。

    The fluorosis incidence and FCI of the two towns were below the national level .

  10. 12岁、15岁和18岁居民的氟牙症指数也与饮用水氟具有高度的正相关性。

    Index of fluorosis of 12-year-old , 15-year-old and 18-year-old group well correlated with the fluorine of drinking water as well .

  11. 结论:牙齿增白涂膜是一种简便有效的牙齿漂白制剂,对不同原因的着色牙均有改善牙齿色泽的作用,但对重度着色的氟牙症涂膜75次尚不能达到完全治愈,需进一步改善。

    Conclusion : The tooth bleaching varnish is proved to be an effective , simple and practical method for the treatment of discolored teeth .

  12. 方法按照第二次全国口腔健康流行病学调查标准,对两镇13、14岁人群进行氟牙症流行病学调查。

    Methods According to the standard of the second national oral health epidemiological investigation , the incidence of fluorosis in 13,14-year-old residents of the two towns were examined .

  13. 目的了解南海市南庄镇和小塘镇人群氟牙症流行状况,作为制订防龋计划的依据和防龋项目评价的基线资料。

    Objective To provide the basis for caries prevention program and offer relevant evaluation criterion , dental fluorosis epidemiology study was made in Nanzhuang and Xiaotang , Nanhai City .

  14. 方法:选离体的烟茶染色牙为1组,又将氟牙症按其着色深浅分为轻度、中度和重度着色3组,共4组。

    Methods : Extracted cigarette and tea pigmented teeth were used as a group and extracted fluorosis pigmented teeth were divided into three groups according to the severity of the pigment .

  15. 建议调整饮食结构,改进茶叶品质,减少酥油茶摄入量,以降低氟牙症的患病率。

    In order to reduce the prevalence rate of Dental fluorosis , it is recommended that adjust the food composition , improve the quality of tea and reduce the in-take quantity of ghee-tea .

  16. 广州公众评价最显著的相关因素是氟牙症程度,偏相关系数均在0.7以上,评价者人口学特征也与评价结果相关。

    The most marked factor in the public evaluation was the degree of the fluorosis , and the partial correlation coefficient was above 0.7 . The demographic data of the evaluators was also correlated to the evaluation of the public .

  17. 有75%的病人患轻中度氟班牙症,故称该病为地方性铝氟病为宜。

    Since 75 % of patients suffered dental fluorosis , the disease is called endemic Aland F intoxication .

  18. 对河北邢台农村高氟区氟牙症患者社会心理状况的评价

    Evaluation of the psychosocial status of fluorosis patients in fluorosis epidemic areas

  19. 慢性地方性氟中毒病区氟牙症指数标准的探讨

    The Evaluation of Dental Fluorosis Indices in an Area of Epidemic Fluorosis

  20. 其次,局部高浓度氟化物的应用,可能导致急、慢性氟中毒及氟牙症的出现;

    Next it could result in urgent and Chronic fluoride poisoning together with dental fluorosis ;

  21. 高氟区龋病与氟牙症流行特点

    Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis in high-fluoride areas

  22. 结果:水氟浓度是影响氟牙症发生的最主要因素。

    Results : The major factor influencing dental fluorosis was fluoride concentration in drinking water .

  23. 结论锰、砷、硒、氟等元素含量与氟牙症的色素构成有密切关系。

    Conclusion Mn , As , Se , F content is closely related to the pigment formation in dental fluorosis of enamel .

  24. 砷氟联合中毒患者中龋齿和牙周病的患病率较高,而氟牙症的患病率较低。

    Of the patients suffering from arsenic-fluoride poisoning , the incidence of dental caries and periodontal is higher while the morbidity of mottled enamel is lower .