
qīng yuán zǐ
  • hydrogen atom
氢原子[qīng yuán zǐ]
  1. 碳原子的四个价电子都各与氢原子的一个价电子共用。

    Each of the four valency electrons of the carbon atom is shared with one of a hydrogen atom .

  2. 含一个氧原子和一个氢原子的OH负离子。

    The anion OH having one oxygen and one hydrogen atom .

  3. 氢原子可熔合成氦。

    Atoms of hydrogen are fused to make helium .

  4. 水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。

    A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen .

  5. 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。

    Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water .

  6. 甲烷分子由1个碳原子与4个氢原子构成。

    A methane molecule is composed of one carbon atom attached to four hydrogens .

  7. 水分子是由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成的。

    A molecule of water is formed by combining two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen .

  8. 酸在水中溶解时可生成带正电荷的氢原子。

    Acids produce positively charged hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water .

  9. 最简单的共价键分子由两个氢原子组成。

    The simplest covalently bonded molecule is formed from two hydrogen atoms .

  10. 重水分子中被标记的氢原子和氧原子可以在离开身体后被追踪到。

    Made from heavier forms of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water , this can be tracked as it leaves the body .

  11. 末端一个氢原子对中介相尤其是近晶C相的稳定性破坏很大。

    A terminal end hydrogen atom will greatly damage mesomorphic properties , especially smectic C phase .

  12. 氢原子波函数三维空间分布在MATLAB中的实现

    Plotting Spatial Distribution of Wave Function of Hydrogen Atom in Matlab

  13. H4氢原子团簇结构与能量的计算

    The Structure and Energy Calculations for H_4 Atomic Cluster

  14. 关于K氢原子能级移动的无参数计算

    Nonparameter calculation of the energy shift for K hydrogen atom

  15. 高度压缩下氢原子团Hn的结构

    Structure study of highly compressed atomic HN clusters

  16. 差值Fourier综合确定了氢原子的坐标。

    The hydrogen atom locations were determined by difference Fourier synthesis .

  17. 首先在E图上确定了溴原子位置,由加权傅里叶综合定出了其余26个非氢原子坐标。

    E-map and the remaining 26 non-hydrogen atoms were determined by weighted Fourier synthesis .

  18. 氢原子狄拉克方程在现代数学物理教科书中已精确求解,例如B。

    The Dirac equation for the hydrogen atom has been treated in modern mathematical physics textbooks , such as B.

  19. 用Matlab获得氢原子的电子云图像

    Probability image of electron in hydrogen by Matlab

  20. 本文研究强相互作用下的K氢原子的能级移动。

    The strong interaction energy shift of K hydrogen atom is studied in this paper .

  21. q变形氢原子的能谱

    Energy spectrum of a q-deformed hydrogen atom

  22. 氢原子的q形变及其波函数

    Q-deformation hydrogen atom and wave function

  23. 这对于氢原子来说是这样的,不论是p或,者s轨道,能量是一样的。

    So that 's true for a hydrogen atom , it doesn 't matter if you 're in a p or an s orbital , their energies are the same .

  24. 这里是氢原子的解,这里的能量E项,等于绿色字体的部分。

    So here 's the solution for a hydrogen atom , where we have the e term here is equal to everything written in green .

  25. 本文研究了氢原子中电子运动波函数和电子云图像的绘制方法,给出了用BASIC语言编写的绘图程序以及绘制的波函数和电子云的立体、等值、界面图。

    The paper studies the drawing picture methods of the waves function and electron cloud in a hydrogen atom , presented drawing picture program of writed with the BASIC language and all kinds distributing pictures .

  26. 在平面抛物线坐标系中求解二维氢原子的Stark效应

    A calculation for the Stark effect of a two-dimensional hydrogen atom in the plane parabolic coodinates

  27. 系统研究氢原子Stark能谱的数值方法Ⅱ&准稳态及其线型

    Systematic numerical method for studying stark spectrum of hydrogen atom - quasi-stable state and its profile

  28. 本文报导了氮气(N2)和氢气(H2)对氢原子束剥离截面的测量系统及实验结果。

    In this paper we describe the facilities for measuring the electron loss cross section of hydrogen atom beam in nitrogen and in hydrogen and report the experimental results .

  29. DIRAC类氢原子问题的一种简单解法

    A simple solution for the Dirac hydrogenlike atom

  30. 南山VLBI站氢原子钟的研制与性能测试

    The Study and Performance Evaluation of Hydrogen Masers Used in Nanshan VLBI Station