
  • 网络nitrogen assimilation
  1. 开放式空气二氧化碳浓度增高(FACE)条件下水稻的根系活力和氮同化能力

    Root activity and nitrogen assimilation of rice ( Oryza sativa ) under Free-Air CO_2 Enrichment

  2. 结果表明,氮同化关键酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性同Ca2+/CaM依赖性蛋白激酶(Ca2+/CaMPK)活性之间存在明显的相关性。

    The results showed that there was significant correlation between the key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation ( nitrate reductase , NR ; glutamine synthetase , GS ) and Ca 2 + / CaM dependent protein kinase ( Ca 2 + / CaM PK ) .

  3. CO2倍增对紫花苜蓿碳、氮同化与分配的影响

    Assimilation and allocation of carbon and nitrogen in Alfalfa under doubled co_2 environment

  4. 6-BA对葡萄果实生长及碳、氮同化物运输的影响

    The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape

  5. 不同氮素形态比例条件下接种AMF对玉米氮同化关键酶的影响

    Effects of AMF on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation in maize Under different ammonium to nitrate ratios

  6. 叶片中氨态氮同化酶GS活性变化较大且没有规律,而AAT活性在高磷供应时较高。

    GS activity changed acutely in different P-supply concentration , but AAT activity in higher P-concentration increased .

  7. NaHSO3对盐胁迫下小麦幼苗氮同化酶及脯氨酸含量的影响

    Effects of NaHSO_3 on Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes and Proline Accumulation of Wheat Seedlings Exposed to Salinity

  8. 小麦蚕豆间作系统中小麦的氮同化物动态变化特征

    Dynamics of Nitrogen Assimilates of Wheat in Wheat-Faba Bean Intercropping System

  9. 不同类型大豆品种氮同化和蛋白质积累规律的研究

    Research on Nitrogen Assimilation and Protein Accumulation Characters of Different Soybean Types

  10. 干旱胁迫下持绿小麦碳氮同化物转运与分配的研究

    The Transportation and Distribution of Carbon and Nitrogen in Stay Green Wheat under Drought Stress

  11. 太湖地区黄泥土氮肥对水稻产量、叶片碳氮同化及不同土层氮的影响

    Effects of long-term nitrogen application on yield , carbon-nitrogen assimilation in leaves and soil nitrogen

  12. 钙对小麦氮同化关键酶活性的影响及其与蛋白质磷酸化的关系

    Effect of calcium on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation and related to protein phosphorylation in wheat

  13. 说明在各盐浓度胁迫下施加氮素可使植物维持一定的氮同化速率,使之正常生长。

    And in each salt stress , nitrogen make plants maintain a degree of nitrogen assimilation rates , so that make the plants have a normal growth .

  14. 但是在代谢网络背景下,其在改变氮同化和碳代谢中的生理功能还不是很清楚。

    However , the basis of its physiological function that may alter the rate of nitrogen assimilation and carbon metabolism within the context of metabolic networks remains unclear .

  15. 但P4不能利用硝酸盐作为氮源同化为自身细胞物质,并在反硝化作用中测定到N2的存在,说明P4株反硝化作用是通过异化途径实现的。

    P 4 can not utilize nitrate as the nitrogen source in its assimilation . Since nitrogen can be detected in its denitrifying process , the denitration of P 4 must be implemented by its dissimilation .

  16. 氮硫同化关键酶;

    Key enzymes for N and S ;

  17. 其中,无机氮必须同化为有机氮才能为植物体所吸收和利用。

    Inorganic nitrogen must be assimilated as organic nitrogen which can be absorbed and used by plants .

  18. 灌浆末期旗叶内肽酶活性明显低于灌浆初期的,说明灌浆后期旗叶中水解能力下降,旗叶向籽粒输送氮的同化物较少。

    Endopeptidase activity in early filling stage was significantly higher than that in late filling stage , it showed that the hydrolysis ability of flag leaf decreased during the late filling stage , the assimilation of nitrogen to grain from leaves was less .

  19. 表明外源NO和ABA提高了自毒作用下辣椒幼苗的氮还原和同化能力,这可能是其提高植株抗自毒能力的一个重要原因。

    The above results suggested that NO and ABA enhanced the ability of nitrogen reduction and assimilation under autotoxicity stress , which might be a key reason for improving the autotoxicity tolerance of plants .

  20. 追氮处理物质同化量增加速度远远高于物质转运量的降低速度,使其产量高于N50处理。

    The material assimilation increases was much faster than the reduction in the quantity of substance transportation speed in topdressing N treatments .

  21. 两系杂交稻始穗期追氮钾肥对同化物运输与分配的影响

    Effects of nitrogen and potassium top-dressed at the initial heading stage on the translocation and partitioning of photoassimilate in Two-line Hybrid Rice

  22. 本文以香椿为实验材料,初步研究了香椿对硝态氮积累和同化的特征,期望为理解以及降低香椿体内硝酸盐的积累提供参考。

    Characteristics of nitrate accumulation and assimilation of Toona sinensis were studied in this paper , for the purpose of understanding how to reduce the accumulation of nitrate in Toona sinensis .

  23. 具体研究结果如下:光合细菌在高浓度水体中对氮磷的同化量很高。

    Also , the reasonable medium of photosynthetic bacteria is optimized . Specific results were as follows : It had a high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation in a high concentration of water .

  24. 保护性施氮对大豆氮素同化影响的研究

    Study on effect of protectively applied nitrogen on the nitrogen assimilation of soybean

  25. 比叶重和含氮量与净同化速率间存在正相关。

    Specific leaf weight and nitrogen content had positive relation to the net assimilation rate .

  26. 追氮延缓了净同化量最大值出现时期,有利于大豆鼓粒期间合成大量的光合产物,N15+35R4处理效果最为显著。

    Topdressing N retarded the period of the maximum net assimilation rate , which was in favor of photosynthetic products in filling period of soybean .

  27. 水稻植株对于土壤氮和肥料氮的吸收同化和分配

    Study on the absorption , assimilation and partitioning of soil N and fertilizer N by rice crop

  28. 砷毒害也改变了烤烟的氮代谢,造成生育前期氮同化能力的降低,表现出硝酸还原酶(NR)活性下降、总氮和蛋白质含量低于CK。

    Arsenic toxicity also altered nitrogen metabolism and resulted in a decrease in nitrogen assimilation capacity during the early growing stage . Nitrate-reductase ( NR ) activity , and protein and total nitrogen content were decreased compared with the control .

  29. 光和不同形态氮互作对小麦幼苗碳、氮同化的影响

    The Interactive Effect of Light and Different Nitrogen Forms on Assimilation of Carbon and Nitrogen in Wheat Seeding

  30. 在长期定位试验的基础上研究了太湖地区黄泥土不同施氮水平对水稻产量、碳氮同化及不同土层氮的影响。

    Based on long term stationary experiment , effects of long-term nitrogen application on yield , carbon-nitrogen assimilation of leaves and soil nitrogen in permeable paddy soil in the Tai Lake region were studied .