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  • nitrogen
  1. 应用~(15)N示踪法探讨烟草对氮素利用的研究

    Study on Utilization of Nitrogen in Flue-cured Tobacco with ~ ( 15 ) N

  2. 农田氮素(N)淋失是N素损失的重要途径之一。

    Nitrogen leaching of farmland is one of the important way of nitrogen loss .

  3. 营养液pH对玉米幼苗吸收不同形态氮素的影响

    Effects of pH on uptake of different forms of nitrogen by young corn

  4. 氮素矿化速率常数K值差异不大。

    And the nitrogen mineralization rate constant K in different soils appeared varied .

  5. 棉花氮素积累也可以用Logistic方程进行模拟。

    Nitrogen accumulation also can be fitted with the Logistic equation .

  6. 在极度缺乏P或极度缺乏K时,植物中氮素积累量受其影响都有不同程度的下降。

    Under extreme deficiency of P or K treatment , the N accumulation was also affected by some extend .

  7. 本文根据~(15)N示踪技术对烟草吸收不同来源氮素后分配利用的研究,分析了烟草氮素营养的特征。

    The absorption , utilization and distribution of different sources of nitrogen in tabacco with isotope tracer were studied .

  8. 底泥速效氮含量(x)与水体氮素转化速度常数(k)呈正相关。

    Nitrogen conversion rate in water is directly related to the available nitrogen content in the sediment .

  9. 应用~(15)N研究施氮比例对小麦氮素利用的效应

    Effect of Application Rate of Nitrogen on Its Utilization in Wheat by Using ~ ( 15 ) N Tracer Technique

  10. 用叶面标记态~(15)N研究冬小麦不同叶位氮素的运转

    Study on the Nitrogen Transfer in Different Leaf in Canopy by Using Isotope ~ ( 15 ) N Labeled on Leaf

  11. 最后对氮素、pH等水质指标在氨化反应过程中的的转化规律进行了分析,以期为肉类加工废水的生物脱氮处理工艺提供一定的理论指导。

    Water quality indexes in the course of ammoniation reaction was analysed to provide theoretical guiding for the biological denitrification of meat processing wastewater .

  12. 仅接种蚯蚓处理(E)的土壤氮素矿化速率和累积矿化速率较对照处理(S)有显著提高(p0.05);

    The soil nitrogen mineralization rate and cumulative nitrogen mineralization rate in Treatment E increased significantly ( p0.05 ) over Treatment S ;

  13. 因此,减少了作物对土壤N和15N的吸收量,降低了土壤氮素的有效性。

    Accordingly , N uptake from soil was reduced by the addition of sticky corn straw .

  14. 氮素水平对荧光动力学参数的调控存在一定差异,低氮水平条件下荧光光化学猝灭系数和PSⅡ量子效率最大;

    Fluorescence photochemical quenching coefficient and quantum efficiency of PS ⅱ at low nitrogen level ( B_2 ) was the highest .

  15. 对研究区的土壤氮素和pH值进行克里格插值与绘图,结果表明研究区土壤的pH与硝态氮的空间分布格局极为相似,说明它们之间空间相关性较强。

    Through the Kriging and mapping about the soil nitrogen and the pH value in the study area , the results indicated that distribution patterns of soil pH and nitrate were very similar .

  16. 增强UV-B辐射对暖温带落叶阔叶林下土庄绣线菊水分生理和氮素利用及形态特性的影响

    Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Hydro-physiology , Nitrogen Use and Morphological Characteristics of Spiraea Pubescens in Warm-temperate Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest

  17. 由于玉米季氮素损失严重,氮素盈余较少,甚至出现亏缺,玉米季氮素平衡状况为-54.6~+14.3kgNha~(-1)。

    The N balance under maize was lightly surplus or little wane as the result of heavy N losses and the value was - 54.6 ~ + 14.3 kg N ha ~ ( - 1 ) .

  18. 对红皮云杉与白扦研究表明,在CO2浓度倍增条件下,氮素营养供应充足,其他条件不受到限制时,植物的根冠比不受到大气CO2浓度升高的影响。

    The study showed that under the double CO2 concentration , sufficient nitrogen , and no other condition stress , the ratio between root and crown can not be affected by elevated CO2 concentration .

  19. 不同蛋白质含量小麦品种叶片NRA与氮素积累关系的研究

    Study on the relation of NRA and nitrogen accumulation in leaves of different protein content wheats

  20. 以水为介质时,缓释复合肥料不同形态氮素释放速率常数(k值和b值)的变化序列均以totaln>DON>NH4+-N>NO3&N;

    The rate constants of N release ( k values and b values ) of different forms of N was in the order of Total N > DON > NH4 + - N > NO3 & N in water .

  21. 烤烟根系激素水平、GS、PMT对氮素形态的响应

    The Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms on Hormones in Root , Activity of GS and PMT During the Period of the Tobacco

  22. 通过对有机质、全氮、C/N比差异较大的10种土壤进行盆栽和培养试验,用对数方程、指数方程、幂函数方程对土壤氮素矿化过程进行了摸拟。

    The pot and incubation experiments were carried out with 10 soils by different indexes including organic matter , total nitrogen content and C / N ratio , nitrogen mineralization processes of soils are simulated using logarithmic , exponential and power functions .

  23. 自生固氮菌是植物根际促生细菌(PGPR)的重要组成成分,并且可以将大气中的N2通过生物固氮作用供给植物生长,提高植物对氮素的利用。

    Free-living nitrogen fixation bacteria are important plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria ( PGPR ), and they can supply plants with N by bio-nitrogen fixation .

  24. 子粒产量除N1水平外,同一氮素营养水平条件下各处理产量均以D2处理最高。

    In addition to N1 nitrogen level , D2 treatment attained the highest grain yield under the same level of nitrogen conditions . 4 .

  25. 氮素(N)是农作物产量的重要限制因子,铵态氮(NH4+)和硝态氮(NO3-)是植物从土壤中吸收的主要矿质氮源。

    Nitrogen ( N ) is considered as an important limited factor of crop yields . Both ammonium and nitrate are the major sources of soil N for plants , however , ammonium is the predominant form of N in a paddy soils .

  26. 以上结果表明,不同氮素营养对NR与GS活性和基因表达的影响很可能是导致番茄果实中氮素代谢差异的重要原因。

    These results suggest that the impact of different N forms on NR and GS activity and expression might result great differently in N metabolism in tomato fruit . 3 .

  27. 利用15N标记研究了不同基因型玉米氮素利用效率的差别;

    The difference of nitrogen utilization efficiency of different genotype maize was studied by () ~ ( 15 ) N labeled fertilizer .

  28. 目前关于硝化抑制剂DCD对设施蔬菜的生长及土壤氮素损失的全面影响研究甚少。

    At present , researches about effects of nitrification inhibitors dicyandiamide on growth of vegetables and migration of soil nitrogen in greenhouse were little .

  29. 氮素利用效率(NUE)是植物养分策略研究中的一项重要内容。

    The concept of nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) offers a powerful tool to study plant strategies with respect to nutrient limitation .

  30. 因此,研究沙地植物光合作用与叶片N含量之间的关系,以及不同植物功能型氮素利用效率,有助于理解不同植物资源利用效率的差异。

    Therefore the elucidation of the relationship between leaf nitrogen content ( Nleaf ) and the maximal photosynthetic rate ( Pmax ) and the comparison of nitrogen use efficiency will be helpful to understand the different resource use efficiency among plant functional types ( PFTs ) .