
  • 网络source of water;origin of water
  1. Bernstein办了一家名为“生态水之源”的公司,还在YouTube开了一个频道,在丹佛植物园教授生态水培技术,最近还出了一本书。

    Ms. Bernstein started her own business called the Aquaponics Source . She has a YouTube channel , teaches aquaponics at the Denver Botanic Gardens and recently published a book .

  2. 县名婺源,是因为“当地婺水之源”而得名。

    Wuyuan got its name as the origins of local water .

  3. 有水之源,有本之木

    The Source with Water , the Tree with Root

  4. 也正因为有了这样的逻辑论证,从而使得实证分析法学有了木之本、水之源。

    Because of this logical argument , empirical analysis of law has its source and spirit .

  5. 有水之源,有本之木全省14个地级市中13个市的城区有本病流行;

    The Source with Water , the Tree with Root the endemics expanded to 13 of the total 14 district-cities .