
  1. 本文结合GIS在水利水电工程施工总布置可视化研究中的实际应用情况,建立了基于GIS的施工总布置可视化信息系统。

    Considering existing circumstance of GIS application in Hydroelectric engineering construction layout , GIS-based construction layout visualization information system is built .

  2. 本文深入研究了计算机可视化的有关理论与方法,并结合实际工程需要,将GIS技术应用于水利水电工程施工。

    With the technique of Geographic Information System applied in the hydroelectric engineering construction , the theory and the methodology of the computer visualization and its application are deeply studied in this thesis .

  3. 分析水利水电工程施工进度计划对工程建设动态投资的影响,给出施工进度计划风险的定义,提出施工进度风险计算的MC仿真方法。

    The effect of construction schedule on dynamic investment is analysed . Then , the definition of construction schedule risk is given and the MC simulation method for the schedule risk is proposed .

  4. 水利水电工程施工过程中常常需要获得一些小范围的DTM数据,用于地形测绘、开挖形态监测及工程土石方量计算等。

    In construction of hydroelectric project , small range DTM data are often needed for topographic surveying , mapping , excavated form detection , earthwork calculation and so on .

  5. 水利水电工程施工成本控制的探讨

    Discussion on Construction Cost Control in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  6. 水利水电工程施工企业的造价管理和造价控制

    Cost Management and Control of Water and Electric Power Project Enterprises

  7. 大型水利水电工程施工仿真技术研究与应用

    Study and Application of Construction Simulation Technology in Large-sized Hydropower Project Construction

  8. 水利水电工程施工安全分析与对策

    Analysis of Water Conservancy and hydropower engineering construction safety management

  9. 梯级水利水电工程施工导流设计标准及流量确定的探讨

    Discussion on construction diversion design standard and discharge in cascade hydropower projects

  10. 水利水电工程施工场地总布置可视化动态演示系统研究

    A Visual Dynamic Demo System for Construction Site Layout in Hydraulic Projects

  11. 水利水电工程施工质量评价方法研究

    Research on Construction Quality Assessment Method of the Water and Hydroelectric Projects

  12. 水利水电工程施工进度风险规定下的投资优化

    Investment Optimization under Certain Schedule Risk for Hydropower Construction

  13. 我国水利水电工程施工系统及装备的发展与展望

    The Development and Outlook of China Hydro Conservancy Hydropower Project Construction System Equipment

  14. 开发水利水电工程施工新装备的研究

    Proposals of Developing New Construction Equipments for Hydraulic Engineering

  15. 水利水电工程施工定额测试分析研究

    Measurement and Analysis for Construction Ration of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Projects

  16. 水利水电工程施工导流方案决策研究

    Study on Decision Making of Construction Diversion Scheme

  17. 施工进度一直是水利水电工程施工所关心的问题。

    The construction schedules of hydropower projects are always concerned problems in the execute process .

  18. 水利水电工程施工初期导流标准多目标风险决策研究

    Multi-objective Risk Model of Optimal River Diversion Standards During Initial Stage Construction for Hydroelectric Project

  19. 水利水电工程施工组织设计发展

    On the development of construction design

  20. 价值工程在水利水电工程施工项目管理的应用研究

    The Research on Applications of Value Engineering in Construction Project Management of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineerings

  21. 寒冷地区水利水电工程施工期冰问题及对策

    Ice Problems during Construction of Water Conservancy and Waterpower Engineering in Cold Region and Its Measurements

  22. 应用水利水电工程施工质量评定表时应注意的问题

    Issues in need of special attention when utilizing the water conservancy and hydropower construction quality assessment form

  23. 基于粗糙集的水利水电工程施工安全影响因素重要性分析

    Importance Analysis of Safety Impact Factors in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Construction Based on Rough Sets

  24. 水利水电工程施工合同价格调整中价格指数的确定

    Determination of Price Index During The Procedure of Adjusting Price in Construction Contract of Hydraulic or Hydroelectric Project

  25. 国外某水利水电工程施工导流洞工程的地质条件十分特殊,各种地质结构面超常发育。

    The construction diversion tunnel of a foreign project has special geologic conditions with various developed structural planes .

  26. 在铁路、公路及水利水电工程施工中被广泛使用。

    It is widely used in the civil engineering for railway , highway , hydraulic facility and hydroelectric engineering construction .

  27. 摘要施工机械现场管理是水利水电工程施工管理的重要组成部分。

    The field management of construction plants is an important component part of management of water resources and Hydropower projects .

  28. 以某工程为研究对象开发了一个能直观表现水利水电工程施工总布置三维可视化图形仿真系统。

    One Hydraulic & Hydropower engineering is studied , its construction layout can be represented intuitively in the simulation system .

  29. 施工导流和水流控制在水利水电工程施工承包合同文件中一般为总价项目。

    Construction diversion and flow control is generally a lump-sum item in construction contract documents of water conservancy and hydropower projects .

  30. 龙口合龙是水利水电工程施工中的关键环节,关系到整个工程的成败与全局。

    Closure is an integral part in the construction of hydraulic and hydroelectric project , concerning the success of the whole project .