
  • 网络swellfun
  1. 酒业公司四川水井坊股份有限公司(SichuanSwellfunCo.)董事总经理赖斯(JamesRice)说,过去几年该公司曾在央视广告上投入人民币数亿元,但今年不这样做了。

    In previous years , liquor company Sichuan Swellfun Co. spent hundreds of millions of yuan on CCTV ads , but not this year , said managing director James Rice . '

  2. “水井坊希望升级其包装能力,”中国区客户发展经理cassandrachan操着浓重的格拉斯哥口音说道。

    " Shui Jing Fang want to upgrade their packaging , " explains Cassandra Chan , supply development manager for China , in a broad Glaswegian accent .

  3. 上周,英国饮料集团帝亚吉欧(diageo)宣布收购中国白酒品牌水井坊(shuijingfang)的控股权,这是外资收购中国食品饮料业的首笔交易之一。

    Last week , Diageo , the UK drinks group , announced a deal to acquire control of the Chinese liquor brand Shuijingfang , in one of the first foreign takeovers in the food and beverage sector .

  4. 温湿度对水井坊遗址的影响

    The influence of environment temperature and humidity on the Shuijingfang site

  5. 这将引发对水井坊这家上市公司的强制收购义务。

    That would trigger a mandatory takeover offer for the listed company .

  6. 据说中国在600年前就开始生产水井坊。

    Shui Jing Fang is said to have been first made 600 years ago .

  7. 在高端产品方面,五粮液、茅台、水井坊等均销售较好。

    In the high-end products , Wuliangye , Maotai , Jewelry sales so good .

  8. 创造中国高尚生活元素&水井坊为品牌注入中国原创生活美学

    Create Element of Noble Life in China

  9. 它获得了当地员工队伍和水井坊所在地四川省政府的支持。

    It has the support of the local workforce and the provincial authorities in Sichuan , where the spirit is made .

  10. 在截至今年6月30日的一年中,其高档白酒品牌水井坊的销售额下滑了78%。

    Sales of its baijiu premium spirit , Shui Jing Fang , fell 78 per cent in the year to June 30 .

  11. 帝亚吉欧将其要约收购价定在最低水平,为每股21.45元人民币,水井坊上周五收于21.22元。

    Diageo has priced its offer at the minimum required , 21.45 yuan per share , just above Friday 's closing share price of21.22 yuan .

  12. 尽管水井坊相当出名,但它只是中国第三大“名优”白酒品牌,不会削弱任何竞争。

    Although famous , Shui Jing Fang is only the third-largest " super premium " Baijiu brand , and there would be no diminution of competition .

  13. 以对成都水井坊有限公司和四川九兴小林设计中心设计制作的水井坊酒品牌等设计的研究为例。

    , Ltd. and Sichuan Xiao " well workshop " that design center design and make Lin wine brand , etc. research that design as the example .

  14. 包括营销和创新在内,这正是帝亚吉欧希望带给水井坊的:让水井坊进一步向利润空间更大的高端市场挺近。

    Along with marketing and innovation , this is precisely what Diageo wants to contribute , taking Shui Jing Fang further upmarket , where potential profits are higher .

  15. 帝亚吉欧已经间接持有水井坊20%的股权,为了拿到控制权,该公司经受了一个又一个监管考验。

    Diageo already owns an indirect 20 per cent stake in Shui Jing Fang producer , Sichuan Swellfun , and has been jumping through regulatory hoops in a bid to gain control .

  16. 北京的反垄断官员或许在帝亚吉欧能否收购水井坊一事上拥有最后的决定权;但说到冒牌苏格兰威士忌能否很快就从中国卖酒商店的货架上消失,他们可能就没有最终决定权了。

    Beijing competition officials may have the last word on whether or not Diageo can buy Shui Jing Fang & but not on whether knockoff scotch disappears anytime soon from Chinese liquor store shelves .

  17. 从考古发掘酒窖垂直分布的叠压堆积层和微生物学研究成果两方面,证实了水井坊是罕见的连续发酵生产使用几百年的古老酒坊。

    Both the vertically distributed stacking accumulation horizon in pits ( archaeological discovery ) and the microbiological research achievements proved Shuijingfang a rare ancient distillery with several hundred years of continuous fermentation & production history .

  18. 在一个收入不断增长、日益青睐亚洲品牌以及每年有5000万人达到法定饮酒年龄的市场,无法收购水井坊这类高端本土品牌将是一个沉重打击。

    In a market characterised by rising incomes , growing preferences for Asian brands and an additional 50m people reaching the legal drinking age each year , being prevented from acquiring a premium local brand like Shui Jing Fang would be a major blow .