
  1. 控制好水中的氯的含量和PH值会减少水传播疾病的可能,除此之外,做好防护工作也是一条可行之路。

    While keeping the correct chlorine and ph levels will minimize water-borne illness , prevention is also a good idea .

  2. 隐孢子虫介水传播与在水环境中存在水平

    Waterborne way and existing level of cryptosporidium in water environment

  3. 清澈湖中的水传播阳光要比雪好得多。

    The water in a clear lake transmits sunlight much better than snow .

  4. 这种疾病通过不干净的饮用水传播。

    The disease is communicated through dirty drinking water .

  5. 你觉得是水传播的疾病?

    You think the disease is spread through water ?

  6. 一起由水传播细菌性痢疾的调查

    Survey of an outbreak of water-borne bacterial dysentery

  7. 联合国表示,巴基斯坦350万儿童处于感染水传播疾病的危险中。

    The United Nations says 3.5 million children in Pakistan are for water-borne diseases .

  8. 病原线虫主要通过含有残留菇料的土壤和浇带线虫的水传播。

    The pathogens entranced the substrate from soil with the residual substrate and water containing nematodes .

  9. 人舌形虫病是由舌形虫引起的由食物传播或水传播的人兽共患寄生虫病。

    Human pentastomidosis is a series of food-borne or water-borne parasitic zoonoses caused by pentastomid parasites .

  10. 有的通过水传播,有的通过空气,有的通过动物。

    Some seeds travel with water , some travel with air and some travel with animals .

  11. 该机构负责人还表示,水传播疾病的风险将增加。

    The head of the agency added there would be an increased risk of water-borne diseases .

  12. 隐孢子虫的传播主要是粪-口途经或间接通过污染的环境、食物和水传播。

    Transmission of the parasites are transmitted by the fecal-oral route and contaminate environment , food and water .

  13. 乙型肝炎病毒不会通过受污染的食品或水传播,通常不可能在工作场所传播。

    HBV is not spread by contaminated food or water , and cannot be spread casually in the workplace .

  14. 感染通过污染的食物或饮用水传播,或由于卫生条件恶劣在人与人之间传播。

    Infection is spread through contaminated food or drinking-water , or from person-to-person as a result of poor hygiene .

  15. 在遥远的他国,由于简陋的地下排水系统导致的一些比如水传播疾病的环境灾难不属于此类别。

    Environmental disasters like endemic waterborne disease due to inadequate sewage treatment in faraway nations do not fit this category .

  16. 既然已经了解到水传播的疾病能引起流行病,人们就组织好供水的工作以防止流行病的发生。

    Now that the epidemics which water-borne diseases can cause are understood , water supplies are organized to prevent them .

  17. 当地人建议在6月到8月这三个季风月份要谨慎品尝海鲜,因为水传播疾病会增加。

    Natives advise caution when eating seafood during the monsoon months of June to August due to the increase in water-borne diseases .

  18. 快速、准确检测水中活性病原菌对预防水传播性疾病暴发和保障水质安全具有重要意义。

    Fast and accurate detection of pathogenic bacteria in water environment is of great importance for waterborne diseases prevention and water quality safety .

  19. 在一些不发达的国家,或者在一些战乱的国家里,水传播疾病仍然是公众健康威胁的主要问题。

    In less developed countries , and in almost any country in time of war , waterborne diseases remain a major public health threat .

  20. 污水中可能含有大量的病毒性病原体,一些重要的介水传播性病毒包括肠道病毒可通过粪-口途径传播。

    There are many viral agents among the sewerage . Important waterborne pathogenic viruses include many enteric viruses that are transmitted via the fecal-oral route .

  21. 诺瓦克和诺沃克类病毒可经水传播和人与人之间的接触传播,食品也是一个传播方式。

    Although food is an efficient means of transmitting these agents , Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses can be transmitted via water and by person-to-person contact .

  22. 结果这是一起经水传播的甲型副伤寒点源暴发疫情,共发病269例,罹患率24.48%。

    Results This is S. paratyphi A outbreak transmitted through water . 269 cases of paratyphoid fever A were found with 24.48 % of attack rate .

  23. 例子包括联合开发疟疾疫苗或者低成本的艾滋病疗法、解决与水传播疾病相关或者与特定气候区域相关的问题。

    Examples include co-development of a malaria vaccine or low-cost HIV / AIDS treatments , tackling problems associated with water-borne diseases , or those relevant to certain climatic zones .

  24. 丙肝不会通过母乳、食品或水传播,也不会通过与被感染者拥抱、接吻以及分享食品和饮料等偶然接触传播。

    Hepatitis C is not spread through breastmilk , food or water or by casual contact such as hugging , kissing and sharing food or drinks with an infected person .

  25. 正在印度和尼泊尔开展气候变化对媒介和水传播疾病所产生影响的评估研究,将来会扩展到该区域其他国家。

    Research on assessing the impact of climate change on vector-and water-borne diseases is under way in India and Nepal and will be expanded to other countries in the region .

  26. 缺水可能毁坏农作物,增加水传播和水相关疾病的发病率,并且破坏水生生态系统(乍得湖的缩小是一个著名的例子)。

    Water shortages can ruin crops , increase the incidence of water-borne and water-related diseases , and damage aquatic ecosystems ( the shrinking of Lake Chad being a prime example ) .

  27. 据联合国环境和发展机构指出,人类约有80%的疾病与细菌感染有关,其中60%以上的疾病是通过饮用水传播的。

    As the UN environment and development institution pointed out , the disease of eighty percent of human beings was involved with bacterium infection , over 60 percent of which was spread by drinking water .

  28. 红十字会说,这个项目的一个主要目标,是要提高大众对如何预防通过水传播的疾病的认识,如果做不到这一点,就不能有效地对疾病疫情的爆发做出反应。

    It says a principle aim of this program is to raise public awareness about what needs to be done to prevent outbreaks of waterborne diseases and , failing that , to effectively respond to outbreaks of disease .

  29. 霍乱会造成病人严重腹泻,造成严重脱水。因一月份的地震而流离失所的100多万海地人中的大部分居住在首都周围帐篷中,在炊具和洗刷间共用的卫生条件很差的地方,通过水传播的霍乱细菌非常容易传播。

    The disease causes acute diarrhea that can lead to severe Most of the more than one million Haitians displaced by a powerful earthquake last January live in tent cities around the capital , and waterborne cholera bacteria spread easily in conditions where supplies are shared for cooking and washing .

  30. 他们正处于水上传播疾病的威胁之中。

    They are at risk of getting ill and dying from waterborne diseases .