
  1. 水利设施用地较少;

    The number of land for water conservancy facilities is small ;

  2. 而林地、其它农用地、水利设施用地和未利用地则呈现减少的趋势。

    While the woodland , other agricultural land , water conservancy facility land and unused land are in a decreasing trend .

  3. 城镇村及工矿用地增加的来源比较多样;交通用地增加的主要来源为水域及水利设施用地。

    Urban village and industrial land increased from relatively diverse ; traffic sites to increase the main source of water and water facilities for the land .

  4. 园地、林地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地和水利设施用地面积增加。

    Garden Plot , woodland , the residential area , the industry and mining land , the transportation land and the water resource facilities land will be increased .

  5. 林地、城镇用地、交通运输用地以及水利设施用地处于增加状态,其中林地和城镇用地增加最多。

    The woodland , urban use , transportation and land for water facilities have been in increase state , among which , increase amplitude of Woodlands and urban use is the biggest .

  6. 在经济与政策因子共同作用之下,大量的水域及水利设施用地、耕地、林地转换为交通用地。6、土地可持续利用的对策。

    In the interaction of economic and policy factors under a lot of water and water conservancy facilities , land , forest land converted to traffic . 6 Sustainable land use response .

  7. 水域及水利设施用地、湿地和耕地的最大斑块指数值明显高于其他类型用地,属于优势景观类型。

    The largest patch index value of waters and water conservancy facility land , wetland and farmland was much higher than that of the other land types , so they belonged to dominant landscape types .

  8. 土地利用变化的动态度由大到小依次为:城镇村及工矿用地交通运输用地林地草地耕地水域及水利设施用地其他用地。2、土地利用程度稳中有降。

    Degree of land use change dynamics in decreasing order : Urban village and industrial land land of transport woodland lawn farmland water and water facilities other land . 2 Land use degree flat to down .

  9. 其中,有三种土地利用类型的面积减少,耕地、其他用地、水域及水利设施用地的减少面积最大,其余的土地利用类型则有所增长。

    Among them , there are three types of land use reduces . Farmland , other land , water and water facilities to reduce the largest area of land . The remaining types of land use increased .

  10. 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;

    Land for building energy , communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State .