
shuǐ chǔ lǐ
  • water treatment
水处理[shuǐ chǔ lǐ]
  1. 水处理工程中PLC在过滤器上的应用

    Application of PLC on the Filter of Waste Water Treatment Project

  2. 基于Fix和PLC的SCADA系统在火电厂水处理控制系统中的应用

    Application of SCADA System Based on PLC and Fix in Water Treatment Control System of Power Plant

  3. 然而,不同于发达城市,这些地区缺乏先进的水处理设备,因此河流也实际上变成了下水道。

    Unlike developed cities , however , these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities , and rivers effectively become sewers .

  4. Controlnet网络在电厂水处理系统中的应用

    Application of Control-Net Network for Water Handling System of Power Plant

  5. PLC在造纸厂水处理生产中的应用

    Application of PLC in production of wastewater treatment in paper mill

  6. PLC在海洋平台水处理中的应用

    Application of PLC in Water Disposal of Platform

  7. 珠钢CSP水处理浊循环水系统日常处理

    Routine Treatment of the Muddy Circulating Water System of CSP Water Treating Process

  8. 聚合硫酸铁(PFS)在水处理中的应用

    The Application of Polymeric Ferric Sulfate ( PFS ) in Water Treatment

  9. TNT红水处理新方法

    New method of TNT red - water treatment

  10. 不同水处理工艺对地表水中AOC的去除效果

    Removal of assimilable organic carbon from surface water by water treatment processes

  11. 北京饮用水处理流程中有机提取物致突变性的Ames试验研究

    Study on Mutagenic Activity of Organic Extracts from Drinking Water of Beijing in Technological Process by Ames Test

  12. 双向窄脉冲DBD放电水处理反应器及其性能研究

    Research on bipolar narrow pulsed dielectric barrier discharge ( DBD ) reactor for water treatment and its performance

  13. 介绍了石家庄炼油厂水处理装置能力由320t/h增加到600t/h的扩容改造工程。

    Capacity expansion of water treatment unit from 320t / h to 600t / h in Shijiazhuang Refinery was introduced .

  14. 1999年夏季水处理后对大型无脊椎动物的样品进行分析。我们相信在BellRun已恢复的地段,种群回迁将迅速接近未受影响的支流的数量。

    Macroinvertebrate samples following treatment were analyzed during summer 1999 . We believe that colonization of the restored segment of Bell Run will be rapid given the proximity of unimpacted tributaries in the watershed .

  15. 以水处理常规工艺为研究对象,通过小试及中试研究,证明水处理常规工艺能去除原水中约2/3的CODmn,认为强化常规工艺是不容忽视的除污染途径之一;

    Conventional techniques of water treatment can get rid of about two thirds of organic pollutants from raw water , and strengthened conventional techniques are important ways to remove pollutants .

  16. 利用烧渣中较高含量的铁元素进行无机高效水处理剂PFS的开发,是硫铁矿烧渣最有前途的综合利用途径之一。

    It 's one of the promising utilization methods of pyrite cinder to use its high iron content in synthesizing PFS .

  17. HF防垢剂是工业锅炉水处理的新型药剂,使用这种药剂进行水处理用量小、无污染、经济实用、工艺简单。

    HF preservative is a new kind of medicament for treating boiler water with the advantages of small amount needed , no contamination , being economic , practical , and simple .

  18. 300kt合成氨灰水处理系统的改造

    Modification of Ash Water Treatment System in 300 Kt / a Synthetic Ammonia Plant

  19. 针对V型滤池净水处理工艺,设计了以冗余PLC为现场控制站、工控机为监控管理机的全厂计算机监控系统。

    Aim at the V-filter water treatment process , a monitoring control system is designed for the whole treatment plant , which consists of a supervision management computer and redundancy PLCs that acts as the local control station .

  20. 本文介绍了一种新型水处理剂&氢氧化铝镁正电纳米粉末(AMH)。

    A new type of water treatment agent-aluminum-magnesium hydroxide positive nanopowder ( AMH ) - was introduced .

  21. 研究了无机高分子絮凝剂-聚硅硫酸铝(PSAS)絮凝剂的制备及其在水处理中的应用。

    In this paper , the polymeric silicate aluminum sulfate ( PSAS ) flocculants were produced under the different conditions .

  22. 叙述以GE自动化公司的PLC为主控设备的水处理程控系统的结构,给出上位机与下位PLC之间的通信实现方法。

    A structure of water processing programming control system based on the PLC of GE Automatic Company as the main control unit is presented , and gives a communication design between the high level computer and the low level PLC .

  23. 随着碱性水处理技术的发展和循环水浓缩倍数的不断提高,循环水水质向高硬度、高碱度、高pH值,甚至高温的方向发展,进一步增加了水质控制的难度。

    With the development of water alkaline treatment technology and the increase of concentration times , the quality of circulating water tend to become high hardness , high alkalinity , high pH value and even high temperature , which deepened the difficulty in controlling these problems .

  24. Rp-52水处理剂在锦州石化公司的工业应用

    Commercial Application of RP-52 Water Treatment Chemicals in Jinzhou Petrochemical Company

  25. 方法采用MCR水处理新工艺、按照一体化、小型化、智能化思路设计中空纤维膜净水器。

    Methods A new integrative membrane water purifier which was a small scale and intelligent pilot with a new process ( membrane coagulation reactor , MCR ) was developed .

  26. 弱酸H-Na离子交换系统在蒸汽锅炉水处理中的应用

    The application of weak acid h-na ion exchange system in the treatment of steam boiler water

  27. 本论文主要针对目前水处理中藻类污染去除难的问题,探讨使用Fenton试剂(H2O2和Fe~(2+))去除水中的藻类及其代谢污染,并对其作用机制进行了概括性阐述。

    The method was discussed on the elimination of alga and the pollutant of its metabolism by using Fenton reagent ( H2O2 and Fe ~ ( 2 + )) aimed at the problem of alga pollution in present water condition in this paper .

  28. 实验表明,O3-BAC工艺在锅炉补给水处理中的应用可行。

    The result shows that the process of O3 - BAC is feasible in the application of make-up water treatment of boilers .

  29. 适用于强腐蚀性水质处理的新型水处理剂RP-98

    New Water Treating Chemical RP-98 for Strong Corrosive Water

  30. KDF是一种新型的水处理材料,由铜、锌两种金属按一定的比例组合而成,具有多种水处理功能。

    KDF is a new water treatment medium with multiple functions in wastewater treatment , and is made of copper and zinc by a certain proportion .