
shuǐ chǔ lǐ xì tǒnɡ
  • Water treatment system;water disposal system
  1. 集约化养殖水处理系统研究

    Study on the Water Disposal System of Intensive Aquiculture

  2. 目的探讨血液透析水处理系统的消毒方法。

    Objective To study the disinfection method on water disposal system used in hemodialysis .

  3. Controlnet网络在电厂水处理系统中的应用

    Application of Control-Net Network for Water Handling System of Power Plant

  4. 血液透析水处理系统PVC管道内表面细菌生物膜研究

    Bacterial biofilms on PVC tubing 's inner surface of hemodialysis water treatment system

  5. 基于神经元自适应PID控制钢铁厂废酸水处理系统

    Control System of Steel Factory Dealing with Waste Acid Water Based on Single Neuron Adaptive PID Control

  6. ·OH的HPLC法测定及5t/h压载水处理系统实验研究

    Determination of · OH by HPLC and Study on System of Ballast Water Treatment with the Rate of 5t / h

  7. 基于PLC和触摸屏的数字闭环流量控制水处理系统的设计及应用

    Design and application of PLC and touch panel in digital closed loop current capacity real-time control system in dialysis water processing system

  8. 珠钢CSP水处理系统的特点

    The characteristic of Zhujiang Steel CSP Water treatment

  9. 为了满足生产工艺实际需要,针对水处理系统中水泵单耗高、资源浪费等问题,提出了一种用DSP数字信号处理器实现闭环控制的内反馈斩波调速解决方案。

    To meet the practical needs of production technics , a solve scheme of inherent feedback chopping speed regulation is put forward by using DSP processor to realize closed loop control .

  10. 根据化学反应原理提出了解决水处理系统除盐水pH值偏低的方案。

    According to the theory of chemical reaction , the way to resolve the problem that pH value of desalt water in water treatment system was lower than guide line was put forward .

  11. 由于PLC具有运行稳定性和高可靠性等特点,它与工业控制计算机连网对于电厂化学水处理系统进行自动控制具有其独特的优势。

    Because of its high stability and high reliability , the PLC has unique advantages for automatic control for chemical water treatment when it is linked up with the industrial control computers .

  12. DDS是绿色的水处理系统,所需的原料和生成物都属于自然界存在的物质,无二次污染的发生。

    DDS is a green or natural water treatment system , with both material and results being natural . No secondary pollution is produced .

  13. 其中,臭氧产生浓度的测量延迟和水质指标(主要是化学需氧量COD)的检测滞后是导致臭氧水处理系统自动控制性能指标不高的主要原因。

    The delay of ozone concentration measurement and the lag of water quality standard examination are mainly factors that result in lower quality of ozone-oxygenized water processing system .

  14. 在污水处理厂和地表水处理系统中,测量BOD是一种重要的分析手段,用来检测处理程度的好坏。

    BOD measurement is an important analytical tool in determining the effects of effluents on water treatment plants and surface water system .

  15. 300kt合成氨灰水处理系统的改造

    Modification of Ash Water Treatment System in 300 Kt / a Synthetic Ammonia Plant

  16. 液相在水处理系统经好、嫌氧发酵,可溶性有机物进一步降解,使BOD、COD不断下降达安全排放。

    As for the liquid part , through aerobic and anaerobic treatment in the water treatment system , soluable organic materials as BOD and COD were reduced to safe discharge .

  17. 210t转炉除尘水处理系统的改造

    Modification of dedust water treatment system of 210-ton BOF

  18. 通过对包钢给水厂澄清水处理系统的自动控制原理分析,论述了以原水流量为前馈、以SCD为反馈的自动优化投药系统的可行性和优越性。

    It discusses the feasibility and advantages of the automatic optimization dosing system , which regards the original water flow as the feedforward and the SCD as the feedback .

  19. 与国外LDH离子交换除磷方法相比,本方法省去了LDH的工业合成过程,使本来需要在两个工厂或系统中完成的过程在一个水处理系统中得以实现。

    Compared with the anionic exchange of LDH , this method leaves out the industrial process of LDH synthesis , and the two separate processes can be carried out in only one system at the same time .

  20. 针对当前电站化学水处理系统维修决策存在的问题,论文给出了基于RCM的状态维修决策方法。

    Aiming at the problems that exist in maintenance decision of chemical water treatment system for power plant , this paper put forward a condition based maintenance decision method based on RCM .

  21. BF-12卫生纸机的白水处理系统

    White Water Treatment System of a BF-12 Tissue Paper Machine

  22. 基于AB-PLC控制的电厂水处理系统

    Water Treatment Control System of Power Plant Using AB-PLC

  23. 本文结合安钢动力厂2×30th反渗透水处理系统的生产实际,从反渗透的设计和运行效果两方面对反渗透技术在钢铁行业中的应用进行了介绍。

    Combined with the practical production situation of 2 × 30 t / h anti - infiltration water treatment system in Angang Power Plant , anti-infiltration technology applied in Iron and Steel industry is introduced from the design and running effect in this article .

  24. 马钢一钢厂改造工程循环水处理系统设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Circulation Water Treatment System of Transformation Engineering

  25. 膜生物反应器是一种新型水处理系统。

    Membrane bioreactor is one of the new wastewater treatment systems .

  26. 然而一个逆渗透作用水处理系统有它的限制。

    However a reverse osmosis water treatment system has its limitations .

  27. 锅炉水处理系统除氧器的研制

    Experiment of deoxidize equipment for water process in industrial boiler system

  28. 宽厚板轧机水处理系统的配置

    The Design of The Water Treatment System In Heavy Plate Mill

  29. 血液透析机水处理系统的供水管道的消毒

    Disinfection of the water-supply tube of water treatment system for dialyzers

  30. 循环水处理系统处理鳗鲡养殖污水的应用实验

    On the Wastewater Treatment in a Recirculating System for Eel Aquaculture