
  • 网络Horizontal Accuracy
  1. 目前GPS静态定位水平精度较高程精度高,高程分量标准差平均约为水平分量的三倍。

    At present , the GPS static positioning accuracy of horizontal is better then vertical . Average , vertical standard bias is3 times for horizontal standard bias .

  2. 论文研究了联邦Kalman滤波算法在组合导航系统中的应用,提出了使用GPS的水平精度因子(HDOP)设计联邦Kalman滤波信息分配系数的自适应融合算法。

    It puts forward an adaptive federated Kalman filtering algorithm in which the distributive coefficient of information is decided by HDOP ( Horizontal Dilution of Precision ) .

  3. 对雷达设备安装过程中,天线座水平精度的保证及其测量方法加以讨论。

    A measurement and adjustment method for the level error of radar antenna pedestal during installation is described in detail in this article .

  4. 16次车载实验结果表明:该方法的方位对准精度达到0.03°(1σ),水平精度优于0.005°(1σ);对准时间长短可变。

    The results of 16 aligning experiments show that the algorithm achieves the alignment precision of 0.03 ° ( 1 σ ) in azimuth and > 0.005 ° ( 1 σ ) in horizontal , and the alignment time is variable .

  5. 实践证明,所采用的方法和技术提高了LUCC信息提取的自动化水平和精度,并可以在更大范围内推广使用。

    Examples prove that the adopted method and technology improve the level of autoimmunization and precision of LUCC information extraction , and can be generalized in a larger scope .

  6. 基准网与基本网各年观测结果得到的网内点位精度、水平分量精度平均为2mm左右,高程分量精度平均为5mm左右,由两期观测得到的水平位移分量的精度平均为3mm左右。

    In average the accuracy of the results for each year is about 2 mm in the horizontal components and 5 mm in the vertical component , and the average accuracy of horizontal displacements at a station is about 3 mm .

  7. 视准线法观测土石坝水平位移精度研究

    Research on Measuring Precision of Horizontal Displacements of Earch Dam by Collimation Method

  8. 地震物理模型技术是地震勘探的重要手段,地震物理模型的实验水平、精度和效果是该技术的关键。

    Seismic physical model technique is important tool of seismic exploration and its experimental level , precision and effects are key of the tool .

  9. 模型一所考虑因素的数据距离发生开河的时间更近,影响关系密切,是具有可期待的、前瞻性的工作成果,它的精度保证也将依赖于天气和水文等预报水平和精度的提高。

    The first model is a within prospect of and forward looking production , because its data of factors is close to the break up date . But its precision is restricted by the precision of air and hydrology forecasting .

  10. 将神经网络技术用于煤田地震勘探领域,对两个矿区的实际资料进行断层检测及煤层宏观结构的解释,提高了地震资料构造解释的水平和精度。

    Artificial neural network technique is applied in coal seismic exploration , which has been used to detect faults and to interpret macrostructures of coal beds with real seismic data of two mining areas , and improves the level and precision of structure interpretation with seismic data .

  11. 4).通过DCS(含DEH)技术改造,可整体提高机组的控制水平及控制精度,减轻运行人员劳动强度和减少运行人员数量,提高劳动效率及机组的经济性。

    Improve unit control level and precision , lighten labor intensity and personnel number , raise work efficiency and unit economy though DCS ( including DEH ) reconstruction .

  12. SOC单片机进行温度曲线补偿的方法,在硬件成本增加很少的情况下,提高了水平仪的精度及可靠性,减少了实验成本、实验周期,有较好的社会效益和经济效益。

    The method of temperature compensation using SOC MCU raised the precision and stabilization of the leveller without too many raise of hardware costs . It also reduced the costs and the period of the test .

  13. 基于LiDAR数据和航空影像的分类和三维重建是一项复杂的任务,如何提高地物分类精度、模型三维重建的自动化水平和模型精度,仍然需要大量和深入的研究。

    Object classification and model reconstruction , based on integrating LiDAR and Image , are a complicated task . How to improve the accuracy of classification and automation of building reconstruction still need further study .

  14. 精密导线测定拱型建筑物水平位移的精度分析

    Precision Analysis on Horizontal Displacement of Arched Structures in Precise Traversing

  15. 水平位移观测精度对大坝安全的影响分析

    Horizontal Displacement Observation Precision for Effect Analysis on Dam Safety

  16. 全站仪水平角实测精度研究

    The Precision Studies of Horizontal Angles in Real Observation of Total Station

  17. 坐标法监测基坑水平位移的精度分析及数据处理

    Precision Analysis and Data Processing for Coordinate Method Monitoring Horizontal Displacement of Foundation Pit

  18. 经纬仪水平角观测精度的研究

    Assessment of Accuracy Observed from Theodolite Horizontal Angle

  19. 目标识别在激光水平尺光点精度检测中的应用

    Accurate target recognition for laser level bars

  20. 介绍了一种自动化水平、测试精度和测试效率都很高,而且非常实用的植保机械液泵性能测试系统。

    This paper presents the study on testing system for the performance of hydraulic pumps for crop protection equipment .

  21. 包括整个机械部分的设计及部件的选择,机电控制部分的控制方案的设计及电路设计,使系统具备较高的自动化水平及测试精度。

    It is made up of the selection of parts . the design of control project and the design of circuit .

  22. 田间测墒时,点与点之间的距离要均匀,取样数目可以根据一定的置信水平、估值精度、变异系数做估算。

    Distance between dots should be uniform in the field measurement . Sampling number should be estimated by certain believe level , estimate accuracy and variance coefficient . 8 .

  23. 一年多的连续监测结果表明,系统运行稳定可靠,水平方向定位精度达2~3mm,垂直方向定位精度达5~6mm。

    The observation data show that the system works well , the horizontal positioning accuracy is about 2 ~ 3 mm and vertical positioning accuracy is about 5 ~ 6mm .

  24. 本文所取得的主要成果有:1.研制了一套具有国际先进水平的高精度流体热物性测试实验系统并自行开发了相关的测试软件。

    The following is the mainly results obtained in this work : 1 . A new thermophysical properties measurement system including the special software has been developed in this work .

  25. 本文分析了不同高度的大坝,在水、温度等荷载作用下,水平位移观测精度对大坝安全度计算结果的影响程度;

    This article studies the degree of horizontal displacement observation accuracy influencing on the calculation result of dam safety factors under the water and temperature loading with different height dam .

  26. 因此各种角度测试理论和方法不断出现,国内外许多部门和科研机构相继研究出各种角度测试仪器和设备,角度测量技术水平和测量精度不断提高,并且逐渐实现了测试过程的自动化。

    Therefore many methods and theories of angle measurement appear increasingly , many domestic and foreign institutes have developed various equipments and facilities for angle measurement , the technical level and precision of angle measurement improve continuously .

  27. 针对测量船惯导系统水平及航向精度检测需求,提出了采用卡尔曼滤波技术解算惯导水平偏差的新方法。

    In order to satisfy the need of testing the attitude and course of INS of measurement ship , the paper proposes a new method of using the Kalmen Filter to work out the attitude and course error .

  28. 对含有较高噪声水平的高精度地面磁测ΔT异常化极,不论纬度高低,都能较大程度地压低噪声水平,获得高质量的化极结果。

    Regularizing reduction to the pole of higher - noise-level and high-accuracy ground magnetic Δ T data , with the independence from latitudes , may decrease noise-level to a great extent and gain better results of reduction to the pole .

  29. 随着科技的发展和造船工艺的提高,为了提高造船效率和质量,造船模式正在向总段巨型化建造工艺方向发展,这对船舶设计水平和制造精度控制等环节都提出了更高的要求。

    With the development of science and shipbuilding technology , the shipbuilding mode is moving on the direction of gigantic block in order to improve the efficiency and quality of shipbuilding . Therefore it makes more demands of designing and manufacturing and other sectors .

  30. 通过实验表明,石英弹簧重力仪配上光学测微器后,由归零读数法获得重力读数的观测精度,一般要高于直接用重力仪计数器的零位观测(摆杆水平)法精度。

    It is showed from experiment that the observed accuracy of gravity reading obtained by the reduction-to-zero method is generally superior to that of observation by the zero-set method of gravimeter 's counter ( levelling off pendulum ) after equiping the additional micrograph on the quartz spring gravimeter .