
tiān dǐng jiǎo
  • zenith angle
天顶角[tiān dǐng jiǎo]
  1. 地面亮度温度的测量值随观测天顶角、方位角和太阳位置而改变。

    As expected , the measured brightness temperatures change with view zenith angle , view azimuth angle , and the Sun position .

  2. 由此给出了天顶角分布、大气中衰减长度、积分能谱和垂向流强等,为研究宇宙线超高能相互作用提供了信息。

    Some results of high energy cosmic ray , such as the zenith angle distribution , the decay length in the air , the energy spectrum and the vertical intensity of hadron and γ - ray have been presented .

  3. G防水研磨金刚砂在反射天顶角-15°~55°范围进行了测试研究。

    G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the - 15 ° - 55 ° of reflectance zenith angle .

  4. 结果表明,由于镜面膜层对s光和p光的相位延迟差异,系统偏振分光效率随着望远镜的方位角旋转会发生周期性的变化,同时也受望远镜天顶角变化的影响。

    The result shows that the efficiency of polarized beam splitting is periodically varying with the azimuth or elevation of the telescope because of the phase difference between the s and p polarizing vector reflected by film on the mirrors .

  5. 由于FY2B对于敦煌场区的卫星天顶角接近50°,需要进行场地的方向特性BRDF修正。

    There are must calibrated the BRDF of bi-direction characteristic of Dunhuang 's site , because the zenith is close to 50 ° .

  6. NDVI在‘热点’处获得最小值,在‘热点’两侧随观测天顶角或太阳天顶角的增加而增加;

    On the ' hot spot ', the NDVI is minimum , and it will increase around the ' hot spot ' with the increase of view azimuth or solar zenith angle ;

  7. 基于修正Kolmogorov谱,运用相位结构函数的平方近似,导出了适用于大天顶角传输的到达角起伏方差及其功率谱的解析表达式。

    Based on the modified Kolmogorov spectrum and quadratic structure function approximation , the expressions are derived for the variance and power spectrum of the angle-of-arrival fluctuation at large zenith angles .

  8. 依据ITU-R公布的随高度变化的大气结构常数模型,用FORTRAN对信噪比和误码率在不同波长与不同天顶角的条件下随高度的变化情况进行了数值模拟。

    According to the ITU-R turbulance structure constant model , the SNR and BER varied with the altitude at different wavelengths and different zenith angles are simulated numerically with FORTRAN .

  9. 本文给出了计算中纬E层临界频率(f(0E))和低电离层的电子密度分布与太阳天顶角、太阳黑子数、地方时之间关系的经验公式。

    In this paper , experimental formulae of the critical frequencies of the E-layer in mid-latitudes and of the distribution of electron density in the lower ionosphere are found . These formulae are expressed in terms of the sunspots number , the solar zenith angle and the local time .

  10. 散射相函数由解析的Henyey-Greenstein函数表示,其不对称因子也与入射天顶角有关。

    The scattering phase function is represented by means of the analytic Henyey-Green stein function with an asymmetry factor dependent on the incident zenith angle .

  11. 结论LAI-2000冠层分析仪能给出群体内不同天顶角方向的天空开度,能更详细地表达植物群体结构特征;

    The minimum value happened in the noon . 【 Conclusion 】 LAI-2000 canopy analyzer can provide the sky openness of different zenith angles , so it can describe the colony structure in detail ;

  12. 对于中度退化草地,在高度与冠幅之比(chw)不变的情况下,当45°≤太阳天顶角sza≤75°时,不同几何形状植株的总反射率之间无显著差异;

    For the moderately degraded grasslands , if plant crown height-to-width ratio ( chw ) was invariant , when 45 °≤ solar zenith angle ( sza )≤ 75 °, no significant differences occurred in scene reflectance ( R ) for different plant crown shapes ;

  13. 地面热红外发射率的天顶角变化效应

    Dependence of infrared emissivity on view zenith angle for natural ground surfaces

  14. 结果表明:可探测星等极限值随观测高度和太阳天顶角的增加接近线性增加;

    The results show that the detectable stellar magnitude limits linearly increase with observing height and solar zenith angle .

  15. 对0.45-0.95μm波长范围内,天空背景光谱亮度随气溶胶种类、波长、能见度及观察天顶角的变化作了数值计算和理论分析。

    The theoretic analysis of spectral properties varied with aerosol kinds , wavelength , visual distance and observational azimuth is presented .

  16. 大天顶角超高能宇宙线μ子能谱甚高能宇宙线与太阳活动


  17. 具体研究结果如下:(1)太阳入射角度,特别是太阳天顶角能改变水体二向反射分布函数的形状。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Solar incident angle , especially zenith angle can change the shape of BRDF .

  18. 而当太阳天顶角较小时,必须在热点方向附近减小角度采样间隔。

    When the sun zenith angle is small , a less angular sampling interval in zenith angle is needed in the hot spot area .

  19. 随着接收终端离地高度和天顶角的增大,大气闪烁时间平滑作用降低。

    Along with the increase of the zenith angle and height above ground of an optical transmitter , the extent of the time-averaging effect decreases .

  20. 绿洲上的反射率小于戈壁上的,戈壁上反射率随太阳天顶角的变化主要是由近红外波段反射率随太阳天顶角的变化引起的;

    Albedo is bigger over Gobi site than that over Oasis site . Variation of albedo with solar zenith angle is mainly caused by near-infrared albedo .

  21. 纤维层的相函数以纤维层坐标系中的天顶角的函数形式表示。

    The phase functions for the fibrous layer are derived as a function of the polar angle measured within a coordinate system fixed to the fibrous layer .

  22. 装满净化水时,测量了水的衰减长度以及探测器的计数率与宇宙线粒子天顶角的关系。

    The attenuation length of Cherenkov photons in purified water , and the relationship between counting rate of detector and zenith of incidence cosmic rays were also measured .

  23. 太阳直射光比例越高,在风速越小时,不同太阳天顶角情况下的水体表层下行光场平均余弦的差别越大,而风速越大,其差别越小。

    In the condition of higher percentage of the direct sunlight , the difference of the mean cosine of different zenith angle is inversed with the wind speed .

  24. 给出了在均匀介质和非均匀介质(实际大气)情况下的斯托克斯光强随脉冲间隔、传输距离和天顶角变化的函数关系。

    The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing , distance and zenith angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium ( atmosphere ) .

  25. 敏感性试验和实际观测表明,所选择波段的透射比对太阳天顶角和主要的大气气体吸收是不敏感的。

    As illustrated in our sensitivity study and demonstrated in real measurements , the transmittance ratio at selected wavelengths is insensitive to solar zenith angle and major atmospheric gaseous absorption .

  26. 采用单一参考测量双向散射分布函数时,要求被测试样与参考标准的入射天顶角必须相同。

    When using a single reference to measure the bi-directional scattering distribution function ( BSDF ), the incident zenith angle of the tested sample must be identical to that of the reference .

  27. 而在平静水面的观测中,当水面未处于辐射热平衡状态时,在观测天顶角小于60°时,没有观测到发射辐射的角度效应。

    When the water surface is not in thermal stabilization and the view zenith angle is less than 60 ° the angular dependency of water emissivity does not appear in the field measurements .

  28. 分析研究了近地层大气不同气溶胶光学厚度时曙暮光天空辐射强度和颜色指数随太阳天顶角和观测仰角的变化。

    The variations of intensity and color index ( I C ) during twilight at different solar zenith angles (θ) and view elevation angles (α) with aerosol optical depths in lower atmosphere were investigated .

  29. 计算所需要的输入变量有:大气可降水量,二氧化碳含量,臭氧总量,云量,云的光学厚度,太阳天顶角,地表反射率。

    The required input to the parameterization includes precipitable water , concentration of carbon dioxide amount , ozone amount , cloud amount , cloud visible optical depth , solar zenith angle and surface albedo .

  30. 给出了簇射事例的起始点分布,大气宇宙线高能强子的天顶角分布、垂向流强、积分能谱及其在大气和铁中的衰减长度。

    The distribution of the starting point depths of the observed showers is given . The zenith angle distribution , vertical intensity , energy spectrum and attenuation length of hadrons in air and in iron are presented .