
shuǐ pínɡ yùn dònɡ
  • horizontal motion
  1. 华北地区GPS监测网建设、地壳水平运动与应力场及地震活动性的关系

    Establishment of the GPS Monitoring Network in North China and Relationship between the Crustal Horizontal Motion and the Stress Field and Seismicity

  2. 视热带气旋(以下简称TC)为半径等于R的圆形涡旋,对其水平运动方程作整个TC区域的平均,进而得到TC的移动方程。

    Taking the tropical cyclone ( TC ) as a circular vortex with radius R , horizontal motion equations are averaged over the whole TC area to get its movement with non-friction , weak environment .

  3. 这样一种运动叫做准水平运动。

    Such motion is described as quasi-horizontal .

  4. 然而,那些睡眠质量不佳但却保持高水平运动量的人死于癌症的风险几乎没有因为睡眠差而增加。

    However , that risk just about disappeared for those who didn 't score well on sleep but did score well on physical activity .

  5. 基于GPS观测的地壳水平运动划分活动地块的试验

    Test of Active Blocks Division Based on Horizontal Crustal Movement Observed by GPS

  6. 水平运动小球生成内波的仿真SAR影像

    SAR imageries are given for internal waves generated by a horizontally moving sphere

  7. 根据两次GPS测量结果,研究了华北(北部)地区的现今地壳水平运动的特征。

    Based on data of two GPS measurement campaigns , the recent crustal horizontal movement features in northern part of North China are studied .

  8. 基于多种GPS数据研究福建及其邻近海域1994-1997年地壳水平运动

    Study on the crustal horizontal movement in Fujian and its neighbouring Sea region in 1994 to 1997 based on several kinds of GPS surveying data

  9. 计算显示,水平运动场的最佳数值解和GPS观测值的平均离散度为10171mm2/year(三维模型)、1.176mm2/year(二维模型)。

    The results show that the average discreteness between the optimum calculations and GPS observations is 1.171mm2/year ( 3D model ) and 1.176 mm2 / year ( 2D model ) .

  10. 进入到EW向伸展机制下的构造变形时期,研究区地壳运动以抬升为主,但抬升运动与水平运动之间是有机地结合在一起的。

    The crustal movement of the study area dominated by uplifting although the uplift was combined by horizontal movement .

  11. 利用山西断裂带布设的GPS监测网的6期复测资料(1996&2001),分析了山西断陷带的水平运动特征。

    An Analysis of horizontal movement characteristics of Shanxi fault belt is made by using 6 retest data of 6 periods ( 1996-2001 ) of GPS monitoring network in Shanxi fault belt .

  12. 根据乌鲁木齐地区2000年、2001年两期GPS网资料及其它资料处理结果,讨论了乌鲁木齐现阶段应变场及监测区的断层水平运动情况。

    Based on two stages of GPS data during 2000 and 2001 in the Urumqi area and other data , recent strain field in Urumqi and the horizontal movements of the faults in monitoring region were analyzed .

  13. 通过对南北带1999~2001、2001~2004年GPS资料的处理与分析,结果显示:南北地震带是我国水平运动的转化带与形变带;

    The GPS measurement data 1999 ~ 2001 and 2001 ~ 2004 observed along the North-South Seismic Belts are processed and analyzed . Our results show that the North-South Seismic Belts are the transfer belts of horizontal movements and deformation .

  14. 根据多年形变和现今GPS观测资料,分析福建地壳垂直运动与水平运动,显示区域应力场优势分布特征。

    Based on the deformation data of several years and the present observation of GPS , the horizontal and vertical crustal movement is analyzed , and the results show that the regional stress field presents the feature of dominant distribution .

  15. 利用拉格朗日方程建立IAD水平运动的数学模型,提出了两种负载防摆与跟踪控制策略。

    By using Lagrange method , mathematical model of horizontal movement is built , and two kind of the load anti-swing control strategy are set forth .

  16. 在三维溢油模型中增加了油滴的垂向紊动扩散和水平运动的二阶Stokes波导净输移,其基于的环境动力有风场、潮流场和波浪。

    The vertical turbulent diffusion and horizontal movement of the second Stokes induced net transport has been considered in the 3D oil spill model which is based on wind , current and wave .

  17. 根据1992~2005年间的三次GPS测量,珠峰北坡地区的地壳水平运动平均每年以4cm的速度向北东45°方向推进。

    The average horizontal crustal movement in the area , according to the GPS measurement in 1992,1998 and 2005 , moves in the direction of 45 NE at the speed of 4 cm / a.

  18. 从线性化的Euler方程和连续方程出发,采用线性自由面条件,通过傅里叶变换法研究水平运动点源在分层流体中产生的内波。

    The internal wave generated by a moving point source in horizontal direction in the stratified fluid was researched by solving the linear Euler-equation and continuity equation with linear free surface condition with the method of Fourier transforms .

  19. 行为学变化:造模后抑郁组动物水平运动和垂直运动得分都显著低于对照组(P0.001);

    Changes of behavior : After model establishment , the scores of horizontal and vertical movements were significantly lower in the model group than in the normal group ( P 0.001 );

  20. 结果发现:治疗7d后,氟西汀组与针药结合组均能改善模型小鼠水平运动、糖水偏好等相关的抑郁样行为。

    The results showed that , after 7 days ' treatment , the fluoxetine group and acupuncture combined group mice could both improve the horizontal movements , sugar preferences and such behaviour related to depressing .

  21. 用药组与模型组比较,水平运动及垂直活动上升,糖水消耗增加,cAMP含量显著下降,PKAmRNA表达显著下降(P<0.01)且呈量效关系。

    Compared with model group , scores of ambulation and rearing , sucrose consumption increased remarkably , contents of cAMP and expressions of PKA mRNA lowered remarkably in groups feed drugs ( P < 0.01 ), and the lowering levels were proportional to dosage of the Decoction .

  22. 运动检测算法将四场水平运动检测算法与BPP运动检测算法相结合,同时引入了形态学处理的方法,提高了运动检测的精度和算法的抗干扰能力;

    The new motion detection algorithm is accurate in detecting motion information and is efficient in eliminating noise by combining the 4-field based horizontal motion detection algorithm with BPP motion detection algorithm and by post-processing motion information with the mathematic morphological ways .

  23. 项目管理理论在高校高水平运动队管理中的运用

    Application of project management in university high level sports team administration

  24. 中国大陆现今地壳水平运动基本特征

    General characteristics of the recent horizontal crustal movement in Chinese mainland

  25. 论高校高水平运动队的训练与管理

    Discussion on the Training and Administration of the High-Level Sports Team

  26. 物体水平运动左右偏转分析

    Deflection of every body in level motion on earth 's surface

  27. 用遥感图像分析中国东北新生代地壳水平运动

    Remote Sensing Analysis on Cenozoic Horizontal Crust Movement in Northeast China

  28. 1999~2001年中国大陆地壳水平运动

    Horizontal crustal movement in Chinese mainland from 1999 to 2001

  29. 蜜蜂视叶和脑中的方向选择水平运动检测

    Directionally-selective horizontal movement detectors in the optic lobe and brain of honeybee

  30. 定水头注水引起的含水层水平运动和应变

    Horizontal aquifer movement and strain caused by water injection of fixed head