
  1. 运用XRD、TG-DTA、SEM等研究了高水材料的水化和硬化机理。

    Its hydrating and hardening mechanism is studied with XRD , TG DTA and SEM .

  2. 通过工艺的改进与添加保水材料,制备出的NH3传感器工作性能稳定,测试结果准确性、重现性好,灵敏度高.传感器响应信号与被测气体浓度呈现良好的线性关系。

    By the improvement of technics and addition of new materials , ammonia gas sensor exhibits good characteristics in stability , accuracy , recurrence sensitivity and linearity .

  3. 研制了以铂为活性成分,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)为憎水材料,活性炭、二氧化硅等作载体的憎水催化剂。

    The hydrophobic catalyst used in the hydrogen water isotope exchange is prepared with Pt as the active metal , PTFE as the hydrophobic material , active carbon or silicon dioxide as the support .

  4. A100H/玻璃纤维复合纳米净水材料的制备与研究

    The Preparation and Research of the AIOOH / fiberglass Composite Nano-water-purifying Material

  5. 油基水泥选择性堵水材料研究

    Study on Oil Based Cement Slurry as a Selective Water Shutoff Material

  6. 几种化学保水材料及其复合应用对玉米幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Several Chemic Materials or Agent on Growth of Maize Seeding

  7. 调剖堵水材料研究现状与发展趋势

    Recent study and development of material for profile control and water shutoff

  8. 商品砂浆增稠保水材料的研制及其应用性能

    Research and application of an adhesive and water-retaining admixture for commercial mortar

  9. 改性磷矿粉复合保水材料的制备与性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of Phosphorite Powder / Poly Superabsorbent Composite

  10. 介绍了吸水保水材料的特点和应用概况。

    The application and characteristics of superabsorbent compounds were introduced .

  11. 膨润土在高水材料凝固硬化中的作用

    Action of Bentonite on setting and hardening of material with high water content

  12. 有机高水材料注浆堵水机理研究

    Mechanism of Grouting for Water proof Using Organic Material with High Water Content

  13. 最后,考察了该保水材料的应用性能,将该保水材料混合在土壤中,通过种植彩叶研究其应用效果。

    Finally , the use properties of water - retaining agent were studied .

  14. 油基水泥是一种优良的选择性堵水材料。

    Oil base cement slurries ( OBCSs ) are an excellent water shutoff agent .

  15. 某新型介孔复合净水材料的再生工艺试验研究

    Study on the regeneration process of a new kind of mesoporous water purification material

  16. 一种纳米级阻聚堵水材料的试验研究

    Test of Nano-grade Polymerization Inhibition and Water-blocking Material

  17. 新型防挡水材料在隧洞渗漏处理中的应用

    Application of Waterproofing Material in Tunnel Leakage Treatment

  18. 二氧化钛-累托石净水材料的制备及其净水性能评价

    Preparation of TiO_2 - Rectorite Powder and Evaluation of Its Performance of Purifying Wastewater

  19. 粉体注浆堵水材料的应用研究

    Study on Using Fly Ash as Grouting Material

  20. 用回归正交试验设计优化注浆堵水材料配方

    The optimization of the prescription of block up water grouting material by orthographic regression

  21. 电缆堵水材料的开发研究

    Development of Water Barrier of Electric Cable

  22. 高水材料硬化体特性及其充填体力学作用机理分析

    Characteristics of High Water Content Hardening Body and Analysis on the Mechanical Mechanism of Fill Body

  23. 为洋芋淀粉的改性开发利用和制备高吸水性保水材料提供工艺依据。

    Potato starch and acrylate were used as materials to prepare super absorbent resin by grafting .

  24. 有机离子载入-复焙烧失法制备新型净水材料

    Study on Preparing a New Kind of Water Purifying Material by Organic Ion Exchange-Rebaking Ablation Process

  25. 高水材料巷旁充填沿空留巷技术研究与应用

    Research and application of high water content material for roadside packing to go with gob-side entry retaining technology

  26. 无机矿物粉体/有机聚合物复合高吸水保水材料是近年来高吸水保水材料开发中一个极具发展潜力的研究方向。

    Inorganic mineral powder-organic polymer compound water absorbing materials have a good development potential in water super absorbents .

  27. 目前,国内外常用的注浆堵水材料主要为水泥浆和化学浆。

    Recently , the common grouting materials against water at home and abroad are cement slurry and chemical pulp .

  28. 水泥作为最早的堵水材料在世界各油田被广泛应用。

    Cement , being as early water plugging material , is widely applied in many oilfields in the world .

  29. 分析表明,有机材料中的聚合物凝胶类仍是目前国内外应用最为广泛的一类化学调剖堵水材料。

    Among them , polymer gel type of organic materials is used the most frequently at home and abroad .

  30. 高水材料巷旁充填矿压观测与研究

    Field measurement and analysis of ground behavior of roadway retained by packing high water content material along goaf side