
shuǐ xiè
  • waterside pavilion
水榭 [shuǐ xiè]
  • [waterside pavilion] 靠水的供游憩的房屋楼阁

  • 东都立第于 集贤里,筑山穿池,竹木丛萃,有风亭水榭。--《旧唐书.裴度传》

水榭[shuǐ xiè]
  1. 英国伯克郡独立学校威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)去年斥资50万英镑,在一座配有中式水榭的塔式建筑中开设了一家汉语言中心。

    Wellington College , an independent school in Berkshire , last year opened a & # 163 ; 500,000 Mandarin language centre housed in a pagoda complete with Chinese water garden .

  2. 麦凯布说,该公司先是亏了一些钱,后来才找到一家合适的当地合作伙伴——莱蒙(TopSpring)。莱蒙是一家开发商,在中国各地开发了21个项目,包括深圳的水榭山(HiddenValley)别墅项目。

    It lost a " bob or three " he says , before finding a suitable local partner in Top Spring , a developer that has worked on 21 projects across China including Hidden Valley , a complex of villas in Shenzhen .

  3. 在西湖,游人们可以坐在岸边古色古香的水榭楼台中极目远眺,也可以走在造型各异的石桥上近看田田莲叶和出淤泥而不染的“花中君子”。

    By the West Lake , people can have a distant view from the antique waterside pavilions or enjoy the elegant lotus when walking on the stone bridges of different styles .