
shuǐ chǔ lǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • water treatment works
  1. 许多新建和改扩建的水处理工程,虽然投资组建了fcs、dcs、plc监控系统,但任然不能实现网络化监控的目的,造成了资源的浪费。

    Many new and expanded water treatment works , although the investment in the formation of fcs , the dcs , plc , monitoring system , but any contingent can not achieve the purpose of network monitoring , resulting in a waste of resources .

  2. 水处理工程CAD技术的研制和开发

    The Study and Development of CAD Technology in Water Treatment Engineering

  3. 水处理工程中PLC在过滤器上的应用

    Application of PLC on the Filter of Waste Water Treatment Project

  4. 羟基自由基反应是水处理工程高级氧化工艺(AOP)技术的化学基础。

    Hydroxyl radical reaction is the chemical base of the Advanced Oxidation Process ( AOP ) for water treatment .

  5. 根据水处理工程设计的特点,以AutoCAD2000和VB6.0等软件为开发工具,开发出适合水处理工程设计CAD软件,并对其操作过程进行简单使用说明。

    According to the characteristic of engineering design of water treatment , regard such software as AutoCAD 2000 and VB 6.0 , etc. as the developing instrument , develop CAD software , which can be used in water treatment engineering design , and introduce how to use it .

  6. 水处理工程的水池设计和施工配合问题

    The problems about pond design and construction coordination in water treatment project

  7. 水处理工程的池体构筑物耐久性施工技术分析

    Construction Technology Analysis on Durability of Pool Structure for Water Treatment Engineering

  8. 戏水乐园循环水处理工程设计中应注意的问题

    Problems on the Design of Circulating Water Treatment in Water Amusement Park

  9. 水处理工程自动设计系统的建立

    An establishment of automatic design on water treatment projects

  10. 此设备可以广泛应用到各个行业的水处理工程中。

    This equipment can widely be applied to water treatment projects of various professions .

  11. 二沉池是常规水处理工程中的重要组成部分。

    The second sedimentation tank is an important part in the waste water treatment .

  12. 用微型计算机和可编程序控制器组成二级控制系统在水处理工程中的应用

    Application of Two-Level Control System Constituted by Microcomputer and Programmable Controller in Water Process Engineering

  13. 水处理工程计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aid Design of Water Process Engineering

  14. 水处理工程模糊优选

    Fuzzy Optimization for Water Treatment Process Design

  15. 喷水织机水处理工程设计探讨

    Water Treatment for Water - jet Loom

  16. 水处理工程中的参数优化

    Parameters of Sewage Treatment Project Optimize

  17. 水处理工程;

    Water Treatment and Service ;

  18. 在江浙地区推荐喷水织机水处理工程中采用软化水。

    Softened water is recommended for jet weaving in East China ( Jiangsu and ZheJiang provinces ) .

  19. PVC/FRP复合管在南山铁矿酸水处理工程中的应用

    The Application of PVC / FRP Composite Pipe in Acid Water Treatment Project of Nanshan Iron Mine

  20. 文中的计算方法为水处理工程提供了布水器的设计依据和更为合理的结构尺寸。

    Design references and more reasonable structure dimensions about water distributors are provided for water treatment engineering .

  21. 深层过滤作为水处理工程中的基本方法在石油石化行业中有着广泛的应用。

    As a kind of the basic methods in water treatments , deep bed filtration has been widely applied in petroleum chemical industry .

  22. 通过一系列研究,在理论上可以丰富水处理工程毒理学的内容,在实践上可为小城镇污水的深度处理提供科学依据。

    The research could richen the contents of water processing engineering toxicology theoretically and could provide scientific foundation for deep wastewater treatment in small towns practically .

  23. 指出要在实际水处理工程中采用超声技术,必须尽快开展高效、大批量处理或流水式连续运行的声学反应器的基础研究与应用开发。

    Employing quantitative ultrasound techniques , this study has conducted a comparative study in Qinghua University of the effect of bone-invigorating exercise cooperating with Ca supplement .

  24. 环保:水处理工程及设备、水污染控制、大气污染控制、废物处理、清洁设备、固体废弃物污染控制、生态环境保护等。

    Environmental Protection : sewage disposal engineering and equipment , water pollution controlling , air pollution controlling , proposal of waste materials , ecological environment protection , etc.

  25. 深层过滤是水处理工程中的基本单元方法,在油田注水处理、石化厂废水治理方面有很重要的地位。

    The deep bed filtration is one of the basic methods for the heterogeneous separation in chemical engineering , which plays an important role in the petrochemical wastewater treatment .

  26. 十一五以来我国各大煤矿都建设了矿井水处理工程,矿井水处理回用率大大增加。

    Since Eleventh Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development , mine drainage water treatment projects of the major national coal mine has been set up to increase the water treatment ratio .

  27. 在水处理工程中,絮凝是最基本、最重要的环节之一,它直接影响着后续流程的运行工况、处理费用和最终出水水质。

    Flocculation is one of the most basic and important processes in water treatment engineering . It affects operating conditions of subsequent units , the cost of the treatment and the quality of outflow .

  28. 应用模糊数学优化理论,提出了水处理工程的优化方法.与传统的方法相比,更注重已有工程和设计经验的利用。

    Optimization of water treatment process design is derived by applying optimal theory of fuzzy sets . It emphasizes the use of data of existing projects and design experience as compared with traditional design method .

  29. 水处理工程产品拥有质量管理能力、营销网络、服务保障力、产品研发能力的优势,但也面临着成本控制劣势。

    The water processing facility product has these advantages such as quality management competence , marketing network competence , service assurance competence , R & D competence , and has these disadvantages such as cost control .

  30. 水力旋流池是冶金行业热轧水处理工程中的一个重要构筑物,其作用是分离热轧工艺冷却回水中的氧化铁皮,使分离后的氧化铁皮沉淀于底槽中。

    Rotational flow sedimentation tank , as a important method to purify waste water in metallurgy industry , is designed to separate ferric oxide particles from backward cooling water , and the particles are deposited at the bottom cut .