
shuǐ pào
  • water cannon
水炮 [shuǐ pào]
  • [water cannon] 装在卡车上以高压喷水的大喷管

  1. 警方发放催泪弹、胡椒喷雾和水炮。

    Police responded with tear gas , pepper spray and water cannon .

  2. 要是多花点钱还能配备火焰喷射器和水炮。

    A flamethrower or water cannon , however , will cost you extra .

  3. 警察用高压水炮喷射示威者。

    Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons .

  4. 成功研制了YSP型水炮劈石器。

    The YSP water blasting-based rock breaker was studied successful .

  5. 反向起爆水炮泥堵塞长度的研究

    The Research of Water Tamping Length of Blasting Hole in Anti-detonation

  6. 浅析水炮泥在爆破作业中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of the Water-stem in the Blasting Operation

  7. 新型水炮碎石器的研制与工业应用

    Development and Commercial Application of An Innovative Water Blasting-Based Rock Breaker

  8. 对于大型储罐,建议设置自摆的移动水炮;

    Moving water gun is suitable for large-scale storage tank .

  9. 脉冲水炮发射特性的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Firing Property of the Pulsed Water Cannon

  10. 新型水炮泥爆破降尘的试验研究

    Experimental study on reducing the dust of explosion by the new water stemming

  11. 高炉有水炮泥的研制

    Water on Mars Yes or No ? Developing hydrous taphole loam for blast furnace

  12. 脉冲防暴水炮发射管内的建模与二维仿真

    Model and 2-D Simulation Analysis of Launch Pipe of Police Pulsed Anti-riots Water Cannon

  13. 后来我看到他们使用水炮和催泪弹进行干预。

    Then I watched as they moved in with water cannon and tear gas .

  14. 他们再次使用催泪瓦斯和高压水炮驱赶上百名示威民众。

    They again used tear gas and water cannon to dislodge hundreds of people .

  15. 它是一种水路两栖载具,所以配备有绞盘和水炮。

    It 's an amphibious vehicle , which has a winch and a water cannon .

  16. 各式防暴水炮警用领域应用及研究现状

    Application of All Kinds of Anti-Riot Water Cannons in the Police and Their Research Status

  17. 高性能有水炮泥的开发与应用

    Development of high performance water-bearing taphole clay

  18. 水炮高压腔是开式厚壁圆筒,采用多层自增强圆筒能大大提高承载能力。

    The high pressure chamber of a water cannon is attributed to the thick-walled cylinder with open ends .

  19. 试验消防水枪及水炮的射高、射程及水量。

    Test the altitude of gun 、 firing range and water amount of fire fighting squirt and water cannon .

  20. 7艘日本战舰已等候在那里,其中一艘使用水炮对我船舰进行阻挠。

    Several Japanese warships were waiting for them in the area and one used water cannons against the vessel .

  21. 研究了水炮劈石器破岩机理,探明了影响破岩效果的主要因素。

    Studied the fragmentation mechanical to the water blasting-based , the main causes were investigated to affect the fragmentation effect .

  22. 对有水炮孔爆破存在的问题进行了分析,提出了改善有水炮孔爆破效果的措施。

    Problems in the water hole blasting were analyzed , and measures for improving water hole blasting effect were proposed .

  23. 本文对水炮在任意方向作业下,登高平台消防车臂架系统进行静力学分析,求解出臂架系统应力最大时水炮的作用方向。

    The statics analysis for the aerial platform fire truck boom system under an arbitrary direction of the fire monitor is conducted .

  24. 高炉使用这种高性能有水炮泥后,铁口合格率由以前的83%提高到100%。

    The percentage of standard taphole arose from 83 % to 100 % after the taphole clay was used to tapholes of blast furnace .

  25. 在德黑兰的目击者说,防暴警察使用了催泪瓦斯、棍棒和水炮,来驱散败选的总统候选人穆萨维的支持者。

    Witnesses in Tehran said riot police used tear gas , batons and water cannons to disperse supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi .

  26. 在伊斯坦布尔,警察准备向示威人群发射水炮,刚刚是一名女子对这一举动的反应,伊斯坦布尔是众多爆发游行和劳动罢工的城市之一。

    A woman reacts to police preparing to fire water cannons at demonstrators in Istanbul , one of many cities snared by rallies and labor strikes .

  27. 采取宵禁,水炮甚至橡胶子弹等更积极的方法的选择已经被拒绝。

    The option of adopting a more aggressive continental approach with the use of curfews , water cannon and even rubber bullets has for now been rejected .

  28. 同时,其余7名被扣人员在整修好被日方水炮毁坏的启丰2号后乘坐该舰船返航。

    Meanwhile , the trip back for the other seven detained Chinese began on Kai Fung No. 2 , after they fixed the damage caused by Japanese water cannons .

  29. 因此,工程师们使用消防车和高压水炮从地面冷却燃料棒。

    So , engineers are using fire trucks and police water cannons , like you see in this animation here , to try to attack the problem from the ground .

  30. 结合工程实例,分别介绍了高空喷淋,高空水炮,远控消防炮在该工程的运用情况,分析了这三种消防系统的优缺点。

    This paper introduces the high-altitude spray , the high-altitude water cannon and the remote-control fire-fighting cannon respectively in a project example and the merits and defects of the three fire-fighting systems are analyzed .