
  1. 高天厚土水长流&论中国传统文论的诗性空间

    Sky , Earth and Flowing Water & On the Poetic Space of Traditional Chinese Poetics

  2. 献给母亲河的舞蹈经典&《黄河水长流》礼赞

    Dance Dedicated to the River of Mother

  3. 高天厚土水长流,中国文论的诗性传统是全球化时代中西文论平等对话的本土性资源及文化本位。

    The high sky , the thick earth and the flowing water & such Chinese poetic tradition forms the native resource and cultural standard in its dialogue with the western poetics as an equal partner .

  4. 所有令人类激动发狂的社会内容都将作古,而水,长流常新未曾衰老。

    All of crazy excited social content will be faded but the water will flow continuously and never to grow old .

  5. 而保持婚姻、遵循婚姻、让婚姻如细水般长流是杨绛小说对中年知识分子婚姻生活困惑之后的要求。

    What Yangs novels require for the middle-aged intellectuals is to keep marriage peaceful and lasting , which forms Yangs view on marriage : traditional , peaceful , harmonious .

  6. 在油气开发利用中要改“有水快流”为“有水长流”,推进结构调整和技术改造,建立合理开发和有效利用相结合的节油型经济。

    It is necessary to promote structural adjustment and technological renovation and establish the energy-saving economy based on combination of reasonable development with effective utilization .