
shuǐ dòu bìnɡ dú
  • varicella virus;Chickenpox virus
  1. Oka株水痘病毒的生物学特性研究

    Studies on biological characteristics of Oka strain of Varicella virus

  2. MRC-5人二倍体细胞培养OKa株水痘病毒的研究

    Culture of OKa strain of varicella virus with MRC - 5 human diploid cells

  3. 血清中抗水痘病毒IgG抗体的检测方法

    Determination Methods for IgG against Varicella-Zoster Virus in Sera

  4. BHV-1、BHV-5属于疱疹病毒科、α疱疹病毒亚科、水痘病毒属。

    BHV-1 , BHV-5 belong to herpesvirus family , a subfamily of herpes virus , varicella-zoster virus genus .

  5. 目的研究甲肝病毒(HAV)和水痘病毒(VZV)混合感染人胚肺二倍体细胞(2BS)病毒增殖动态。

    Objective To study the propagation dynamics of hepatitis A ( HAV ) and varicella-zoster viruses ( VZV ) in the human embryo lung diploid cell ( 2BS ) after mixed infection with the 2 kinds of viruses .

  6. 减毒水痘病毒对乙型肝炎病毒复制的影响

    The effect of attenuated varicella - zoster virus on replication of HBV

  7. 目的:探讨儿童肾病合并水痘病毒感染的治疗。

    Objectives : To study the treatment of nephrotic syndrome with varicella in children .

  8. 水痘病毒可通过游离病毒颗粒的形式感染易感个体,其在体内及体外均可通过细胞间播散。

    While varicella is likely spread as cell-free virus to susceptible hosts , the virus is transmitted by cell-to-cell spread in the body and in vitro .

  9. 一般来说,水痘病毒导致出疹,瘙痒,发烧和疲劳,但是它也可以导致严重的皮肤感染,伤疤,肺炎和脑损伤。

    Generally , the virus causes a rash , itching , fever and fatigue , but it can also cause severe skin infections , scars , pneumonia and brain damage .

  10. 儿童慢性疾病护理机构内的继发性水痘疫苗病毒感染

    Secondary transmission of varicella vaccine virus in a chronic care facility for children

  11. 一个人可以谁也水痘传播病毒甚至在他或她有任何症状。

    A person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms .

  12. 8(0.97%)例水痘带状疱疹病毒特异性IgM和/或IgG阳性;

    8 ( 0.97 % ) were positive varicella-zoster virus specific IgM and / or IgG ;

  13. 背景:带状疱疹(herpeszoster,HZ)是由水痘-带状病毒(VZV)引起的急性、炎症性、病毒性皮肤病。

    Background : Herpes zoster ( HZ ) is an acute , inflammatory , viral skin disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus which mainly happens in spring and autumn .

  14. 结论:通过静脉滴注ACV及外用3%ACV软膏,可有效阻止水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV)内脏传播,阻止VZV感染到真皮层,可明显缩短病程,安全有效。

    The intravenous perfusion of ACV plus 3 % ACV ointment for external use can prevent the chicken pox virus from spreading to internal organs and infecting the corium thereby shortening the disease course .

  15. 儿童白血病合并暴发型水痘带状疱疹病毒感染临床分析

    Clinical analysis of leukemic children with fulminant varicella - zoster virus infection

  16. 水痘带状疱疹病毒感染的青少年儿童住院情况的前瞻性调查

    Prospective surveillance of hospitalisations associated with varicella-zoster virus infections in children and adolescents

  17. 水痘带状疱疹病毒的耐药机制

    Drug Resistance Mechanism of Varicella - zoster Virus

  18. 水痘:传染性病毒病,其特征为皮肤出现水泡。

    Chicken pox ( or varicella ) : Contagious viral disease producing itchy blisters .

  19. 一起水痘爆发的病毒分离鉴定及血清学分析

    Isolation Identification and Serological Analysis on Varicella-zoster Virus from an Outbreak in Shanghai in 2007

  20. 金银花黄芪溶液抑制水痘带状疱疹病毒作用的实验研究

    A study of inhibiting effect of Flos lonicerae-radix Astragali solution on varicella - zoster virus

  21. 目的探讨白血病患儿合并水痘带状疱疹病毒感染的临床特点及防治措施。

    Objective To explore clinical characteristics and treatment of leukemic children with varicella zoster virus infection .

  22. 水痘带状疱疹病毒蚀斑减少中和试验

    Plaque Neutralization Test of Varicella-Zoster Virus

  23. 〔目的〕建立水痘带状疱疹病毒中和抗体测定方法。

    Objective 〕 To establish neutralizing antibodies tset to Varicella - Zoster Virus ( VZV ) .

  24. 展望治疗水痘带状疱疹病毒的新药研究前景。

    And also a new research of anti-varicella-zoster virus drugs was reviewed , with looking into the future .

  25. 新生儿静脉注射带状疱疹免疫球蛋白后水痘带状疱疹病毒抗体浓度测定及其免疫球蛋白制剂的安全性

    Varicella zoster virus antibody titers after intravenous zoster immune globulin in neo-nates , and the safety of this preparation

  26. 耳带状疱疹是潜伏在头颈部的水痘带状疱疹病毒活化复发时产生带状疱疹最常见的情形。

    Herpes zoster oticus is the most common form of reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the head and neck area .

  27. 当感染有水痘后,病毒会长期潜伏在你的神经系统中,“睡”在神经根中。

    After you 've had chickenpox , the virus lives in your nervous system ," sleeping " in the nerve roots .

  28. 概述药物治疗水痘带状疱疹病毒感染的作用机制及该类病毒的耐药机制。

    The mechanism of treating varicella-zoster virus infections with different kinds of drugs , and the drug resistance mechanism were summarized in this article .

  29. 目前临床上主要用于单纯性疱疹Ⅰ、Ⅱ型病毒(HSV-Ⅰ、Ⅱ)及水痘带状疱疹病毒的感染治疗,被认为普遍采用的首选药。

    Acyclovir has been widely used clinically as the first picked medicine to restrain the herpes simplex virus Type-I , Type-II ( HSV-I , II ) and varicella-zoster virus infections .

  30. 随着各类抗疱疹病毒药物的上市及应用,水痘带状疱疹病毒的耐药性问题已经成为目前亟待解决的一大难题。

    With the various kinds of anti-herpes drugs coming into the market and clinical application , the drug resistance of varicella-zoster virus became a difficult problem which should be treated at the present time .