
  • 网络transducer;underwater sound transducer
  1. 利用VI改造水声换能器测试系统

    Rebuilding the Test System of Underwater Transducer with Virtual Instrument

  2. 利用ANSYS有限元软件模拟了小型宽带宽波束纵向水声换能器的电声特性。

    The electro - acoustic characteristics of the miniature broadband and wide - beam longitudinal transducer are simulated by the ANSYS software .

  3. 包括新型水声换能器材料、水中非线性声学、匹配场过滤、宽容性信号处理、水声通信、合成孔径成象技术、数据融合、声层析、水下GPS技术等。

    Which include new type of transducer materials , non-linear underwater acoustics , matched filter processing , robust signal processing , underwater communication , synthetic aperture imaging technique , data fusion , acoustic tomography , underwater GPS technique etc.

  4. 方法以亥姆霍兹(Helmholtz)积分为基础,由近场测量数据推算大尺寸水声换能器的远场特性。

    In accordance with the method based on Helmholtz integration , the far-field characteristics of underwater sound transducers with large dimension can be calculated from near-field data measured .

  5. 水声换能器近场校准方法的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Near-Field Calibration Method for Underwater Sound Transducers

  6. 第三讲让声纳系统耳目一新:新型水声换能器与换能器新技术

    Innovations for sonar : new technology and designs for underwater acoustic transducers

  7. 水声换能器动态吃水与传感器技术探讨

    Dynamic Draft of Sounding Transducer and Technical Discussion on Sensor

  8. 夹心型水声换能器的温度稳定性

    The thermal stability of acoustic transducers of sandwich model

  9. 多层有限高度圆柱型水声换能器的研究

    The study of the multi-layer finite cylindrical underwater transducer

  10. GB/T3223-1994声学水声换能器自由场校准方法

    Acoustics & Free-field calibration method of underwater sound transducers

  11. 水声换能器的随机噪声绝对校准

    Absolute Calibration of Acoustic Transducers with Pseudorandom Signals

  12. 水声换能器动态校准试验环境的设计

    Test Environment Design for Acoustic Transducer Dynamic Calibration

  13. 水声换能器及其研究和发展

    Acoustic Transducer and Its Research & Development

  14. 宽带宽波束纵向水声换能器研究

    A broadband and wide-beam longitudinal underwater transducer

  15. GB/T7965-1987声学水声换能器测量

    Acoustics & Measurement of underwater sound transducers

  16. 为了准确地对水声换能器进行动态校准,必须要具有声-振复合试验环境。

    To calibrate acoustic transducer well and truly , an acoustics and vibration multiple environments is necessary .

  17. 随机噪声框架下非伪频率响应的计算方法水声换能器的随机噪声绝对校准

    Computation of Plant Unfalsified Frequency Response with a Prescribed Probability Absolute Calibration of Acoustic Transducers with Pseudorandom Signals

  18. 分析了水声换能器静态吃水和动态吃水的差异,以及由这种差异带来的测量精度误差。

    It analyses the difference between static draft and dynamic draft of sounding transducer in water and the adjoint error .

  19. 任意阵形水声换能器阵辐射声场计算基于阵列探测方式的时域光声成像系统

    Sound field calculation of underwater acoustic projecting transducer array of arbitrary shape Time Domain Photoacoustic Tomography System Using Linear Transducer Array

  20. 本文重点介绍稀土超磁致伸缩材料在声学方面,特别是在水声换能器方面的应用。

    This paper mainly presents the applications of rare-earth giant magnetostric-tive materials on acoustics , especially on the underwater acoustical transducers .

  21. 水声换能器及其基阵的研制,在现代海洋军事发展中有着举足轻重的地位。

    The research of underwater transducer and transducer array is playing a decisive role in the development of modern marine military equipment .

  22. 纳米复合压电材料水声换能器研究水声换能器电声特性的一种分析方法

    Study of underwater acoustic transducer with 1-3 Nano - composite piezoelectric material An analytical method for electro-acoustic performances of underwater acoustic transducer

  23. 慢波导环形换能器是由慢波导和自由淹没式环形换能器组合而成的一种水声换能器。

    The free-flooded-ring transducer with slow waveguide is the underwater acoustic transducer which is composed of the free-flooded-ring vibrator and slow waveguide .

  24. 随着潜艇静音技术的进步及海洋勘测的进步,水声换能器向低频、大功率方向发展。

    Along with the progress of submarine mute technology and ocean survey , low frequency and high power underwater acoustic transducer is required .

  25. 本文给出一种有限元&亥姆霍茨积分方程结合法,计算有限长圆柱形水声换能器的电声特性。

    A finite element-Helmholtz integral hybrid method has been developed to calculate the electro-acoustic performances of a finite length cylindrical transducer immersed in water .

  26. 水声换能器是实现水中目标探测、跟踪、识别与定位等仪器中最基础、最重要的组成部分。

    Acoustic transducers are the most basic and the most important component of those underwater instruments for target-detecting , target-tracking , target-identifying , and target-locating .

  27. 随着声纳技术应用领域的不断扩大,军事对抗需求的日益提高,使水声换能器向低频、宽带、深水工作的方向发展。

    The development of underwater sound transducers covers low-frequency , broadband and deep-submergence with the applications of sonar technology and the demands of military affairs expanding rapidly .

  28. 随着军事的需求和现代声纳技术的发展,要求水声换能器朝着低频、宽带、大功率、小尺寸的方向发展。

    With the military requirements and progress of modern sonar technology , require the underwater acoustics transducers developing towards the way of low-frequency , broadband , high-power , small-size .

  29. 声波叠加法在基阵辐射场计算以及波束合成中的应用任意阵形水声换能器阵辐射声场计算

    Application of the wave superposition method in radiation calculation and beam synthesis of an underwater acoustic transducer array Sound field calculation of underwater acoustic projecting transducer array of arbitrary shape

  30. 本文通过设计纵向水声换能器辐射头的形状及利用其弯曲振动模,实现宽带宽波束辐射特性,采用后质量块的嵌套结构有效缩小了换能器的长度。

    A broadband and wide-beam longitudinal transducer is developed by designing the shape of vibration top and utilizing its flexure mode , and a nested structure of tail-mass is used to reduce the longitudinal size .