
shuǐ xì tú
  • drainage map
  1. 本文利用遥感资料,解译水系图,并在GIS支持下,计算区域应力场的主应力方向,所得结果与用常规地应力测量和震源机制解译的应力场主应力方向相一致。

    The paper interprets the drainage system figure by using remote sense data , and calculates the principal stress direction of the regional stress field with the help of GIS . The calculated principal stress direction is consistent with commonly measured and interpreted result by seismic method .

  2. 数学形态学流域分割算法在遥感影像水系图图像分割中的应用

    The Application of Watershed Algorithm based on Mathematics Morphology to Segment the Water System Images

  3. 水系密度图清晰地反映了当雄地区新构造隆起和沉降的特征。

    Water density map reflects uplift and subsidence features of new structure .

  4. 运城市防洪水系工程图的设计制作与实现

    The Design , Manufacture and Implementation of Flood Control Water System Engineering Map of Yuncheng City

  5. GIS技术具有信息量大,数据处理速度快的优点,做出的水系密度等值线图比较客观地反映了全新世以来平原覆盖层下地震构造及其活动的基本特征。

    Since GIS method had the advantage of large information and high calculation speed , the density isogram of water system made with this method reflects the seismostructure and its fe .

  6. 运用Fe-水系电极电位-pH图,寻找出陶瓷板微孔堵塞的原因及其处理方法。

    The blockage reason & process method of the ceramics plate in the ceramics filter is found employing the Fe-H2O electrode potential pH graph .