
  • 网络hydraulic gradient;Hydraulic Slope
  1. 非均质流速度分布与水力坡度的研究

    Study on velocity distribution and hydraulic gradient for settling slurry flow

  2. 沉降性浆体在水平管道内输送时的水力坡度

    Hydraulic gradient for settling slurry flow in horizontal pipe

  3. 二是临界水力坡度法(Ic法)。

    Another way is critical waterpower 's gradient ( Ic-ways ) .

  4. 即用渠道的正常水深与流段的平均水深之比的x次方之值来代替平均水力坡度。

    E. , the value of the ratio between channel 's normal water depth and flow stage 's average water depth to the power x will replace average hydraulic grade .

  5. 水力坡度较大的矿坑地下水渗流场的模拟一直是一个难点。

    The simulation of ground-water seepage field with higher hydraulic grade is difficult .

  6. 矿山充填料浆水力坡度计算

    Hydraulic gradient calculation of mine filling paste

  7. 倾斜管道水力坡度的研究

    Study on hydraulic gradient of inclined pipeline

  8. 尤其是各浓度下,倾斜管道中的水力坡度研究几近空白。

    Especially the study on the hydraulic gradient in the inclined pipes is nearly blank .

  9. 水力坡度在层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿区域预测中的意义

    Significance of hydraulic gradient to the regional prediction for sandstone type uranium deposits in interlayer oxidation zone

  10. 应用分段法时,需要计算每个流段的平均水力坡度,由于平均水力坡度的计算十分繁琐,计算工作量大。

    When we employ stage-method , it is necessary to calculate average hydraulic grade in every flow stage .

  11. 水平浆体管道堆积层厚度与水力坡度的关系

    The Thickness of the Deposited Layer in relation to the Hydraulic Gradient in a Horizontal Slurry Transportation Pipeline

  12. 最后指出了膏体充填料浆水力坡度计算的研究方向。

    At last , the direction for research on hydraulic gradient calculation of paste backfill slurry is pointed out .

  13. 分析了水力坡度与堤防渗漏破坏的有机联系,可以帮助研究人员对堤防渗漏破坏进行定量确定。

    The soil seepage stabilization researches are applied to analyse the internal relationships between hydraulic slope and the dikes .

  14. 本文采用一种简化法计算明渠水面曲线,不必计算平均水力坡度,可使计算工作量大为减少。

    Because it was fussy to calculate average hydraulic grade and workload is great , a simplified method was adopted in this article .

  15. 在前人的研究基础上,推导出了向下倾斜管道沉降性浆体的水力坡度计算公式。

    On the basis of forefathers ' research , we derive and publish hydraulic gradient of settling slurry in downward - inclined - pipeline .

  16. 超大面积基坑采用土井降水的成功实践及有关水力坡度曲线的探讨

    A Successful Practice of Lowering Groundwater by Using Indigenous Well in Foundation Pit with Super - Large Area and Relevant Discussion on Hydraulic Slope Curve

  17. 在建立的自压喷灌工程主干管和配水管道的造价计算经验公式基础上,通过理论分析和数学变换,推导得出了自压喷灌主干管经济水力坡度、经济管长和最低造价计算公式。

    Based on the empirical equations used for calculating the cost of main and distribution pipes of gravity sprinkler irrigation project , equations for calculating .

  18. 右岸坝肩内地下水水力坡度较大,且裂隙及岩溶裂隙通道较为发育。

    In the right dam abutment , the hydraulic gradient of groundwater is a little higher , and the fissures or the karst fissures are more developed .

  19. 通常由于岩溶区盖层中地下水位的急剧变化,水力坡度增大,产生潜蚀、真空吸蚀、掏空、形成土洞进而发展到地面变形塌陷。

    Due to the rapid change of water level , the hydraulic gradient increases , causing suffosion , vacuum suction and undercutting in overlying strata in karst regions .

  20. 膏体充填技术近年来在矿山得到了较多的应用,但是关于膏体充填料浆水力坡度的计算却成为越来越突出的问题。

    Paste backfilling technology has been widely used in mines recently . However , the hydraulic gradient calculation of paste backfill slurry is becoming a prominent problem increasingly .

  21. 本文简明扼要地阐述了工业企业场地雨水排放的方式,水沟、明渠的结构形势,设计水力坡度等均作了论述。

    This paper states the way draining the rain water in industry enterprise field , the structure of drain and trench , and discusses the design waterpower gradient .

  22. 以地下水动力学为基本原理,建立了以渗透破坏的临界水力坡度为条件的预防溃砂发生的临界条件和预计公式。

    On the basis of groundwater dynamics , with the condition of critical hydraulic of the seepage failure , deducted critical condition and the estimating formula of preventing inrush of sand .

  23. 为了掌握潮汐对场地地下水的影响,通过比较地下水和地表水平均水位标高计算地下水的平均水力坡度。

    In order to ascertain the effect of the tide to the groundwater of the site , the mean hydraulic gradient can be calculated by comparing mean ground and surface water elevations .

  24. 抽汲地下水降低了地下水位,使上覆土层浮托力减小,水力坡度和流速增大,潜蚀作用加强。

    Due to groundwater pumping the water level is lowered , the buoyancy in covering soil is decreased , the hydraulic gradient and flow velocity are increased , and the corrosion is enhanced .

  25. 理论分析与研究表明,管径的变化对充填料浆的水力坡度具有很大影响,因此采用变径管有助于深井充填实现满管流输送。

    The theoretical analysis and the research indicated that the change of caliber has tremendous influence to the hydraulic gradient of backfilling pulp . Therefore u-sing adjustable pipeline can help achieving full pipe flow transportation .

  26. 商务办公楼、厂房、住宅渗水、漏水质量通病影响着房屋建筑的使用功能,本文就重庆地区房屋施工中在结构局部处理,形成逆向水力坡度,增加其自防水问题上做了一些探讨。

    Leakage is a common failing in business office building , factory building and dwelling house and influences badly use function . This article discusses that converse waterpower grade increases self-waterproof capability by local disposal in building construction .

  27. 针对国内倾斜管道水力坡度的研究较少,在工程中,管道输送不可避免地要穿过地势起伏较大的地区的情况,研究了倾斜向下管路中的水力坡度损失。

    Considering the fact that research on inclined pipeline transportation is much less , while in actual project , pipeline transportation is inevitable to cross the areas with much rise and fall , we study the hydraulic gradient in the downward inclined pipeline .

  28. 通过对松软砂岩溃砂的机理和影响因素的研究,以渗透破坏的临界水力坡度为条件,研究得出以含水层水头高度为判据的溃砂发生的预测公式。

    It is through studying the mechanism and influential factors of inrush sand of loosening sandstone , the predicting formula of which with the water head height as the criterion is researched , with the condition of critical hydraulic of the seepage failure .

  29. 选取土壤、工程地质、地下水、地下水水力坡度、第四系厚度和植被6种因子进行了生态地质环境质量评价,将研究区分为良好区、较好区和较差区。

    Choosing 6 ratios , such as soil , geo-engineering , underground water , hydraulic gradient of underground water , depth and vegetation in Quaternary , eco-geological environment quality is evaluated . Studying areas can be divided into good area , preferably area and bad area .

  30. 认为回填土的内摩擦角、土与墙背摩擦角、填土重度、基底摩擦系数、水力坡度等均为服从正态分布的随机变量。

    It is concluded that the angle of internal friction of backfill soil , the angle of friction between the earth and the wall back , the specific weight of backfill , the basis friction coefficient , the hydraulic gradient etc. are all normal distribution random variables .