
shuǐ fèi qián shuǐ
  • scuba diving
  1. 岁时我开始迷上了带水肺潜水。

    I first got hooked on scuba diving when I was twelve . 12

  2. 提供携水肺潜水、自由潜水和Spearfishing设备。

    Beuchat-Provide scuba diving , free diving and spearfishing equipment .

  3. 这家公司提供带水肺潜水活动,不包括在基本度假费用以内。

    The company offers scuba-diving as an add-on to the basic holiday price .

  4. 施万克特是《北京人》(Beijinger)杂志的编辑,并且是水肺潜水训练中心SinoScuba的创始人。他生动的描写了发现这艘沉没的潜艇究竟发生过什么的过程。

    Mr. Schwankert , editor of Beijinger magazine and founder of the diving company SinoScuba , vividly describes the process of finding out what exactly happened to the sunken submarine .

  5. 在接受BuzzFeed网站采访时玛基表示,她的女友萨拉是一名狂热的水肺潜水爱好者、海洋生物学家,而她则从事电影行业,之前对潜水一无所知,因此她必须悄悄地考到潜水资格证才能完成这个独特的求婚。

    But while Sarah is an avid scuba diver and marine biologist , Markie , who works in film , told BuzzFeed that she didn 't know a thing about diving - so she had to get secretly certified to pull off the unique proposal .

  6. 其水上运动包括水肺潜水和浮潜课程可供选择。

    For water sports , scuba-diving and snorkeling courses are available .

  7. 我们必须穿上保温潜水服才能进行水肺潜水。

    We had to put on a wetsuit to go scuba diving .

  8. 12岁时我开始迷上了带水肺潜水。

    I first got hooked on scuba diving when I was twelve .

  9. 她在巴厘岛度蜜月时学会了带水肺潜水。

    While on honeymoon in Bali , she learned to scuba dive .

  10. 配带水肺潜水已经成为了一项受欢迎的运动。

    SCUBA diving has become a very popular sport .

  11. 水肺潜水,重量训练,跑步,哲学,宗教,政治。

    Scuba diving , weight training , running , philosophy , religion , politics .

  12. 我们还没试过水肺潜水,不过我们已经去浮潜过很多次了。

    We haven 't tried scuba diving yet , but we have gone snorkeling many times .

  13. 花费50英镑的学费,这些兴致勃勃的小人鱼们就能享受两小时的美人鱼式水肺潜水课程。

    For 50 , aspiring mermaids can indulge in two hours of ' Mermaid scuba diving ' .

  14. 花费50英镑的学费,这些兴致勃勃的小人鱼们就能享受两小时的“美人鱼式水肺潜水”课程。

    For £ 50 , aspiring mermaids can indulge in two hours of ' Mermaid scuba diving ' .

  15. 与此同时,海洋深处是世界上最佳浮潜和水肺潜水胜点之一。

    Meanwhile , beneath the ocean , is some of the best snorkelling and SCUBA diving in the world .

  16. 在这个数字海洋里,机器人才是真正的本地人:我们戴着水肺潜水,而它们就像鱼一样。

    In this digital ocean , robots are the real natives : we scuba dive , they are like fish .

  17. 他把这种体验比作他在首次尝试水肺潜水时体会到的“惊奇感”。

    He likened the experience to the " sense of wonder " he felt the first time he went scuba diving .

  18. 虽然我还未在水肺潜水时使用过它,但我在浮潜时已用它拍了若干高品质的照片。

    While I have not used it for scuba diving yet , I took some excellent images with it while snorkelling .

  19. 一位新加坡交响乐团的职业小提琴家,威廉在1994年取得他的水肺潜水证照后,从此他的假期就不再一层不变。

    A violinist by profession with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra , William earned his scuba diving certification in1994.His vacations have never been the same since .

  20. 岛上栖息着多达5000对壮观的候鸟军舰鸟,度假村提供观鸟、徒步旅行以及水肺潜水、钓鱼和帆船项目,还有一间餐厅,主打本地食材。

    The island is frequented by up to 5000 pairs of magnificent migratingfrigate birds , and the resort offers bird-watching and hiking as well as scuba diving , fishing and sailing and a restaurant that focuses on local ingredients .

  21. 洛杉矶一位姑娘等待女友答应她的求婚时不需要屏住呼吸,但这是因为她有水肺潜水装备给自己供氧。

    One Los Angeles woman didn 't have to hold her breath while she waited for her girlfriend to answer her marriage proposal - but that 's because she had her scuba diving equipment there to supply her with oxygen .

  22. 为了能和有八年潜水经验的萨拉一起潜水,玛基计划学习水肺潜水很久了,但一直没能抽出时间。

    Markie had been planning to learn to scuba dive for a while in order to join Sarah , who had been doing it for eight years , on a dive , but she just hadn 't gotten around to it yet .