
shuǐ tún
  • capybara
水豚[shuǐ tún]
  1. 野猪革和水豚革:软革中的极品

    Peccary and Capybara Leather : the Ultimate in Softness

  2. 在这里,一只婴儿水豚用鼻擦它的妈妈在巴西的沼泽地。

    Here , a baby capybara nuzzles its mother in a Brazilian swamp .

  3. 谢尔顿:水豚是啮齿类动物中为数最多的品种。

    Sheldon : The is the largest member of the rodent family .

  4. 巴诺看起来就像一只胆颤心惊的南美水豚正逃避着剽悍的亚马逊女战士。

    B & N looks likea frightened capybara running from a fierce Brazilian she-warrior .

  5. 而巴诺公司看起来则像只受惊吓的水豚,正飞奔的逃离这位勇猛的巴西女战士。

    B & N looks like a frightened capybara running from a fierce Brazilian she-warrior .

  6. 长到如此大的尺寸,是由于它们可以捕食野猪,鹿,鸟,龟,水豚,凯门鳄甚至美洲虎。

    They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs , deer , birds , turtles , capybara , caimans , and even jaguars .

  7. 水蟒的食物包括禽类、龟类、野猪、鹿类、美洲虎及水豚,是世界上最大的啮齿类动物。

    Anacondas feed on a diet of birds , turtles , wild pigs , deer , jaguars , and capybaras , the world 's largest rodent .

  8. 水豚的自然习性是多数时间在水里生活所以梅兰妮在花园里给它建了个大水池,让它有家的感觉。

    In their natural habitat , capybaras spend most of their time in the water - so Melanie installed a giant pool in her garden to make Gary feel at home .

  9. 谢尔顿:不了,你浪费了我们探讨的黄金时间,而那个时刻已经一去不复返了,尽情回味你们的失落吧,就像水豚回味自己的排泄物一样。

    Sheldon : No , you your time with me , and the moment has now passed . Feast on your disappointment , much as the feasts on its own waste .

  10. 但是最近,57岁的梅兰妮·泰普度斯和她54岁的丈夫理查德·洛夫曼却在位于德克萨斯州小镇布达的家里养了一只巨大的水豚,他们给它取名叫加里。

    But it 's a daily occurrence for Melanie Typaldos , 57 and her husband Richard Loveman , 54 , who share their home in Buda , Texas , with a giant capybara named Gary .