
  • 网络waterway goods transportation
  1. 本文主要针对水路货物运输下合同责任问题进行分析研究。

    This article mainly analyses the contract liability under waterway transport of goods .

  2. 水路货物运输运单制、提单制应用之探讨

    The Systems of the Way Bill and the Bill of Lading Used in Waterborne Freight Transport

  3. 校企合作开发基于水路货物运输工作过程的工学结合课程体系

    School-enterprise Cooperation in the Development of Waterborne Transport of Goods Based on the Working Process of Combining Work and Study Course System

  4. 对于承运人的判断本文主要依据相关法律中对于承运人的定义,即与托运人签订水路货物运输合同的人。

    The paper judges the carrier mainly according to the definition of carrier in relevant laws , namely , the one who signed a contract of carriage of goods by sea with the shipper .

  5. 包括六节内容,即海上货物运输合同概述、班轮运输合同、航次租船合同、水路货物运输合同、多式联运合同和包运合同。

    There are six section , they are the outline , the contract of liner shipping , voyage charter party , the contract of carriage of goods by water , COA , and the multimodal transport contract .

  6. 水路危险货物运输标准体系研究

    Research on Dangerous Goods Transportation Standard System in Waterway

  7. 铁路与水路作为货物运输的两大基本方式,具有运量大、运输成本低等优势。

    As the two basic ways of transport of goods , railway and waterway have advantages for large capacity and low transportation cost .