
  • 网络Survey;ship survey;Marine
  1. 海峡两岸通航船舶检验与发证之研讨

    To Deliberate the Survey and Certificate for Sailing Ship at Both Sides of Taiwan Channel

  2. 建立船舶检验管理信息系统,将极大地促进船舶检验管理工作的信息化,提高船检管理水平,从而提高海事管理水平。

    Ship Survey Management Information System ( SSMIS ) will enhance development , improve level of Ship Survey Management .

  3. 由于我国船舶检验法律制度尚不完善,因此在IMO国际新规的冲击下,必然会导致船舶的检验工作受到巨大影响。

    As the legal system of shipping inspection in our country is still imperfect , under the impact of new international rules of IMO , it is inevitable that ship inspection is heavily influenced .

  4. 轮机员和船舶检验师咨询协会会员

    Fellow of the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors

  5. 内河船舶检验中常见机械缺陷及原因分析

    Common Mechanical Defect and Reason Analysis of Inland River Ships Examination

  6. 荧光磁粉探伤法在船舶检验中的应用

    Application of Fluorescent Magnetic Powder Non-destructive Crack Detection in Ship Inspection

  7. 对我国渔业船舶检验制度的思考

    Discussion on inspecting system of Chinese fishing vessels

  8. 船舶检验机构执业道德准则

    Moral regulations for ship inspection bodies

  9. C/S和B/S紧密结合的混合模式构成船舶检验管理信息系统体系结构。

    Tight hybrid model of C / S and B / S form system structure of SSMIS .

  10. 在充分利用原船舶检验发证系统数据的基础上开发了本系统。

    The development of this system make best of the data basis of the old ship management system .

  11. 海事行政处罚的种类如下:警告;罚款;撤销船舶检验资格;

    The types of maritime administrative punishments are as follows : warning ; fine ; disqualification from vessel inspection ;

  12. 所签发的船舶检验证书或检验报告与船舶、设施的实际情况不符;

    The vessel inspection certificate or report issued being not in conformity with the actual conditions of the vessels or installations ;

  13. 地方渔业船舶检验机构依照本条例规定,负责有关的渔业船舶检验工作。

    The local agencies of fishing vessel inspection shall , pursuant to the provisions hereof , be responsible for the relevant fishing vessel inspection work .

  14. 交通部关于金富星18等三艘船舶检验问题情况的通报

    The circulated notice released by MOC on the survey issues involving the three ships , including M / V " JIN FU XING 18 "

  15. 我国在环境保护、危险品管理、污染防治、船舶检验等立法中也规定了船舶防污要求,但一般针对海洋和内河分别予以规范。

    China also provides the ships ' antipollution requirements in the areas of environmental protection , dangerous goods management , pollution control , ship inspection and so on .

  16. 本文从船检角度分析了内河船舶检验中常见机械缺陷及原因,提出了某些解决方法。

    This article examines the angle from the ship to analyze in the inland river ships examination the common mechanical defect and the reason , and proposes a point of small solution .

  17. 近一个世纪以来,船级社的发展尤为迅速,其专业技术力量逐步加强,船舶检验经验得到丰富,服务范围不断扩大,偿付能力也相应提高。

    For the recent century , with the rapid development of classification societies , they strengthen the technical powers , enrich the inspection experiences , widen the service scope and accordingly improve the financial solvency .

  18. 回顾改革开放以来广西船舶检验部门所取得的技术成果,及其对促进水运事业的发展和保障水上交通安全的积极作用。

    This paper reviews the achievement in Guangxi ships inspection departments since open-door and reforms policy and as well as the active role it plays to promoting the development of shipping and to ensure the traffic safety by water .

  19. 随后也对威望号的船舶检验和检查、船公司的管理等进行分析,从这些角度探讨加强船舶管理,防止类似海事事故的再次发生。

    Subsequently , it analyzes surveys and inspections of M.V. " PRESTIGE " and management of the shipping company , thus discusses improvements on ship management from these points for the purpose of preventing similar maritime accidents from happening once again .

  20. 本文从理论上分别介绍了基于C/S与B/S的管理信息系统开发模式的基本概念、特点及采用的技术,并分析了这两种结构同时运用在船舶检验管理信息系统中的可行性及其优点。

    This paper introduces the concepts , characteristics , and the developing technique influences on system developing of C / S and B / S , analyzes the feasibility and advantage of applying the two architectures in SSMIS from the practice view .

  21. 在本部分中首先提出了完善相关立法的方案,然后提出了对相关企业制度的完善,最后对我国船舶检验的重要组成部分&内河船舶检验法律制度的改革提出建议。

    In this part , it puts forward that improving relevant legislation firstly and perfecting the system of the related companies is also necessary . At last , some reform suggestions on inland water ship inspection legal system which is an important part of our ship inspection is supplied .

  22. 支持3D模型的船舶保养检验数据库系统关键技术研究

    Key Technology Research of 3D-model Supported Ship Maintenance and Inspection Database System

  23. 内河小型船舶建造检验规程

    Instructions for the Survey of Small Inland Waterways Ships under Construction

  24. 船舶法定检验管理质量体系研究与开发

    Researching and Developing of Management Quality of Ship 's Legal Survey

  25. 浅议船舶法定检验质量管理体系的建立与运行

    Establishment and operation of the quality management system for ship 's statutory survey

  26. 船舶机械检验制度的进展

    Development of inspection system for marine machinery

  27. 北美洲五大湖分类船舶定期检验业务问:贷款五级分类的意义何在?

    Periodical survey of ship classed for Great Lakes service Q : What 's the significance for classifying loans into five categories ?

  28. 在设计铝合金船舶时检验铝合金船舶的结构强度是否满足要求则是至关重要的环节。

    Inspecting the structure strength of the aluminum alloy ship whether to meet the requirements is a vital element in the design of aluminum alloy ship .

  29. 该文的主要内容已作为中国提案向“海协”(IMCO)提出,文中的分析对船舶设计、检验、航运部门及从事监造船的人员亦有一定的参考价值。

    The main content of this paper has been submitted to IMCO as suggestion of China . The analysis may also be useful as a reference for ship design , inspection , survey and shipping .

  30. 超越职权范围进行船舶、设施检验;

    Conducting the inspection of vessels and installations beyond the authorized power ;