
shuǐ liànɡ fēn pèi
  • water allocation
  1. 灌溉水量分配大系统分解协调模型

    A Large System Model of Optimum Water Allocation for Irrigation

  2. 塔里木河流域水量分配新方案及保障措施探讨

    Discussion on the New Water Allocation Schemes and Assurance Measures in Tarim River Basin

  3. 改进的TOPSIS模型及其在黄河置换水量分配中的应用

    Improved TOPSIS Model and Its Application to Allocation of Replaced Water from Yellow River

  4. 研究内容是在国内学者有关的理论研究成果基础上,采用模糊决策、层次分析(AHP)法对河流区域间水权初始分配进行探索性应用研究,并分析水量分配的合理性。

    This paper adopts Fuzzy Decision and Analytical Hierarchy Process to investigate the original water right of rivers based on the research results of domestic scholars , and analyzes the rationality of their results .

  5. 阐明了紊流携带模型的基本观点和相对携带量、分级粒度dr、溢流水量分配等主要参数的物理概念。

    The basic idea about turbulence carrying model and the physical concepts for the main parameters , such as relative carrying capacity , separation size d r , distribution of overflowing water , have been delineated .

  6. 在水量分配指标体系已定的基础上,针对层次分析法(AHP)存在的问题,提出依据工程模糊集决策单元系统理论对黄河置换水量的分配决策。

    Based on the index system of the water reallocation , in view of the deficiencies of analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ), unit systematic theory of the fuzzy sets decision making is proposed to reallocate the replaced water of the Yellow River .

  7. 美国得克萨斯州的水权制度和基于水权的水量分配模型

    Water rights system in Texas and water allocation model in America

  8. 政府指令性配水没有引入激励补偿机制等。论文结合黄河的实际从理论上提出了建立水权转让和水市场制度的水量分配办法。

    Government commanding distribution water does not introduce encourage and compensate mechanism .

  9. 长江下游干流枯季水量分配方案研究

    On water distribution plan in dry season of the lower Yangtze river

  10. 基于生态价值的生态用水量分配方法研究

    Distribution Method for Ecological Water Supply Based on Theory of Ecological Value

  11. 黄河水量分配的经济综合模式研究

    Study on economic synthetic model of water resources allocation in the Yellow River

  12. 火力发电厂低压省煤器系统的最佳水量分配

    Optimum water flow distribution for a low pressure economizer system in power stations

  13. 层次分析法在淮河干流水量分配中的应用

    Application of analytic hierarchy process in water quantity allocation of Huaihe River mainstream

  14. 珠江三角洲主要河道水量分配比变化初步分析

    Primary Analysis of Water Distribution Ratio Variation in Main Waterway in Pearl River Delta

  15. 由此导致了水量分配与水权分配也既有联系又有区别。

    Therefore , water quantity and water right distribution has both connections and differences .

  16. 水资源不足时种植业水量分配优化的研究

    The Research on Distribution for Water Used in Cultivation when Water Resources is Deficient

  17. 高层民用建筑消防用水量分配探讨

    On the distribution of the water consumption of fire system for high-rise civil building

  18. 抽水设备输入的有用功是决定水井出水量分配和产生能量转化,即引起水头下降的根本原因。

    Work input to water pumping equipments is the main reason for water head lowering .

  19. 从改变水量分配时间格局的角度,分析入湖水量季节调控的可行性并提出实施方案。

    A new method was put forward to control lake volume based on water inflow control .

  20. 长江干流河口地区枯水季水量分配研究

    Study on water allocation in dry season in estuarial areas along main stem of Yangtze River

  21. 江西省五河流域水量分配数学模型研究

    Research on the mathematical model of water quantity distribution of five rivers basin in Jiangxi province

  22. 江苏太湖平原地区灌溉水源丰富,排水通畅,但由于年际水量分配不均,干旱仍时有发生。

    The Taihu lake plain region of Jiangsu province abounds with irrigation water resource and unobstructed drainage .

  23. 动态规划在水量分配上的应用嫩江干流同盟至富拉尔基江段稳定封冻期水量分析

    Application of Dynamic Programming in Water Quantity Allocation Water Quantity Analysis during Stable Frozen Period in Nenjiang River

  24. 模糊集决策单元系统理论及其在黄河置换水量分配中应用

    Unit systematic theory of fuzzy sets decision-making and its application to reallocation of replaced water of the Yellow River

  25. 对韩江流域水量分配方案的研究思路与研究重点进行分析与探讨。

    The guideline and emphasis of the water quantity allocation scheme research for Hanjiang River Basin has been studied .

  26. 以江西省水量分配为契机,推进九江水资源科学管理

    Seize the opportunity of water quantity distribution of our province and improve the water resources management of Jiujiang city

  27. 根据多元回归分析法确定注水井对周围油井不同层的水量分配。

    Distribution of water from water injection wells to different zones of the oil wells is determined by multielement regression method .

  28. 松辽流域的大凌河流域、霍林河流域省(自治区)水量分配方案的制定,已进入协调阶段。

    The negotiation is undergoing for water allocation plans of the Daling River Basin and the Huolin River Basin in the Songliao River basin .

  29. 同时,行业之间用水量分配的不合理,抑制了地热水资源原有经济效益的发挥。

    At the same time , it inhibit the economic benefits of geothermal resources in original cost because unreasonable distribution of water between different trades .

  30. 浅议二类高层民用建筑自动喷水灭火系统设计高层民用建筑消防用水量分配探讨

    Discussions on Automatic Sprinkler System Design for Class ⅱ High-rise Civil Building On the distribution of the water consumption of fire system for high-rise civil building