
  • 网络level sensor;water level sensor;water-level sensor;water level detector
  1. 基于RBF网络的水位传感器故障诊断方法

    Fault diagnosis for boiler drum water level sensor based on RBF network

  2. 汽包水位传感器一种具有鲁棒性的故障诊断方法

    A Robust Method of Fault Diagnosis in The Boiler Water Level Sensor

  3. 基于PLC的水位传感器测试系统研究

    Research on a Test System of Water Position Sensor Based on PLC

  4. 自动量水仪表是传统量水方法与现代CMOS集成电路技术相结合的产物,由水位传感器和主机电路组成。

    Automatic water-measuring meter is the combinative production of traditional method and present CMOS integration circuit technology .

  5. 本文将基于RBF网络的信息融合技术应用于水位传感器的故障诊断,通过构建高精度RBF网络逼近器,提出了一种新的故障诊断结构和诊断方法。

    Through constructing the RBF network approximation facility , this paper proposes a novel fault diagnosis structure and method applying RBF network to the fault diagnosis of drum level sensor .

  6. 介绍了污水流量计的现状,分析了MFC感应式数字水位传感器,提出了一种新的污水计量方法。

    This paper introduces the present situation of sewage flowmeter , analyzes on MFC inductive digital water-level sensor , and advances a kind of new sewage metering method .

  7. 该系统利用感应式数字水位传感器及MFC-3型水位自动测报仪对水位数据进行实时采集、显示、处理、存储、打印。

    The water level data are real-time acquired , displayed , processed , stored , printed making use of " the Inductive Digital Water Level Sensor " and " MFC-3 Water Level Controller "( MFC-3 WLC ) .

  8. 水位传感器自动测试系统及误差分析

    Automatic Testing System for Water Level Sensors and the Error Analysis

  9. 智能声学水位传感器原理与应用

    Principle and Application of Intelligent Acoustic Sensor for Water Level Measurement

  10. 电容式水位传感器及其在地下水动态监测中的应用

    Capacitive water level transducer and its application to dynamically monitoring underground water

  11. 基于压差式水位传感器的冰层厚度自动监测系统

    An Automatic Measurement System of Ice Thicknes Based on Water Pressure Sensor

  12. 感应式数字水位传感器稳定性、可靠性的研究

    The Research of Stability and Reliability of Inductive Digital Water Level Sensors

  13. 光纤光栅水位传感器的理论模拟与实验研究

    Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Study on FBG Water Level Sensor

  14. 水位传感器旋压包封失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Spinning & Packing of Water-level Sensor

  15. 水位传感器专用频率计的设计

    Design for a frequency meter for water level sensor

  16. 矿用投入式水位传感器的新型红外控制模块设计

    Design of the new IR control module for the mine drop-type water-level sensor

  17. 智能水位传感器与变送器设计

    Design of smart water position sensor and transmitter

  18. 在对锅炉给水控制系统汽包水位传感器的故障仿真中证实了该方法的有效性。

    Simulation results demonstrate its effectiveness in the boiler water level sensor fault diagnosis system .

  19. 信息融合理论及其在水位传感器故障诊断中的应用研究

    The Theory of Information Fusion and Its Application Research on Drum Level Sensor Fault Diagnosis

  20. 通过采用分段式水位传感器,实现了水位测量和显示低成本设计;

    The low cost design of water-level measuring and display was put out by using subsection water-level sensor ;

  21. 仿真试验表明该方法能对水位传感器进行较有效的状态监测和故障诊断。

    Simulation results show that the fault diagnosis monitor can achieve state monitor and diagnosis of boiler level sensors in time .

  22. 在尼泊尔,由电缆连接的水位传感器把洪水开始的消息传递给位于上游的一个发射机。

    In Nepal , water-level sensors connected by cable relay information about the onset of a flood to a transmitter located upstream .

  23. 水位传感器是锅炉系统中一个非常重要的部件,但对其可靠性的检测存在很多不足。

    Drum level sensor is very important equipment in the system of boiler , but there are many deficiencies in its reliability examining .

  24. 首先提出了基于关联规则和神经网络汽包水位传感器、给水泵故障检测算法;

    Firstly , a fault detection algorithm of boiler water level sensor and feedwater pump is given based on the association rules and neural networks .

  25. 采集模块主要实现水位传感器的数据采集并在接收到控制指令后发送给控制系统模块。

    The sampling module is used to achieve the water level data through sensor . On receiving control commands the sampling module send the data to the control system module .

  26. 利用了温度传感器、水位传感器、单片机等以及电磁阀、水泵等执行部件,使整个系统呈现智能化控制。

    The use of a temperature sensor , level sensor , single-chip , as well as solenoid valves , pumps and other components to implement the entire system has intelligent control .

  27. 水位传感器组:负责测知水位的状态,并把此状态送入单片机,单片机经过判断、处理反过来控制水位,实现水位的闭环控制。

    Water sensor group , the responsibilities of which are testing the states of water and send the states to SCM , then the SCM control the water level after judging the states .

  28. 基于造波板前设置水位传感器与无反射情况的水位变化相对比,构成反馈的闭环控制思路,研究实现消除二次反射的方法。

    A method of eliminating the second reflecting is obtained by comparing the water level variations under the condition of installing a level sensing device before the wave generating board and of unreflecting .

  29. 在硬件上,着重进行了水位传感器的性能设计和采集电路的设计,遥测仪的性能设计和相关芯片的选择,报警仪的性能和电路设计。

    On the hardware , the design of water level sensor performance , the electric circuit of data acquisition , the telemeter performance design and the correlated chips choice are carried on emphatically .

  30. 若水位传感器出了故障,则诊断系统通过故障转换开关及时对水位控制系统进行重构以消除故障的影响。

    If a failure were diagnosed , through using a switch to achieve the reconfiguration for control system of drum level , the fault diagnosis system could eliminate the fault effects in time .