
  • 网络fagus longipetiolata;fagus;Fagus longipetiolata Seem;Fagus sylvatica
  1. 水青冈属(Fagus)植物是北温带落叶阔叶林的主要树种,该属共有11种。中国5种均为特有种。

    There are 11 species in Fagus , 5 of them are endemic to China . They are the major trees of deciduous broadleaved forest in Northern temperate region .

  2. 贵州亮叶水青冈林的结构和动态

    The structure and dynamics of Fagus lucida forests of Guizhou Province

  3. 水青冈一种其他木本植物,如鹅耳枥属和假山毛榉属毛木耳子实体中活性多糖APPⅡA的分离纯化与结构初探

    Any of several other woody plants , as in the genera Carpinus and Nothofagus . Isolation , purification and structural characterization of bioactive polysaccharide APP ⅱ A from Auricularia polytricha

  4. 中国水青冈种内种间遗传多样性的初步研究

    Studies on intra and inter species gene diversity of Chinese beeches

  5. 季风气候与东亚地区水青冈分布

    Monsoon climate and distribution of beech species in East Asia

  6. 广西水青冈林的分类研究

    The study of beech forest classification in Guangxi

  7. 以保护为前提,加强亮叶水青冈的科学利用和开发。

    Base on the protection , strengthen utilization and development of the vegetation of Fagus lucida .

  8. 贵州喀斯特台原亮叶水青冈林种&多度结构研究

    A preliminary study on the species-abundance structure of Fagus lucida forest in Karst platform area in Guizhou province

  9. 华中地区水青冈林植被研究

    VEGETATION STUDY OF BEECH FORESTS IN CENTRAL CHINA The Green Banana Forum on Urban Development of Qingpu District , Shanghai

  10. 主要是雌雄同株乔木和灌木;山毛榉树;栗子;橡树;板栗属;锥栗属;水青冈属;石栎属。

    Chiefly monoecious trees and shrubs : beeches ; chestnuts ; oaks ; genera Castanea ; Castanopsis ; Chrysolepis ; Fagus ; Lithocarpus ; Nothofagus ; Quercus .

  11. 本文的水青冈属的分子系统发育和泛生物地理学研究的结果是一致的,都说明水青冈属植物在物种形成和演化的过程中,受到大陆漂移等地质历史事件的影响。

    The results of the study of molecular phylogeny is consistent with the Panbiogeography result . This indicates that the process of formation and evolution of Fagus genus were affected by the continental drift and the geological history events .

  12. 研究采取典型取样的调查方法,从区系组成、物种多样性、群落优势度、种群结构、生态位以及种间关联性等几个方面深入开展亮叶水青冈落叶阔叶林的调查研究。

    Fagus lucida deciduous broad-leaved forest was investigated by adopting the typical sampling method . The results can be analyzed from tne following aspects : flora , species diversity , community dominance , population structure , niche and interspecific association .

  13. 结果表明:在总群落中,黄山松生态位最宽,在群落中地位高,分布范围广;亮叶水青冈生态位最窄,总群落物种生态位宽度比各群丛大。

    Among the overall communities , niche breadth of P. taiwanensis was the widest , which showed that it had high status and wide distribution in the community ; whereas the niche breadth of Fagus lucida which formed a community with P. taiwanensis was the narrowest .