
  • 网络Water dispersible granules;WDG
  1. 田间试验表明Gavel75%水分散粒剂对黄瓜霜霉病有良好的防效,每667m2用制剂量100g为宜,视病情发展情况,可连续喷施2~4次药,间隔期为7~10d。

    The result of field trials indicated that Gavel 75 % WG has good performance to control cucumber downy mildew , the suitable use rate is 100g / 667m2 , use times are 2 ~ 4 according to the disease situation and PHI is 7 ~ 10 days .

  2. 100g/kg苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂的研制

    Preparation of a 100 g / kg Difenoconazole Water Dispersible Granule

  3. 高浓度90%莠去津水分散粒剂的研制

    Preparation of a highly concentrated 90 % atrazine water dispersible granule

  4. 敌草胺水分散粒剂防除烟草田杂草试验总结

    Experiments of Herbicide of Napropamide WDG on Controlling Weed in Tobacco Field

  5. 30%丁硫·啶虫脒水分散粒剂的研制

    Research on the Preparation of 30 % Carbosulfan · Acetamiprid Water Dispersible Granules

  6. 68.75%易保水分散粒剂对保护地生菜灰霉病的防治

    Control Effects of 68.75 % Equation Contract WDG on Lettuce in Protected Field

  7. GAVEL75%水分散粒剂防治黄瓜霜霉病药效试验研究

    Effects of 75 % Zoxamide · Mancozeb WG for Control of Cucumber Downy Mildew

  8. Kumulus80%(克魔力)水分散粒剂防治黄瓜白粉病药效试验

    Effect of Kumulus ( 80 % water dispersible micro-granules ) against cucumber powdery mildew

  9. 新型助剂在水分散粒剂中的应用评价

    Applied Evaluation of Novel Adjutants in WG

  10. 40%氯虫酰胺·噻虫嗪水分散粒剂对全年水稻稻纵卷叶螟的防控技术

    Prevention and Control Technology for All-year Rice Leaf-roller with 40 % Chlorantraniliprole · Thiamethoxam WG

  11. 所制50%残杀威水分散粒剂的各项技术指标符合水分散粒剂指标要求。

    Various technical indicators of 50 % Propoxur water dispersible granules meet the technical requirements . 3 .

  12. 复合型表面活性剂对农药水分散粒剂静/动态表面张力变化规律研究

    A Study on Changing Laws of Static / Dynamic Surface Tension of the Pesticide Water Dispersible Granule in Compound Surfactants

  13. 对10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂在荔枝和土壤中的消解动态进行了研究分析。

    The dissipation dynamics of difenoconazole 10 % water dispersible granule in litchi and soil was studied and analyzed in this article .

  14. 相同浓度下,75%三环唑水分散粒剂对穗瘟的防效优于75%三环唑可湿性粉剂。

    With the same concentration , 75 % tricyclazole WG was in advance of 75 % tricyclazole wettable powder in the control of spike blast .

  15. 通过室内毒力测定和网室生物测定,筛选出6%三消丹(6%丙多·多)水分散粒剂用于防治水稻稻瘟病。

    Sanxiaodan ( 6 % bingduo · duo ) WG was selected to control rice blast through virulence determination in vitro and pot test in greenhouse .

  16. 本文简述了水分散粒剂在国内外的研究进展,对其助剂、配制方法、造粒方法的发展动态进行了初步讨论。

    This paper reviewed the study and progress of WG in foreign and domestic in brief , and discussed the adjuvant , method of preparation and manufacture of granules .

  17. 利用不同溶剂制备了外观均一、不同含量的唑草酮乳油,其在乳化剂组成及配比上一致;制备了20%唑草酮水分散粒剂,各项指标均符合要求。

    The EC products prepared with different solvents and different contents were transparent and same in composition and ratio of emulsifier . All indexes of20 % carfentrazone-ethyl WG can meet the requirements . 2 .

  18. 本实验防效总体不是很好都在70%以下。其中10%世高水分散粒剂2000倍液防效与40%福星4000倍液相对较好。

    In this study , the overall control effect is not very good , mainly below 70 % , in which the control effect of 10 % Difenoconazole 2000 times and 40 % Fuxing 4000 times is relatively better .

  19. 阐述了农药剂型加工在农药工业中的重要性,就微乳剂和水乳剂、悬浮剂、水溶剂、悬乳剂、水分散粒剂、缓释剂、混合制剂和省力化剂型的进展,作一简要评述。

    This article expounded the importance of pesticide formulation producing in pesticide industry , and reviewed the research and development situation of micro-emulsion , emulsion , suspension , concentrate , soluble concentrate , suspen-emulsion , water dispersive granule , slow-release , mixture and labour-saving formulations .