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  • 网络yongfeng county;Yongfeng Grafschaft;Xian de Yongfeng
  1. 对永丰县药用植物调查研究表明,永丰县共有药用植物1025种,隶属于201科639属,占永丰县高等植物种数的72.3%;

    The investigation and studies of the medicinal plants in Yongfeng county indicates that there are 201 families , 639 genera and 1025 species , account for 72.3 % of the total species of medicinal plants in Yongfeng .

  2. 永丰县位于江西省中南部,属吉安市,是客家话和赣语的交接地带。

    Yongfeng in central and southern Jiangxi Province , belongs to Ji ' an , a Hakka , and Gan transition zone .

  3. 赣南的希望更大,吉安、永丰、兴国等县的红军第二第四团有日益发展之势;

    In southern Kiangsi the prospects are still brighter , as the2nd and4th Regiments of the Red Army are steadily growing in strength in the counties of Kian , Yungfeng and Hsingkuo ;