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wǎn yuē
  • graceful and restrained;restrained;graceful
婉约 [wǎn yuē]
  • (1) [restrained]∶委婉含蓄

  • 故婉约其辞,以从逸王志

  • (2) [graceful]∶柔美

  • 一行一断,婉约流利。--《书法要录.梁庾元威论书》

婉约[wǎn yuē]
  1. 烛光灯影里的婉约词&论宋代婉约词中的烛意象

    On the Candle Images of the Graceful and Restrained Ci in Song Dynasty

  2. 小儿子歌声温柔婉约,她一下就知道是孜力巴亚。

    And the singing of her youngest son is soft , graceful and restrained .

  3. 风格多样,兼具豪放和婉约之美;

    Its style is varied , concurrently has bold and unconstrained beauty ;

  4. 上海戏剧学院的美女多是南派气质,婉约可人。

    Shanghai Theater Academy is full of southern graceful and pleasant girls .

  5. 气势恢宏风姿婉约&上海体育场室内设计

    Magnificent vigour and graceful bearing interior design of Shanghai Stadium

  6. 吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。

    Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies , wet sky graceful .

  7. 婉约词意象的多样性与意境特点分析

    The Multiplicity and Conformity of Composed Word 's Images

  8. 婉约灵动的长沙窑釉下彩绘瓷画艺术

    Under-Glazed Painted Porcelain Art of the Changsha Kiln

  9. 婉约词风掩不住的繁复个性&从李清照诗文看其性格特征

    Poems with Subtle Style Complex Personality On Li Qingzhao 's Temperament from Her Verse

  10. 把婉约词介绍给世界是译者的一项重要任务。

    Introducing Elegant Ci to the world is an important task for the translators .

  11. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school , Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems .

  12. 疏淡素雅细腻婉约&曼斯菲尔德的小说艺术

    Sparse , Simple but Elegant , Exquisite The Art of Katherine Mansfield 's Short Stories

  13. 论李商隐诗歌与唐宋婉约词的关系

    Relation between Li Shangyin 's Poems and the Elegant Ci in Tong and Song Dynasty

  14. 试论婉约词的评价问题

    On the Evaluation of Euphemistic Poetry

  15. 宋词豪放派、婉约派之否定论

    The Denial Theory about Song Ci Poems " Bold Faction " and " Grace Faction "

  16. 温氏恋情诗是婉约词产生的基础和桥梁,又是词向前发展、不断完善的动力和催化剂。

    Weng 's love poetry is the basis and bridge of gentle words , pushing poems forward .

  17. 书写商务信函应做到措辞婉约,注重礼节,表达清晰,简明扼要,尤其注意措词的婉转礼貌。

    When writing business letters , euphemism , clearness , conciseness especially courtesy should be paid attention to .

  18. 要看到婉约词的英语翻译已取得了一定成绩,但也有不足之处。

    The English translation of Elegant Ci has achieved some successes ; however , it also has defects .

  19. 不过,其笔下的女性美丽婉约,少女时代可亲可爱,令人痴迷;

    However , in his description , females are graceful and beauty , amiable lovely in girls age ;

  20. 中国传统文化的空灵、婉约与浪漫情愫的结晶&析徐振民的音乐作品

    The Integration of Grace and Romance in Traditional Chinese Culture & Analysis on the Musical Works of XU Zhen-min

  21. “帘”意象在唐宋婉约词中应用范围极其广泛。

    The word " curtain " is widely used in graceful and restrained poems in Tang and Song Dyna-sty .

  22. 这不仅直接导致了唐宋词的崇尚婉约,而且士人对女性的同情、尊重心态也深刻地影响到了婉约词的雅化进程。

    Meanwhile , the scholar 's sympathy and respect for female exerted profound influence in the refinement course of Ci .

  23. 最后,士人柔弱的文化心理倾向直接导致了文人词的崇尚婉约。

    Then the scholars ' weak tendancy of cultural mentality resulted in the subtle and concise of Ci 's style .

  24. 不知不觉有悠扬的琴声袭耳,婉约动听,顿感心境逸然。

    There are unwittingly melodious sound of the passage of the ears , Subtle sounds , Ran Yi state of mind .

  25. 他的语言狂乱驳杂又大气磅礴,婉约清丽又深情款款,既保留了民间话语粗野淳朴的原始风貌,又满足了艺术语言的审美需求。

    It not only keeps the original features of folk language , but also meets the aesthetic demand of artistic language .

  26. 婉约的悲伤连同华美的词章交织成一幅绚丽多彩的图画。

    Graceful and restrained grief , together with China and the United States chapter of words woven into a colorful picture .

  27. 之意,紫色的神秘与高贵,准确显现女性婉约、华美的人格气质。

    The meaning of the mysterious , purple with nobility , accurate , and the beauty of female gracefuls appeared personality temperament .

  28. 潘向黎是当代一位颇具个性的女作家,她的创作唯美婉约,在当代文坛中独树一帜。

    Pan Xiang-li is a quite personality of contemporary women writers , unique in the contemporary literary scene for her graceful aesthetic creation .

  29. 宋明时期的唐宋词分派,主要是“婉约”与“豪放”两分。

    In Song and Ming dynasties , Ci fell into two schools , the subtle and restrained , and the bold and unrestrained .

  30. 从风格特征上看,既可以分为豪放型与婉约型,又可以分为繁丰型与简洁型;

    In light of style , it can be divided into the unconstrained and the gentle , or the complicated and the concise ;