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  1. 这是中国景德蓝的钟。

    This is a Chinese Cloisonne bell .

  2. 而北宋景德以后,峡区中心转移到“瀼西”,则标志着白帝城的最终衰落及地区政治、军事功能的大幅度降低。

    When Rangxi substituted Baidicheng as the center of the Three Gorges area , the latter 's military and political role impaired greatly .

  3. 这一部分对《景德传灯录》进行简介,介绍其版本、价值及语言学方面的研究概况。

    This part of a " Jing De Chuan Deng Lu " briefly , introduces the research situation of the version , value and linguistic .

  4. 另外说明本文的选题意义、研究内容和方法。二、《景德传灯录》代词的类别及频次统计。

    In addition to illustrate the significance of this topic , the research contents and methods . Two ," Jing De Chuan Deng Lu " pronoun category and frequency .

  5. 本文纠正了《景德传灯录》的错误,对两代资福的关系以及他们的机缘语句和思想进行了探讨。

    This article corrects the mistake of Jingde Record of Lineage in transmitting the Dharma-lamp , discusses the relation of the first Zi Fu and the second Zi Fu , and explains their words and thoughts .

  6. 此外,广丰白耳黄鸡和景德黄鸡也表现出较密切的亲缘关系,这与景德黄鸡在培育过程中曾掺有白耳黄鸡血缘的选育历史相吻合。

    In addition , Guangfeng baier huang and Jingde huang shown intimately relationship , it was consistent with the cultivation history of Jingde huang chicken breed , in which Guangfeng baier huang was introduced as one of parental breed .

  7. 本文对宋景德镇青白瓷器物盛行现象的探究主要沿着以下三个部分展开:第一部分,介绍宋代景德镇窑逐渐成熟装烧工艺对于青白瓷盛行的影响。

    Broadly speaking , this paper study greenish white porcelain objects to explore the prevalence of the phenomenon along the following three main parts : Part ⅰ on the maturation of the Song Dynasty Jingdezhen kiln firing process equipment for the impact of the prevalence of green white .