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  1. 第一部分介绍蔡襄的生平与交游。

    The first part mainly introduces Cai Xiang ` s life experiences and excursion .

  2. 蔡襄《荔枝谱》研究

    Studies on Cai Xiang 's Litchi Chart

  3. 蔡襄及其科学贡献

    Cai Xiang and his contribution to science

  4. 蔡襄与洛阳桥

    Cai Xiang and the Luoyang Bridge

  5. 蔡襄与蔡京是中国书法史上两个具有比较典型反照意义的人物,两人都有很高的书法造诣。

    As two people of typically comparative significance in the history of calligraphy , Cai Xiang and Cai Jing both made excellent calligraphy accomplishments .

  6. 这一伟大的桥梁工程是在北宋著名学者和官员蔡襄的主持下完成的。

    The construction of this gigantic bridge was completed under the direction of the noted scholar and official Cai Xiang of the Northern Song Dynasty .

  7. 蔡襄年老时已不能饮茶,但他每天必烹茶以自娱,即其一例。

    as in the case of Ts'ai Hsiang , who in his old age was not able to drink , but kept on enjoying the preparation of tea as a daily habit .

  8. 纵观《蔡襄全集》,本人认为可以将蔡襄诗歌分为五类,分别是酬酢赠答诗、政治现实诗、感怀写志诗、怀古咏史诗、题咏诗。

    Taking a panoramic view of " The Complete Works of Cai Xiang ," I think that his poetry can be divided into five categories , including the toast exchanging poetry , the political reality poetry and pondering poetry , Old Wing epic , Wing-sie poetry .