
wǎn qū
  • sentiments;subtle (or innermost) feelings
  • roundabout;indirect
婉曲 [wǎn qū]
  • [tactful] 委婉;婉转

  • 我婉曲地请求他再帮一次忙

  1. 婉曲、模糊、暗示、双关和假物等是含蓄的主要策略。

    " Roundabout , fuzzy , suggestion , double meaning , false " are the main language strategies of connotation .

  2. 巧用双关、婉曲,能增强议论文语言的含蓄美;

    The use of puns and euphemism can increase the beauty of connotation ;

  3. 含蓄深沉的内涵与婉曲隐晦的表现形式相结合是李商隐诗歌最基本的特征。

    The combination of profound implication and obscur presentation is the basic feature of Li Shangyin 's poetry .

  4. 婉曲因为没有固定的独特的语言结构形式,其作用也不是为了加强语言效果,因此不是一种辞格。

    Euphemism dose not possess a unique language structure , and is not functioned for strengthening language performance .

  5. 戴望舒之感伤凄清、朦胧婉曲的爱情诗,与李商隐开创的玉溪诗风,特别是他的爱情诗风格非常接近,十分类似。

    Most of Dai love poems have sad , dreary and graceful style which was much alike the style of Li love poems .

  6. 唐绝句的审美价值主要体现在三个方面:一是以少总多的包孕美;二是婉曲回环,腾挪翻转的结构美;

    The aesthetic value of the syllabic Quatrains of Tang Dynasty reflects in three aspects : beauty in embodiment , beauty in structure and beauty in ideal state .