
yónɡ jiǔ jì yì
  • permanent memory
  1. 具有永久记忆功能的生态型织物整理剂的研制

    A research on the environment-friendly textile finishing agent with permanent memory

  2. 词汇知识在永久记忆中的组织被称为心理词汇。

    The organization of word knowledge in permanent memory is called the mental lexicon .

  3. 非永久记忆,短期记忆有两种记忆:短时记忆和长时记忆。

    Impermanent memory There are two kinds of memory : short-term and long-term .

  4. 我将保留在印度度过对光的永久记忆。

    I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in india .

  5. 三种心理结构&感觉记忆、工作记忆和永久记忆在口译活动中分别是记忆运作的前提、关键和基础。

    In interpreting , three mental structures-sensory memory , working memory and permanent memory represent respectively the precondition , crux and foundation in terms of memorial operations during the process .

  6. 伦敦大学学院的克里斯-布鲁因证实了患有抑郁症或创伤后压迫紊乱症的人尤其倾向于具有这种永久记忆。

    Chris Brewin at University College London has confirmed that people suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) are especially prone to this sort of persistent memory .

  7. 海马位置细胞接收各种来源的空间信息后,可对这些信息进行加工处理,在海马内形成认知地图或加强联合皮层内细胞集群的突触联系以形成对空间位置的永久记忆。

    Hippocampal place cells can process the environmental inputs and make up a cognitive map in the hippocampus , or strengthen the synaptic connections within an association cortical cell assembly , thus creating a permanent engram for a spatial site .

  8. 在头脑中留下永久的记忆;

    Leave permanent memory traces on the mind ;

  9. 你的思想,虽然有着永久的记忆,其回忆的表现却很差。

    Your mind , while blessed with permanent memory , is cursed with lousy recall .

  10. 我希望婚礼和整个周末将带来永久的记忆,如同一部史诗电影。

    My hope is that the event and the whole weekend will bring lasting memories , like an epic move .

  11. 如今,被困在世贸中心双子座上的男男女女发出的这些声音成了永久的记忆。

    Now they are the remembered voices of the men and women who were trapped on the high floors of the twin towers .

  12. 互联网是我买东西、发邮件和看新闻的地方,我自然不会选择在这上面寄托哀思或保永久存记忆。

    It is where I do my shopping , send emails or read the news – not where I would naturally choose to mourn or store memories for ever .

  13. 结论对上尿路严重狭窄或闭锁者,采用腔内泌尿外科技术放置永久性记忆金属网状支架,为一种可替代开放手术的方法。

    Conclusions Endoscopic placing of a per manent netlike shape-memory alloy stent might be a treatment of choice for the managment of upper urinary tract atresia instead of open surgery .

  14. 修昔底德精心编排这两篇瘟疫叙事前后的演说辞为的是展现伯里克利如何在不同的形势下引导雅典人爱上自己的城邦,并为了追求建立伟大的功业和留下永久的记忆而承受各种苦难。

    Thucydides deliberately inserts the Great Plague in the middle of the two speeches in order to display how Pericles , under different situations , persuaded the Athenians to love their city-state and to undergo various sufferings for the purpose of marvelous achievements as well as everlasting memory .

  15. 由于这种蛋白非常不稳定,因此可以利用药物和行为治疗轻松除去它们,永久性清除创伤性记忆。

    Because the proteins are unstable , they can be easily removed with drugs or behavior therapy , ensuring the memory is eliminated forever .

  16. 而是因为这些照片不仅是一段失败恋情的纪念,同时也是你人生某些时刻的缩影和记录,它们是永久的不可磨灭的记忆。

    But these pictures aren 't just small monuments to a failed romance , they 're high-resolution instants from your life , recorded forever , unfading .