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  • 网络Graves ancestors clearance;Yongling Mausoleum
  1. 桓仁至永陵高速公路泥炭质土工程地质评价

    Estimation of Peat Engineering Geology of Huanren-Yongling Freeway

  2. 辽东丘陵区高速公路建设对景观格局的影响&以辽宁桓仁至永陵高速公路为例

    Impact of highway construction in hilly area on the landscape pattern in east Liaoning Province & a case from Huanren-Yongling expressway

  3. 在该模式当中,建立永陵的核心旅游区地位,设计西部小环线、东部小环线、西部大环线、中部大环线、全市大环线等旅游线路。

    In this mode , author sets up Yong Ling as the core of the tourist areas , and designs travel routes of a small western cycle link , a small eastern cycle link , a large western cycle link , a large cycle link around the city .