
  1. 具有无所畏惧的批判精神,求实、求是精神,创新精神,反潮流精神;

    Have criticism spirit of having nothing to fear , realistic , seeking truth spirit , initiative spirit , it is spiritual to go against the tide ;

  2. 重视求是精神和品格,提倡自发而非模仿的、自然而非装饰的、有中国特色风格和气派而非泊来的普通学校教育研究,是改造与发展实践中的教育研究的求是策略。

    So we should attach importance to the spirit and character of being realistic , advocate spontaneous but not mimic , natural but not decorative educational research of Chinese feature in general school , because it is the strategy of being realistic in modifying and developing educational research in practice .