
  1. 现代汉语二十年新词语管窥

    The New Words in Modern Chinese Language in the Past Twenty Years

  2. 我学习汉语三年了。

    I 've studied it for3 years .

  3. 新疆大学预科汉语于1998年正式实行了HSK考试,并以此作为衡量民族学生汉语水平的标准。HSK给我们预科汉语教学带来了很大的影响。

    HSK has been implement formally in Xinjiang university on 1998.As a standard of Chinese , HSK bring heavy influence on Chinese language teaching and learning .

  4. 来中国之前他学习汉语已经三年了。

    Before he came to China he had learned Chinese for three years .

  5. 索斯多,28岁,在大学里面学习汉语已经四年了。

    Saucedo , 28 , studied Chinese for four years in a university program .

  6. 关于作者:亚力山德拉哈尼会说汉语,10年来她一直就亚洲题材撰写文章。

    About the expert : Mandarin-speaker Alexandra Harney has been writing about Asia for a decade .

  7. 对外汉语教学五十年&世纪之交的回眸与思考

    Five Decades of Chinese Teaching as a Foreign Language & Review and Thoughts at the Transit of Century

  8. 我学会汉语语言许多年。我想要得到更好和实践讲和写中文。

    I have been learning Chinese language for many years . I want to get better and practice speaking and writing Chinese .

  9. 汉字、汉语已有几千年历史,自从有了汉字便有了汉字的学习,识字教学便自然而然成为中国语文教育的起点。

    Chinese language and Chinese characters have a long history of thousand years . As long as the characters came into being , learning characters has been the start of Chinese language education .

  10. 这所意大利学校开设汉语课程已有五年,910名学生中有145名选择学习汉语。

    The Chinese course has been taught at this Italian school for 5 years , and 145 of its 910 students have chosen to study Chinese .

  11. CarlyIrvine已经进入学习汉语的第四年。

    Carly Irvine is in her fourth year of learning Mandarin .

  12. 这是这些16、17岁的学生学习汉语的第四年。尽管他们的词汇量仍旧有限,但用汉语自我介绍已经非常自然了。

    The 16 and 17-year-olds are in their fourth year of learning Mandarin Chinese .

  13. 我学汉语学了一年多了,但是我还说和写不太好。

    I have been studying Chinese for one year , but my Chinese is not good enough .

  14. 现代汉语文学近百年的现代性运动所累积的大量问题,归根到底是价值问题。

    Most problems accumulated through the almost one hundred years of modernistic movement of Chinese literature are basically the problem of value .

  15. 并借用一些研究者把《现代汉语词典》1983年版与1996年修订版进行对比分析的结果,将两者集中在一起,进行相互比较。

    And we also borrow some researchers the results got from comparison the Modern Chinese Dictionary 1983 edition and the 1996 revised edition .

  16. 我国的对外汉语教学近二十年得到了很大的发展,但是对外汉语教学中的语篇教学一直以来都是教学中的一个薄弱坏节。

    TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second Language ) in China has been making great progress for the twenty years , yet textual teaching in TCSL has always been the weaker part .

  17. 本文从《新华新词语词典》和《现代汉语词典》2002年增补本的附录新词新义中收集旧词新义。

    We collect " old word with new meaning " from " Xinhua New Word Dictionary " and the appendix containing neology and new meaning of the supplement edition in the year of 2002 of " Modern Chinese Dictionary " .

  18. 用汉语教学的学生入学时没达到规定汉语水平要求者可以安排汉语补习一年,提供奖学金。

    If the students'Chinese cannot reach the standard when being enrolled , a one-year remediation of Chinese course will be offered and the scholarship will be provided afterwards .